Constitutional Rights of Inmates - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Constitutional Rights of Inmates


Right to Medical Aid, and Right to Life. Andrew Fulkerson, JD, PhD. Southeast Missouri State University. U.S. Supreme Court in Pell v. Procunier ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Constitutional Rights of Inmates

Constitutional Rights of Inmates Chapter
10 Right to Rehabilitation Programs Right to
Medical Aid, and Right to Life Andrew Fulkerson,
JD, PhD Southeast Missouri State University
Right to Rehab
  • U.S. Supreme Court in Pell v. Procunier
  • stated rehabilitation was one of three primary
  • of punishment
  • American Correctional Association
  • Prison serves to protect society from crime
  • When its emphasis is on rehabilitation
  • Many states have statutes that encourage rehab

Court Decisions
  • Courts have refused to hold there is an absolute
    right to rehabilitation

Right to Rehab
  • Padgett v. State, 406 F.Supp. 287 (M.D.Pa. 1976)
  • Inmates sued claiming failure to provide
    meaningful rehab programs was cruel and unusual
  • Court held no constitutional duty on govt to
    rehabilitate prisoners
  • Question as to whether state should try to
    rehabilitate inmates in view of issue of
    effectiveness of rehabilitation programs
  • Public policy issue best left to legislatures

Does Rehab Work?
  • 1970s trend among researchers was that nothing
  • If programs are ineffective, no reason to require
    states to attempt rehab

Does Rehab Work?
  • Recent research indicates that treatment programs
    do reduce recidivism
  • Drug treatment courts (DTCs)
  • Offenders who complete DTC have statistically
    significantly lower recidivism rates

Rehab in Prison
  • Prison and the inmate culture not conducive to
    effective treatment
  • Inmates who sign up for rehab or educational
    programs just to build their parole file
  • Treatment works best in a therapeutic community
  • But research does support use of rehab programs
    in prison

Right to Rehab
  • Lack of meaningful rehabilitation programs has
    been one factor that courts have cited in finding
    state prison systems unconstitutional
  • But only an element, not the sole element

Right to Rehab
  • Penal system cannot be operated in manner that
    impedes ability of inmates to attempt their own
  • Harris County, Texas jail ordered to provide
    educational and vocational programs
  • But inmates had no right to attend rehab programs
    outside institution

Rehab Without Consent
  • Aversion therapy (Clockwork Orange treatment)
    held unconstitutional.
  • Inmates given nauseating injections for
    infraction of rules.
  • Attempt to produce Pavlovian aversion to bad
  • 8th Circuit held this cruel and unusual
  • It was not treatment regardless of what they
    called it.

Rehab Without Consent
  • Courts held institutions could require
    educational programs
  • Arkansas inmates sued to enjoin mandatory
    literacy programs
  • Court held state had sufficient interest in
    eliminating illiteracy among inmates, and could
    require participation
  • More than mere attendance can be required
  • States can require meaningful participation, and
    impose sanctions for failure
  • Completion of educational/vocational programs can
    be a factor for parole release.

Consent to Experiments
  • Is inmates consent voluntary or coerced?
  • Scientists need volunteers
  • Parole boards can reward volunteers for
  • Is it truly voluntary?

Consent to Treatment
  • Inmate has right to refuse drug treatment

Type of Treatment
  • Scope of rehabilitation is left to institution
  • Court held that it within administration
    discretion to reject inmates for x-ray technician
    training program
  • Absent arbitrary or capricious selection, court
    will not intervene
  • Court has held pre-trial detainees entitled to
    continue methadone treatment program they were in
    prior to arrest

Mental Health Cases
  • District Court D.C. held persons who had been
    involuntarily committed to mental institution
    after acquittal on basis of insanity had right to
  • Minnesota D.C. has held that persons who were
    committed after involuntary civil commitment
    hearing were entitled to at least minimal
  • NYDC held that persons who had been committed
    were entitled to treatment regardless of whether
    commitment was civil or criminal

Mental Health Cases
  • OConnor v. Donaldson, 422 U.S. 563 (1975)
  • 5th Circuit had held that mental patient who had
    been involuntarily committed to state hospital
    was entitled to rehabilitative treatment, or at
    least to adequate habilitation if treatment was
  • Non-dangerous person could not be held in custody
    if he could survive on his own or with help of
    family or friends.
  • Superintendent of hospital entitled to defense of
    qualified immunity to civil damages because there
    was state law that authorized continued
    confinement of person like P.
  • U.S. Supreme Court reversed the 5th Circuit and
    remanded for determination of liability in light
    of qualified immunity defense.
  • Supreme Court refused to decide whether mental
    patients have constitutional right to treatment
    as result of their detention by the state.

