Title: West Meets East: Simplifying Constitutional Diagnosis
1 West Meets EastSimplifying Constitutional
- Jeffrey S. Meyers, M.D., L. Ac.
- AAPNA National Ayurveda Convention
- Ayurveda for Optimum Health and WellnessAn
Integrative Approach - October 31, 2009
- Explore the role of seeing and awareness in
structural and functional assessment of the body
from a Western Perspectives - Explore usefulness of somato-typology
- See how this sheds light on Prakriti
- Simplify holistic/constitutional diagnosis
- See affect on treatment regimen
Flexibility/Balance within Environment Tridosha
5Foundations Western Holistic Models
- Holistic Models for studying biology/behavior
- Systems Theory (Bertalanffy)
- Organismic Theory (Goldstein/Angyal)
- Ethology/Sociobiology (Lorenz/Wilson)
- Evolutionary Medicine
- Non-Verbal Communication/Micro-expression
(Birdwhistell/Ekman/Gottman) - Consciousness Studies
- Overview
- Observation
- Not knowing
- Embodiment
7What is Health?
8History of the BodyTime, Place, Body Politics,
and the Body Politic
9Constitutional Models
- Serve as models of how the organism organizes,
contains, throws off, and integrates energy
10Models of Somato-typology
11Constitutional Psychology
- Ernst Kretschmer
- Related physique to behavior
- Psychotic states are directly continuous with
normal behavior. - William Sheldon
- 3 basic typesEndomorph, mesomorph, ectomorph
- Based on embryonic developmental layers
12Sheldons Endomorph
- Endoderm predominates
- Soft, round shape
- Dense bones, short legs
- Organs/Digestion prominent
- Stores fat
- Smallest surface area to mass
- Leads to Less sensory exposure
- Smallest CNSLess sensitive
13Sheldons Mesomorph
- Mesoderm predominatesmuscle, bone, CT
- Firm, muscular
- More rectangular shape, medium height
- Action oriented
- Tolerates fluctuating conditions
- Upright
- Insensitive
14Sheldons Ectomorph
- Ectoderm predominatesCNS
- Thin, long legs, light muscles
- Stooped
- Largest surface area to mass
- Greatest sensory exposure
- Sensitive/Nervous
15Sheldons Constitutional PsychologySummary
- Suggested types correlate with personality
16Ayurvedic Doshas
- Constitutional types correlate with doshas
17Sheldons Constitutional PsychologyContinuum
18Character-Based Models
- How organism shapes/contains excitement
- Pathological model/Based on exaggeration
- Continuum
195 StylesParanoid/Alerted
- Hyper-alert or Fighting style/ Angular/Sympathetic
ANS response, irritable, nervous - Focuses easily/Picks out inconsistencies
- Creative
- Sees what others dont
205 StylesPassive-Aggressive/Weighted
- Set, weighted
- Parasymp., pear-shaped, dense, slower
pace/response, digestive quality - Responds to excitement by dampening it and
weighing it down, slows it
215 StylesCompulsive/Rigid
- Physical traits Tense back
- Bracing against excitement, stiff, symmetrical,
aligned - Can be very organized, cant bend without
cracking - Analytical/meticulous
225 StylesNarcissistic/Presentational
- General sense of health in tissues, muscular
competence, confidence - When extreme,pushes others around
- Inability to pick up on more subtle feedback in
235 StylesHistrionic/Seductive
- Tissues or joints affected by hormonal shifts
- System cant contain amount of excitement
- Difficulty keeping even emotional or physical
tone - Seductive
24Other Models
- Sympathetic
- Type A
- Fight or Flight
- Parasympathetic
- Type B
- Feed and Breed
26Reflex Models
27Organ System Models
29Structural and Functional Energetic Models
30Other Models
31Oriental Models
- IndiaAyurveda
- China
- 5 Element
- Yin/Yang
32Ayurvedic Doshas
335 Phases/Elements
34Golden Keys Model
- What is odd, curious, or unusual? about the
person - Neo Worsley
- Non-traditional resonances
- What organ/constitution can explain it?
- What aspect of the patients potential is not
being realized
35Yin/Yang6 Temperaments/Biopsychotypes
- Shao Yin/Tai Yang
- Jue Yin/Shao Yang
- Tai Yin/Yang Ming
36Assessment and Treatment
37- What Interests You About Your Patient Today?
38Goals of Treatment
- Balance organism in environment
- Flexibility/Plasticity
- Responsiveness/Vitality
39Take HomeO-N-E
- Develop your senses and intuitive skills
- Embodiment
- Not Knowing
- Become exposed to a variety of models
- Observation
- Fluid applicationRely less on pre-set models
40How can Western Somato-typology contribute to
41What Interests You About Your Patient?
42Thank You!
- Jeffrey S. Meyers, M.D., L. Ac.
- 1600 Washington Street
- Wilmington, DE 19802
- jeffreysmeyersmd_at_aol.com
- www.ProteusHealingArts.com