Title: Scantrons Assessment Solutions
1Scantrons Assessment Solutions
2The Scantron Name
3About Scantron
- Leading provider of testing assessment tools
for education for 35 years - Provides systems for the rapid, reliable and
accurate capture of student performance data - Focuses strictly on test delivery platforms and
partners with leading companies in other areas
for a best of breed approach
4Challenges in Education
High Mobility
Various Feeder Schools
Communicating Performance
Timely Data
Missing Skills or Special Needs
State Test Prep
- Test all students annually in grades 3-8 in Math
Reading or LA - Test students in grades 10-12 annually in Math
Reading/LA - Starting in 07-08, test students at least once in
Science during grades 3-5, 6-9 and 10-12 - Data must be available from these assessments to
track subgroups, as well as the entire population
- 2004 US Annual Social and Economic supplement to
the general census has average mobility rate is
15 - 20 - Urban mobility can range from 25 - 40
- Placement dilemmas transcript delays
7Special Needs
- IDEA 2004 RTI
- Need to report growth, regardless of meeting
grade level standards - Individually
- By custom groups
- Numerous IEPs to develop
8The Bottom Line
- Must be able to identify individual student
abilities on or off grade level - Assessments must be available any time or day of
the week without requiring in-depth background
information - Must provide timely data in order to make
critical decisions both in the classroom and at
the administrative level - in order to fulfill district needs, along with
state and federal requirements (NCLB)
9Scantron Assessment Solution
- Achievement SeriesTM
- Web based
- Open Content
- Highly Flexible
- Online, form, plain paper
- Performance SeriesTM
- Web based
- Statistically Reliable Content
- Computer Adaptive
- Standards-based
Like a utility
Like a yardstick
10How Scantron Can Help
- Immediate results for immediate action
- Online and anytime
- Placement across grades
- Standards-based reports
- Subgroup reporting
- Guide for individual learning plans
- Remediation options based on assessed standards
11Students in the average classroom have a 7-grade
breadth of knowledge, while the average test only
measures a single grade breadth of knowledge.
Individual Students
12Adaptive Assessment
13The Performance Series Scale One consistent
yardstick to accurately measure academic growth
- Valid and Reliable
- Grade independent
- Equal interval
14State and National Standards
15Performance SeriesTM
- Benefits Administrators
- Easy to set up and administer
- Data for accountability measures
- Benefits Teachers
- Data on class and student abilities
- Standards to inform instruction
- Materials to communicate with parents
- Benefits Students
- Flexible testing
- Next steps resources matched to ability level
16Students take the test and now what?
- Teachers / Specialists need information first
- Gauge class/individual understanding
- Create work groups
- Develop learning plans
- Remediate skills
- Communicate with parents
- Administrators need timely and accurate
information later - Determine readiness for state tests
- Analyze group / grade / school progress and
growth - Revise programs and plan for future
17Class data for Teachers
18Student data for Teachers
- Overview of student performance
- State standards coverage indicator
- National comparison
- District comparison
19Student Learning Plans
20Targeted Instructional Resources
Skills Connection Online by Scantron
21Targeted Instructional Resources
Optional Resource links from award-winning netTr
ekker d.i.
22Parent Communications
23Subject Standards Analysis for Administrators
24Norm Comparisons for Administrators
- National norm data for Administrators
- Direct school comparisons immediately available
25Growth Measured
- Student
- Group
- Program
- Class / School
26Reporting Options
27(No Transcript)
28Achievement Series
- Web-based
- Content neutral
- Collaborative environment
- Multiple delivery methods
- Real-time results
- Standards-based
- User-defined access
29How Achievement Series Works
- Build Item Banks
- Content neutral structure
- Develop Tests
- District benchmarks or classroom quizzes
- Administer Tests
- Online, plain paper scanning and/or OMR scanning
- View Reports
- Immediate results for aggregation/disaggregation
30Build Item Banks
- Create your own items
- Import item banks from ExamView
- Use items from purchased item banks
- Scantron
- ExamView Learning Series
- Kaplan
- Measured Progress
- Collaborate with others
- Track item statistics
- One central location
- Multiple item types
31Develop Tests
- Create district benchmarks classroom tests
- Search item banks by multiple criteria, including
standards - Use Quick Pick option
- Enter an answer key if test booklets are already
available - Scramble questions and/or answers for versions
32Administer Tests
- 3 delivery methods
- Flexible options to meet your needs
- Mix match methods as desired
Off-the-shelf scanners plain paper forms
Scantron OMR Scanners Standard Forms
33View Reports
- Available immediately
- View standards-based data
- Aggregate disaggregate data by student, class,
school, district - Analyze data by subgroups
- Enable better decision-making
34Access Instructional Resources
- I have the data. Now what?