Mills v. Rogers, 457 U.S. 291 (1982)
Youngberg v. Romeo, 457 U.S. 307 (1982)
Juveniles and Treatment
  • District of Columbia Juvenile Court Act mandates
  • Morales v. Turman, US District Court (E.D. Texas)
    held that incarcerated juvenile had to be placed
    in treatment program that had been designed to
    suit needs of juvenile.
  • These cases could indicate a trend that could
    eventually expand to adults and treatment.

Sex Offenders and Treatment
  • California enacted indeterminate sentence for
    sex offenders (1 day to life)
  • Calif. Supreme Court held that confinement for
    this sentence without treatment was cruel and
    unusual punishment
  • Indeterminate sentence implied that inmate could
    be released if he got better and no longer a
  • Only way to get better was through treatment

Sex Offenders and Treatment
  • New York modified its sex offender statute to
    eliminate a right to treatment
  • Ohlinger v. Watson, 9th Circuit ruled Oregon sex
    offender statute requires treatment for sex
  • Research on effectiveness of treatment of sex
    offenders mixed results

Right to Treatment
  • If state confines a man for purpose of helping
  • Right to withhold freedom depends on whether help
    is provided
  • When legislature justifies confinement on promise
    of treatment, it commits state to provide
    resources to fulfill promise

Administrative Review
  • Supreme Court held that administrative review
    (rather than court review) was most effective way
    to determine whether or not inmates should be
    required to take antipsychotic drugs

Administrative Review
  • Washington State Prison had special unit for
    felons with severe mental disorders
  • Some inmates refused to take medication

Administrative Review
  • State Prison administration established review
    board to conduct administrative hearing to
    determine whether inmates should be required to
    take drugs
  • Hearing conducted by review board
  • Psychiatrist
  • Psychologist
  • Associate warden of unit

Administrative Review
  • None of board members were involved in treatment
    of inmates
  • Hearing complied with Turner v. Safley
  • State had interest in safety and security which
    may exceed rights of inmate to refuse treatment
  • Inmate had right to be present at hearing
  • Right to present evidence
  • Right to counsel substitute
  • Any decision to medicate was subject to periodic

Right to Medical Care
  • Common complaint is inadequate medical care
  • Inmate cannot provide for own medical care
  • Inmates are restrained
  • Cannot select treatment provider
  • Cannot control treatment from open market

Right to Medical Care
  • Inmates have greater need for medical care than
    general public
  • Many inmates have mental problems
  • 70 inmates have drug or alcohol problems
  • AIDS, hepatitis and TB
  • Overcrowding, poor nutrition, lack of exercise
    aggravate problems
  • Incarceration intensifies concern over physical
    symptoms due to boredom

Inmate Suits Over Medical Care
  • Inadequate medical care
  • Denial of medical care
  • Improper medical care

Federal Jurisdiction Over Medical Care Issues
  • Inmate must allege existence of a federally
    protected right.
  • Due process under 5th and 14th Amendments
  • Right to be free from abuse of discretion
    regarding life and health
  • Right to be free from cruel and unusual
    punishment under 8th Amendment
  • Intentional denial of needed medical care
  • Officials conduct indicates deliberate
    indifference to medical needs of inmate

Federal Tort Claims Act 42 USC 2674
  • Provides cause of action against US government
    for negligence, including medical negligence
  • Applies to medical treatment of federal prisoners

Americans With Disabilities Act 42 USC 12101
  • Prevents discrimination against persons with
  • Applies to persons in any federally funded
    program or activity
  • Can apply to federal prisoners

Right to Medical Care - Remedies
  • Constitutional guarantee against cruel and
    unusual punishment do not mean inmate will be
    cured of any real or imagined medical problems
  • Inmate only entitled to medical care through
    diagnosis and treatment as is reasonably
    available under the circumstances of his
    confinement and medical condition

Adequacy of Medical Care
  • Gates v. Collier, 501 F.2d 1291 (5th Cir. 1974)
  • Medical treatment at Mississippi State
  • 1800 inmates
  • One full-time physician and several inmate
  • Substandard hospital
  • Court ruled services and conditions inadequate

