Title: G207 PNW Geology
1G207 PNW Geology
- 12/5/07
- Guest Lecturer
- Eriks Puris
2(No Transcript)
- Glacial Floods
- PNW Earthquakes
4Sculpting the Columbia Basin
6Region Covered by Basalt Flows
7Deposits after the Basalt
8Palouse Silt Wind-blown dunes cover basalt.
9Palouse Silts in the Columbia Basin - once more
10Glacial TillUnsorted deposits left by melting
ice sheetGlacial Maximum Advance,15,000 years ago
11J Harlan Bretz 1882 - 1981
Parfit, M., 1995, Smithsonian, v. 26, n. 1, p.
12Bretz Takes to the Field
- 1913 1922
- Described, documented, mapped the distinctive
erosional features of Eastern Washington
landscape. - Everywhere he found evidence that enormous
quantities of water had sculpted the landscape in
very short amount of time and not too long ago!
13What Did Bretz See in Eastern Washington?
2,999 mi2 of raw, peeled ground containing black
basalts, broad expanses of gravel, and dry stream
15Satellite Image of theChanneled Scablands
Telford-Crab Creek
Dry channels cross divides 300 feet above present
streams. Complexly braided pattern
16A Modern Day Braided Stream
17StreamlinedIslands of Palouse Siltwithin Dry
ChannelsIslands rimmed by high water marks
18Coulees - long, broad, deep gorges with steep
vertical sides.
The channels look like they carried huge amounts
of water at one time, but now they were dry.
19Upper Grand Coulee
25 miles long, 1 to 6 miles wide, lined by steep
walls of basalt 800 ft high from floor!
20Lower Grand Coulee at Dry Falls
A cataract but no river!
21A Modern Day Recessional Cataract
22Dry Falls is 350 ft. deep and 3 mi. wide. (5 x
the width of Niagara!)
Plunge Pools
23Plunge Pools and Pothole Lakes
24Kolks!! Extremely strong vertical vortices that
develop in deep flows of very fast water!
These under water tornados can pluck bedrock
creating potholes.
25Giant Ripples and Gravel Bars!
Laying in all the expected places, but often, no
water nearby!
26Modern Ripples Along a Shore
Typical water currents pile the sand into small
dunes, elongate ridges, a few inches high
27Ripple Marks along the Columbia (Fig. 12.40)
28The giant ripples of Eastern Washington are
gravel! They stand as high as 35 ft with crests
250 feet apart!
29Erraticsmisfit rocks, littering areas from
Spokane to Columbia River Gorge
30Erratic a 130 ton angular, block - rafted into
place by icebergs stuck in shallowing waters
31Bretz and His Humongous Flood
- Presented finding to geologists (1923).
- After laying out all the evidence, he made a bold
conclusion An enormous flood has eroded the
scablands in a very brief time, perhaps a matter
of days!!
32Sequence of Flood Events (drawings/supplemental
information from Baker, 1978)
33Flood waters overtop a divide, encountering soft
Palouse silts. High velocity waters expose
basalt entablature, grooving it and leaving
isolated remnants of Palouse silt
34- Kolks pluck the basalt column layers, forming
35Enlargement and coalescence of potholes, creating
the basin and butte topography and erosion of
inner canyons
36The Heretic in the Scablands
- Bretzs conclusion and the thinking that led to
it were adamantly and vigorously denounced. - Colleagues were shocked, appalled, outraged.
- It was heresy!
37Scientific Geology
- Began in 1790s - Uniformitarianism
- Rocks and landscapes are the result of slow
processes and weak forces operating over long
periods of time. - Invoking a catastrophic explanation for a
geologic event geology in the dark ages bad
38The Debate Begins
- What Bretz had
- A lot of good, solid evidence.
- What Bretz lacked
- A source of water!
39Alternatives for the Channeled Scablands Pop Up
in Droves
- Alden, 1927, (Head of USGS) collapsed lava
tubes and normal stream erosion including minor
floods. - O. E. Meinzer, 1927 enlarged Columbia River
carves Grand Coulee and Dry Falls. - J. Gilluly, 1929 - ongoing erosion of
present-sized streams. - Etc., Etc., Etc.
- None explain observations many never came to
Eastern Washington!
40A Glacial Lake in Montana?
