Title: Pervasiveness as the Enchanting Tool of Mobility
1Pervasiveness as the Enchanting Tool of Mobility
- Annie Gentes, Aude Guyot, Camille Jutant, Michel
Simatic - Michel.Simatic_at_it-sudparis.eu
- Introduction Pervasiveness RFID
- An experiment in pervasive game design
- Discussion
- Introduction Pervasiveness RFID
- An experiment in pervasive game design
- Discussion
4Pervasive games the play on double meaning
- To give a second meaning to places, people,
objects - To give a second meaning to people status
- To give a second meaning to moves, gestures
- What does it mean in terms of game design,
interface design, and context design?
5Pervasive games RFID specific touch
- Introduction Pervasiveness RFID
- An experiment in pervasive game design
- Discussion
7The Museum of Arts and Crafts
- Their mission
- To teach about the history of science
- To promote science as a whole
- To create a community of people around a
scientific heritage - Their patrimony
- Thematic collections in separate halls of
exhibition - Historical artifacts that visitors cannot
8Game play of the Secrets of the Museum
9PLUG specific design
- Introduction Pervasiveness RFID
- An experiment in pervasive game design
- Discussion
11Discussion towards pervasive game design
- 1 - interacting with contents
- 2 - interacting with people
- 3 - converting physical movements into game
movements - 4 - converting physical gestures into game actions
12(1) Design options interacting with contents
To writing
From reading
To unfaithful and divergent
From faithful and related
13(2) Design options interacting with people
14(3) Design Options converting physical movements
into game movements
15(4) Design Options converting physical gestures
into game actions
- The player
- is turned into a mouse that moves in space in
PLUG traces of players passage to a display //
hints - is turned into pliers that pick, move and drop
in PLUG moving virtual playing cards around - captures and records contents or events (discreet
or continuous) in PLUG archiving a collection in
the phone - augments the contents / erases (removes the
contents) on the display (not explored in PLUG)
16Thank you for your attention