Title: Ranging with MB-OFDM Dave Leeper (Intel)
1Ranging with MB-OFDMDave Leeper (Intel)
- List of participants
- Anuj Batra (TI)
- Vern Brethour (Alereon)
- Bob Huang (Sony)
- Ebrahim Sabrimania (Univ of Minn)
- Shin Sato (Sony)
- Gadi Shor (Wisair)
- Ahmed Tewfik (Univ of Minn)
2MB-OFDM Ranging
- Eliminating the turnaround latency issue
- Obtaining high accuracy/precision ranging from
MB-OFDM-based systems
3UWB Ranging via Two-Way Time TransferResults
are Independent of Turnaround-Time Latency
Device A
Device B
Two equations in two unknowns yield
Multiple measurements of tp and to yield finer
precision accuracy, and allow frequency offset
US Naval Observatory, Telstar Satellite, circa
1962 http//www.boulder.nist.gov/timefreq/time/two
way.htm Unmatched detect-delays in the two
devices may require one-time offset calibration.
4Time T Strobes Generation Simulation Multipath
Typical CM1 Channel Noise AWGN, 0 dB SNR Time
Quantized To 1 / (528 MHz) 1.9 ns steps Max
Quantizing Error 1 ns gt tp accuracy 1 ns
30 cm / measurement
Simplified Preamble
A 127-bit PRBS
Inverted A
5Precision Vernier for Ranging(Byproduct of
Sample Timing Clock Adjustment)
Baseband Signal
FIR Matched to Preamble Sequence
Sampling Clock
Phase Adjust
Vernier Readout Step Size 250 ps or Less
6Time T Strobes Generation Simulation Multipath
CM3 Channel 20 Noise AWGN, 0 dB SNR Some
Channels will Require Carefully Set Thresholds
Simplified Preamble
A 127-bit PRBS
Inverted A
7MB-OFDM Ranging Summary
- TWTT removes the issue of turnaround latency.
- MB-OFDM preamble alone enables ranging accurate
to 1 foot (30 cm) per measurement. Addition of
sampling-clock phase-correction vernier yields
precision better than 10 cm. - Techniques to yield even finer resolution per
measurement are under study at Sony, U.Minn. - Multiple measurements over multiple 528 MHz
sub-bands will enable preamble-ranging accuracy
precisions to 10 cm or better. - Conclusion MB-OFDM is fully capable of high
accuracy/precision ranging.