T.C. Chamberlain, USGS, 1886, observed shorelines
of a ancient lake in the Mission Valley of
41Glacial Lake Missoula
Follows ancient shorelines around the slopes of
the Clark Fork River Drainage
J. T. Pardee (1871-1960)
42Wheres the Dam?(Clark Fork River enters Lake
Pend Oreille)Parfit, M., 1995, Smithsonian, v.
26, n. 1
43Ice in the Purcell Valley
44Pardee reconstructs Glacial Lake Missoula (1910)
45Glacial Lake Missoula, the inland sea
Covered an area of 2,900 mi.2 Highest shoreline
elevation 4,250 ft. Volume of water 520
mi.3 Maximum depth 2,000 ft. at ice dam 900
ft. in Missoula Valley
46A Breakthrough?
- Pardee returns to Glacial Lake Missoula (1942)
- Finds evidence for catastrophic draining of the
lake! - Giant ripples marks, gravel bars, pothole lakes,
erratics and scouring of the valley walls and
floor of the lake.
47Scouring of valley floor and walls to bare
bedrock stripped of soils
48Estimated flow of water out of lake
- Discharge 600 million cfs!!!
- Mississippi River (1993) 1 million cfs
- River up to 1500 ft deep ran with 10x the water
of all rivers combined. - Velocity 58 mph
- Discharge could empty lake in 2 days!
49Lake got deep enough to float its ice dam it
fails and breaks up!
50Fig (12.37)
51End of Controversy?
- Pardee hands Bretz the source of water for his
tremendous flood. - Widespread acceptance in late 50s, a few still
resist the idea today. - Growing body of evidence for repeated floods as
many as 80-100!
52Deposits of Lake Missoula
- Glacial varves
- Light layers summer
- Dark layers winter
- Each pair records one years deposition.
- By counting varves, we can determine how many
years the lake existed.
53Lake Deposits, Missoula
36 sequences of varves separated by river
54Chambers and Alt, 1971
- 36 sequences of varves (lake) separated by
complexly bedded river deposits. - Lake had drained a minimum of 36 times!
- Bottom varved sequence 58 years
- Each successive sequence less years.
- Top sequence 9 years.
55Waning of Ice Sheet?
56Water reaches Wallula Gap and backs up to form
temporary lakes.
57Flood deposits in Lake Lewis
Touchet Formation Each layer of pebbles and silts
represent one flood event. Graded bedding.
58Waitt, (1977, 1980)
- Layers record at least 41 events, maybe many
more. - Thicker layers are at the base of stack.
- Volcanic Ash layers provide some dates!
59The Story Hasnt Ended Yet
- Investigations into details of flooding still
ongoing. - Before his death, J Harlan Bretz received
geologys highest award the Penrose Medal.
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61Earthquakes in the Pacific Northwest
- Tectonic Setting
- 3 Sources
- Subducting slab
- Subduction zone interface
- Crustal Earthquakes
62Cascadia subduction zone
63 64The PNW has 3 sources of Earthquakes
65A 3-D View
- http//spike.geophys.washington.edu/SEIS/EQ_Specia
66The 3 types of earthquakes in the PNW
- Deep (intraplate) earthquakes
- (45-60 Km in the Juan de Fuca subducting plate)
- 2. Subduction zone (interface) earthquakes
- (at the contact between the 2 plates)
- 3. Crustal earthquakes
- (in the North American plate)
67Deep earthquakes in the subducting slab
- Where
- Why?
- Historic examples
- 1949 M 7.1 Olympia
- 1965 M 6.5 Sea-Tac
- 2001 M 6.8 Nisqually
- How strong?
- How frequent?
- Shaking effects?
- Area affected?
- Potential damage?
68Where? Why?
69Location of epicenters for the 1949 and 1965
70Isoseismic map for the 1949 Olympia earthquake
71Puyallup high school damage from the 1949
72Isoseismic map for the 1965 Sea-Tac earthquake
73Damage to a masonry building from the 1965
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77Summary Deep earthquakes in the subducting slab
- Where? at depths of 40-60 km in the Juan de Fuca
subducting plate - Why? Phase changes in the subducting slab
- Historic examples
- 1949 M 7.1 Olympia
- 1965 M 6.5 Sea-Tac
- 2001 M 6.8 Nisqualy
- How strong? 6-7 M (Moderate strength)
- How frequent? one every 20-30 years on average
- Shaking effects? 15-30 seconds
- Area affected? Localized in area above subducting
slab (i.e. Puget Sound region) - Potential damage? Significant to extensive
78Subduction zone interface earthquakes
- Where?