- Link to optional standards-based resources
- Access follow-up tests, study guides,
assignments, etc. - Use Skills Connection Online and/or netTrekker
35Technology Friendly
- Scantron-hosted ASP model
- No server required
- Available anytime
- Easy exports to CSV, Excel, PDF
- Cross-platform reporting
- You own your data
- Experienced Technical Support staff
36Easy Implementation
- Fully Hosted ASP model
- No server required
- Available anytime
- No specified testing windows
- Reports available immediately for student, class,
or school - Experienced Technical Support Staff
- Turn Key solution Testing can begin immediately
- Windows or Macintosh Only need a recent browser
- Get started faster!
37Why Performance Series?
- Determines ability for students on / off grade
level - Against standards norms
- Across years
- Measures growth on / off grade level (district
programs or RTI) - Provides immediate feedback to inform instruction
(basis for ILPs) - Prepares for state assessments
- Offers resource options
38Why Achievement Series?
- Flexibility
- Your choice of content
- Your choice of delivery method
- Real-time results
- Standards-based reports
- Links to resources
- Informed instruction
- Immediate remediation
- Improved efficiency
Raise Student Achievement Meet NCLB Requirements
39(No Transcript)
40Our Customers Say
In the past, a major focus was on what the
students could not do. Now that we have accurate
assessments of what they can do, its easier to
formulate goals and objectives so they can be
successful. Greg Petersen, Associate, Department
of Student Support Services Bartow County School
By using Performance Series and Achievement
Series together, we have a comprehensive
assessment program. Nanette Rahilly, Director of
Curriculum and Staff Development Merced City
School District
Performance Series makes the testing results
available in a format that is easily explained to
students and their parents. I can test each
student before their ARD meeting and present
ideas, skills, and TEKS rather than just
numbers. Dema Rucker, Resource English Teacher
Joshua High School
41Customer Comments
- By using Achievement Series, weve been able to
really focus teaching and learning on what the
student needs in preparation for the state
assessment. - Laurie Bauer, Principal, Channelview ISD, TX
- With Achievement Series, the reports not only
show connections to the standards, but also
provide data that teachers can easily grasp and
use right away. - Roseanne Inserra, Asst. Superintendent,
Pendergast Elementary SD, AZ - By automating the analysis, Achievement Series
enables our teachers to focus their attention on
providing targeted instruction. - Nanette Rahilly, Director of Curriculum Staff
Development, Merced City SD, CA - Achievement Series has improved our districts
accountability because it gives us snapshots
throughout year of how students are doing. - Miranda Storey, Technology Specialist, Jackson
County Schools, GA
- CODiE Awards Finalist, Best Student Test
Preparation or Assessment Solution, 2005 - Association of Educational Publishers (AEP),
Distinguished Achievement Award, 2005 - CODiE Awards Finalist for Best Student Assessment
Solution, 2006
43Achievement Series Awards
- Association of Educational Publishers (AEP)
Distinguished Achievement Award, 2005 - APEX Award of Excellence for the Achievement
Series Users Guide, 2006 - CODiE Awards Finalist for Best Student Assessment
Solution, 2006
44Danielle Alcaraz1-800-722-6876 ext. 7757
- Danielle_alcaraz_at_scantron.com