Adequacy of Medical Care
  • Gates v. Collier, 501 F.2d 1291 (5th Cir. 1974)
  • State ordered to employ three full-time
    physicians, including one psychiatrist two
    full-time dentists two full-time physicians
    assistants six full-time RNs or LPNs one
    medical records librarian two medical clerical
    personnel consultant services of a radiologist
    and pharmacist.
  • Upgrade hospital and equipment
  • Comply with American Correctional Association
    standards regarding medical care for inmates

Adequacy of Medical Care
  • Gates v. Collier, 501 F.2d 1291 (5th Cir. 1974)
  • Not punish inmates for seeking medical care
    unless superintendent finds the inmate was
  • Not use inmates to fill above positions, but may
    use inmates to supplement this staff

Adequacy of Medical Care
  • Lack of funds is not a defense
  • When institution reaches the level that care is
    adequate courts again back off to the old
    hands off position

Adequacy of Medical Care
  • Individual treatment
  • Generally, court will find a constitutional
    violation only if the medical condition was
    serious and not attended to
  • The deliberate indifference standard

Estelle v. Gamble, 429 U.S. 97 (1976)
Deliberate Indifference
  • Elements
  • Objective element- must be sufficiently serious
  • Subjective element - Official must act with
    sufficiently culpable state of mind

Deliberate Indifference
  • More than negligence, but less than intentional
  • Knows of and disregards a substantial risk of
    serious harm

Deliberate Indifference
  • What is sufficiently serious? (need not be
  • Mandates treatment
  • Even lay person would recognize condition needs
    doctors attention
  • Causes pain
  • Condition significantly affects persons daily
  • Possibility of life-long handicap or serious loss
    if untreated.

Pre-Trial Detainees
  • Supreme Court has not ruled on what standard
  • Lower courts have held same standards of medical
    care of Estelle v. Gamble that apply to prison
    inmates apply to pretrial detainees

Initial Screening
  • Several cases have held adequate medical system
    requires medical screening of all inmates within
    reasonable time after entering the prison
  • Determine whether inmate has a condition that
    requires treatment
  • Whether inmate has any contagious disease

HIV Inmates
  • Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
  • Disease where immune system fails
  • Viral agent is human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
  • If virus is in persons blood they are HIV
  • If virus develops into AIDS, it is fatal

HIV Inmates-Litigation
  • Testing/Screening
  • Tests became available in 1985, but not fully
  • Delay between infection and when test will show
  • Suits to require testing for AIDS
  • Courts usually defer to judgment of prison
  • Suits to prohibit mandatory testing-grounds that
    it violates right to privacy
  • Courts usually defer to prison
  • Held that prison has reasonable basis for testing

HIV Inmates-Litigation
  • Segregation
  • Uninfected inmates have sued to force segregation
    of HIV positive inmates. Courts have refused to
    require prisons to segregate
  • Infected inmates have sued to prevent being
    segregated. Courts have refused to prevent
    segregation when prison deems it necessary.

HIV Inmates-Litigation
  • Reasons given for upholding segregation are
    prevention of spread of disease protection of
    infected inmates from hostile uninfected inmates
    and diagnostic and treatment ease.

HIV Inmates-Litigation
  • Confidentiality
  • Some courts have found that unnecessary
    disclosure of HIV status violates right to
  • Crucial factor is whether disclosure is necessary
  • disclosure to doctor will always be necessary
  • disclosure to another inmate usually not

HIV Inmates-Litigation
  • Treatment
  • AIDS inmates entitled to treatment just like any
    other disease
  • Failure to treat will be 8th Amendment violation
  • Inmate only entitled to minimally adequate
  • Negligence is not enough for a valid claim-must
    be deliberate indifference
  • Education on spread of AIDS is essential element
    of AIDS treatment programs

HIV Inmates-Litigation
  • Access to Programs and Services
  • HIV inmates often segregated-this results in
    denial of certain prison programs
  • Early cases held this was not a violation
  • Recent cases look at whether or not the denial is
    reasonably related to medical factors

HIV Inmates
  • HIV inmates who are seriously ill should seek
  • Early release
  • Medical furlough
  • Clemency

  • Jail suicide is a serious problem
  • Intoxicated inmates make up large number of jail
  • Duty to protect inmates who are at risk for
  • No liability on part of city or county unless
    plaintiff can show a causal link between the
    suicide and the jail policy.

