08 Encapsulation and Abstraction - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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08 Encapsulation and Abstraction


Identify and define each modifier applicable to a class ... not saved when its object is persisted or serialized (applied only to variables) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: 08 Encapsulation and Abstraction

08 Encapsulation and Abstraction
  • Defining Abstraction
  • Levels of Abstraction
  • Class as Abstraction
  • Defining a Java Class
  • Instantiating a Class
  • Class Members
  • Class Modifiers
  • Member Modifiers
  • Accessibility Scope
  • Defining Encapsulation
  • Principles of Encapsulation
  • Encapsulating a Class
  • Setters Getters
  • Constructors

  • Define abstraction
  • Identify levels of abstraction
  • Understand that a class is a form of abstraction
  • Define a Java class
  • Learn how to create objects by instantiating
    their class
  • Identify class members
  • Identify and define each modifier applicable to a
  • Identify and define each modifier applicable to
    class members
  • Define access scope for class and its members
  • Know the purpose of constructors and how to
    create one for a class

Objectives (continued)
  • Define encapsulation
  • Describe the principles of encapsulation
  • Learn how to encapsulate a class
  • Learn how to use setters and getters

Defining Abstraction
  • Abstraction is the process of extracting common
    features from specific examples
  • Abstraction is a process of defining the
    essential concepts while ignoring the inessential

Different Types of Abstraction
  • Data Abstraction
  • Programming languages define constructs to
    simplify the way information is presented to the
  • Functional Abstraction
  • Programming languages have constructs that gift
    wrap very complex and low level instructions
    into instructions that are much more readable.
  • Object Abstraction
  • OOP languages take the concept even further and
    abstract programming constructs as objects.

Everything is an Object
  • Anything that you can describe can be represented
    as an object, and that representation can be
    created, manipulated and destroyed to represent
    how you use the real object that it models.

Defining an Object
  • An object is a self-contained entity
  • with attributes and behaviors

Class as Abstraction
  • A class is an abstraction of its instances. It
    defines all the attributes and methods that its
    instances must also have.

Defining a Class
  • A Class acts as the template from which an
    instance of an object is created. The class
    defines the properties of the object and the
    methods used to control the object's behavior.
  • A Class specifies the structure of data as well
    as the methods which manipulate that data. Such
    data and methods are contained in each instance
    of the class.
  • A Class is a model or template that can be
    instantiated to create objects with a common
    definition, and therefore common properties,
    operations and behavior.
  • A Class provides a template for defining the
    behavior of a particular type of object. Objects
    are referred to as instances of a class.

Defining a Java Class
  • A Java Class denotes a category of objects, and
    acts as a blueprint for creating such objects.
  • It defines its members referred to as fields and
  • The fields (also known as variables or
    attributes) refer to the properties of the class.
  • The methods (also known as operations) refer to
    behaviors that the class exhibits.

class Person String name char sex int
age void tellSex() if (sex'M') System
.out.println("I'm Male.") else if
(sex'F') System.out.println("I'm
Female.") else System.out.println("I don't
know!") void tellAge() if
(agelt10) System.out.println("I'm just a
kid.") else if (agelt20) System.out.println("
I'm a teenager.") else System.out.println("I'm
a grown up.")
Class Members
  • A class member refers to one of the fields or
    methods of a class.
  • Static members are variables and methods
    belonging to a class where only a single copy of
    variables and methods are shared by each object.
  • Instance members are variables and methods
    belonging to objects where a copy of each
    variable and method is created for each object

class Person static int maleCount static int
femaleCount String name char sex int
age static void showSexDistribution() if
(maleCountgtfemaleCount) System.out.println("Maj
ority are male.") else if (femaleCountgtmaleCoun
t) System.out.println("Majority are
female.") else System.out.println("Equal
number of male and female.") void tellSex()
if (sex'M') System.out.println("I'm
Male.") else if (sex'F') System.out.printl
n("I'm Female.") else System.out.println("I
don't know!") void tellAge() if
(agelt10) System.out.println("I'm just a
kid.") else if (agelt20) System.out.println("
I'm a teenager.") else System.out.println("I'm
a grown up.")
Instantiating a Class Accessing its Members
  • Instantiating a class means creating objects of
    its own type.
  • The new operator is used to instantiate a class.