- Why?
- What evidence?
- How frequent?
- How strong?
- Shaking effects?
- Potential damage?
80Examples of interface subduction zone earthquakes
Alaska, 1964 M 9.2
Chile, 1960 M 9.5
81What causes the subduction zone interface
Locking and Bulging GPS ½ in/year
82What happens when the plates shift
83Has it Happened Here?
- No Historical Subduction Interface Earthquakes
84Evidence for Prehistorical Earthquakes
- Ghost Forests
- Peat Layers
- Tsunami Sands
- Tsunami in Japan (January 29, 1700)
85Ghost Forest
86Coastal evidence of subduction zone earthquakes
And deposition by tsunami
87Top forest killed by inundation of sea-water
after tectonic subsidence during 1964 Alaska
earthquakeBottom forest killed by
inundation of sea-water after tectonic subsidence
300 years ago on the Cohalis river SW Washington
88Stumps of trees killed in 1700 A.D. (at low tide
along the west shore of Willapa Bay)
89Peat Layer topped by Tsunami Sand-Oregon
90Brian Atwaters area of study
Chehalis River
Willapa River
91Orphan Tsunami in Japan Jan 29, 1700
92How frequent? One every 300-500 years. Last one
300 y. a.
93How strong?
- historical record of similar earthquakes (i.e.
Chile and Alaska), - tsunami wave heights (13 ft. Japan)
- evidence of earthquake and vertical displacement
along the entire PNW coast from the prehistoric
events - suggest events of
- M 8-9
- These are the BIG ones!!!
94Summary Subduction zone interface earthquakes
- Where? at the interface of the Juan de Fuca and
North American plate - Why? locking-bulging, slipping-rebounding
mechanism - How frequent? every 300-500 years (We may be due
for one) - How strong? 8-9 M (This is the BIG one!)
- Area potentially affected? the entire PNW
- Shaking effects? 1-3 minutes
- Potential damage? extensive to catastrophic
95Crustal Earthquakes
- Where?
- Why?
- An example the Seattle fault
- What evidence?
- How strong?
- Other faults?
- The SHIPS experiments
96Where? Why?
97There are many local faults in the Puget Sound
98An Example The Seattle Fault
99Cross section view of the Seattle fault
100The Seattle fault line (zone!)
101LIDAR image showing surface evidence of the
Seattle fault (Bainbridge Island)
102- Is the Seattle fault active?
- Is there evidence of earthquakes along the
Seattle fault?
103Possible evidence of very recent seismic activity
along the Seattle fault the Point Robinson
Earthquake of 1995
104Lines of evidence for a prehistoric earthquake
along the Seattle fault 1100 y.a.
- Uplifted wave-cut platforms
- Massive landslides (earthquake-triggered)
- Tsunami deposits and submerged areas
105Formation of an uplifted wave-cut platform
106Restoration point, Bainbridge Island
The date of shells found on the bench is 1100
107Location of uplifted areas
108Location of drowned forest in Lake Sammamish
109A landslide (slump block) was found under water
The radiocarbon date on the trees is 1100 years!
110Location of pre-historic landslides in the Puget
Sound region
111West Point, Discovery Park (Seattle)Tsunami-lai
d sand was found here
The radiocarbon date on tree logs in tsunami-laid
sand is 1100 years.!
112Location of tsunami deposits in submerged areas
113How strong was this earthquake?
- Based on vertical displacement
- measurements probably around
- M 7-8
114Tectonic Setting Compression
115Summary Crustal Earthquakes
- Where? Shallow in the North American plate
(includes the Puget Sound region) - Why? regional compressional stress applied on
pre-existing crustal faults - How strong? up to 8 M
- How frequent? uncertain
- Damage? localized but extensive
116Summary of crustal earthquakes
- There are 3 distinct types of earthquakes in the
PNW, each with its own characteristics and
hazards - We are due for at least two of them
- If you live here for long, you will be in a major
118There are some things you can count on
- It rains here
- We have great coffee
- We will have a major earthquake
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