  • Two categories of liability for jail suicide
  • Jailer failed to discover the inmates suicidal
  • Jailer discovered suicidal tendency, but failed
    to take preventive measures

Rellergert v. Cape Girardeau County, 924 F.2d 794
(8th Cir. 1991)
  • Most cases of jail suicide will be negligence
    cases, not constitutional cases of deliberate
  • Cases that are deliberate indifference will be
    for failure to have adequate staff to monitor
    inmates failure to train staff in screening for
    suicidal tendencies.
  • Also, liability will be found when suicidal
    tendency of inmate is discovered, and failure to
    take basic steps to prevent such as observation
    of inmate and training of officers.

Right to Life
  • Derived from 8th Amendment prohibition against
    cruel and unusual punishment
  • Originally intended to prohibit torture and
    related punishment
  • Furman v. Georgia held that it applied to death
  • Death penalty was applied in arbitrary and
    capricious manner
  • 2 justices held death penalty was cruel and
    unusual per se

Right to Life
  • Majority of states modified death penalty
    statutes to create standards
  • Gregg v. Georgia considered standards of five
    states death penalty laws
  • Georgia had bifurcated proceeding
  • Jury decided whether to impose death penalty
  • Considered aggravating and mitigating
  • Automatic review by appellate court

Right to Life
  • U.S. Supreme Court upheld three states DP laws,
    Georgia, Florida and Texas, and struck down two,
    North Carolina and Louisiana
  • Florida law had bifurcated proceeding where
    judges decide penalty based upon specific
    standards, following recommendation by jury
  • Texas had bifurcated proceeding whereby jury
    decided penalty based upon specific guidelines
  • North Carolina and Louisiana had mandatory DP for
    certain offenses. This was struck down.

Standards fo Death Penalty
  • Supreme Court has not allowed DP where defendant
    did not kill victim

Coker v. Georgia, 433 U.S. 584 (1977)
Kennedy v. Louisiana, No. 07-343, Decided June
25, 2008
Death Penalty Standards
  • Enmund v. Florida, reversed DP for
    non-triggerman in felony murder case. But in
    that case the reason for reversal was because
    state did not allow evidence of lack of intent
  • Court will allow DP where killer did not have
    specific intent to kill if evidence shows
    reckless indifference to human life

Mitigating Circumstances
  • Supreme Court has held that state may not prevent
    jury from considering mitigating factors in
    deciding penalty
  • State must allow all relevant evidence of
    mitigating factors
  • Sumner v. Nevada, 483 U.S. 66 (1987) Nevada law
    required DP for prisoner who convicted of murder
    while serving life without parole for an earlier
    murder. Court ruled this unconstitutional.
    State must allow jury to consider mitigating

Aggravating Circumstances
  • States list of aggravating circumstances may be
    so vague as to allow too much discretion.

State Constitutional Law
  • States may have higher standards than U.S. Const
  • Thirteen states have abolished capital punishment

Mental Condition of Defendant
  • 8th Amendment prohibits DP for insane defendant.
    Ford v. Wainwright
  • In 2002 Atkins v. Virginia held DP for mentally
    retarded person was cruel and unusual punishment

Age of Defendant
  • 16-17 year old person may get DP, Penry v.
  • DP reversed for 15 year old defendant, Thompson
    v. Oklahoma

Methods of Execution
  • Hanging has been upheld
  • Hanging was method of capital punishment at time
    of ratification of Constitution and the 8th
  • Just because hanging does not always cause
    instantaneous death not render it cruel and
  • Method must only not cause unnecessary and wanton
    infliction of pain.

Methods of Execution
  • Lethal Injection

Methods of Execution
  • Baze v. Rees, 553 U.S. ___ (2008)

Civil Disabilities
  • Loss of civil rights
  • Historically felons lost all civil right civil
  • This no longer the law

Voting rights
  • Supreme Court held California law which
    disenfranchised felons not violate equal
    protection clause.
  • Some states allow felons to vote after completion
    of sentence
  • All states allow voting after pardon

  • Gun Control Act prohibits felon from possessing
    firearm that has been shipped in interstate
  • Includes firearm that was ever shipped interstate
    even if felon purchased the firearm within his
  • Persons convicted of misdemeanor or felony
    domestic violence also prohibited from possessing

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
  • Supreme Court held that ADA does apply to state
  • Pennsylvania Dept. of Corrections v. Yeskey, 524
    U.S. 206 (1998)

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