Create Person objects using the new operator.
class Person static int maleCount static int
femaleCount String name char sex int
age static void showSexDistribution() //
method body here void tellSex() // method
body here void tellAge() // method body
class MainProgram public static void
main(String args) // instantiating
several objects Person p1 new Person()
Person p2 new Person() Person p3 new
Person() // accessing instance variables
p1.name "Vincent" p1.sex 'M' p1.age 8
p2.name "Janice" p2.sex 'F' p2.age 19
p3.name "Ricky" p3.sex 'M' p3.age 34
// accessing static variables Person.maleCount
2 Person.femaleCount 1 // accesssing
instance methods p1.tellSex() p1.tellAge()
p2.tellSex() p2.tellAge() p3.tellSex()
p3.tellAge() // accessing static method
Sample Output
I'm Male. I'm just a kid. I'm Female. I'm a
teenager. I'm Male. I'm a grown up. Majority are
Access class variables by setting their values
Access class methods by invoking their names
Class Modifiers
  • Class modifiers change the way a class can be
  • Access modifiers describe how a class can be
  • Non-access modifiers describe how a class can be

Modifier Description
(no modifier) class is accessible within its package only
public class is accessible by any class in any package
abstract class cannot be instantiated (a class cannot be abstract and final at the same time)
final class cannot be extended
strictfp class implements strict floating-point arithmetic
Access Modifiers
  • Member modifiers change the way class members can
    be used
  • Access modifiers describe how a member can be

Modifier Description
(no modifier) member is accessible within its package only
public member is accessible from any class of any package
protected member is accessible in its class package and by its subclasses
private member is accessible only from its class
Access Modifiers
Default is not a modifier it is just the name
of the access level if no access modifier is
Member Modifiers
  • Member modifiers change the way class members can
    be used
  • Non-access modifiers describe how a member can be

Modifier Description
static member belongs to a class
final declares a constant variable or method
abstract method is declared with no implementation (applied to methods, cannot be combined with other non-access modifiers )
strictfp method implements strict floating-point arithmetic (applied to methods)
synchronized method is executed by only one thread at a time (applied only to methods)
native method implementation is written in other language (applied only to methods)
transient an instance variable is not saved when its object is persisted or serialized (applied only to variables)
volatile variable is modified asynchronously by concurrently running threads (applied only to variables)
Accessibility Scope
  • Accessibility scope defines the boundary of
    access to a class and its members

Scope Access
static static code can access static members but not instance members
non-static non-static code can access both static members and instance members
package a class and its members can be accessed within the package they are declared
class class members can be accessed within the class
block local variables can be accessed only within a block
Defining Encapsulation
  • Encapsulation is the process of hiding an
    objects implementation from another object,
    while presenting only the interfaces that should
    be visible.

Principles of Encapsulation
  • Dont ask how I do it, but this is what I can
  • - The encapsulated object
  • I dont care how, just do your job, and Ill do
  • - One encapsulated object to another

Encapsulating a Class
  • Members of a class must always be declared with
    the minimum level of visibility.
  • Provide setters and getters (also known as
    accessors/mutators) to allow controlled access to
    private data.
  • Provide other public methods (known as interfaces
    ) that other objects must adhere to in order to
    interact with the object.

Setters and Getters
  • Setters and Getters allow controlled access to
    class data
  • Setters are methods that (only) alter the state
    of an object
  • Use setters to validate data before changing the
    object state
  • Getters are methods that (only) return
    information about the state of an object
  • Use getters to format data before returning the
    objects state
  • private char sex
  • public void setSex(char s)
  • // validate here
  • sex s
  • public char getSex()
  • // format here
  • return sex

Encapsulation Example
  • public static void main(String args)
  • // instantiate several objects
  • Person p1 new Person()
  • Person p2 new Person()
  • Person p3 new Person()
  • // access instance variables using setters
  • p1.setName("Vincent") p1.setSex('M')
  • p2.setName("Janice") p2.setSex('F')
  • p3.setName("Ricky") p3.setSex('M')
  • // access static variables directly
  • Person.maleCount2
  • Person.femaleCount1
  • // access instance methods
  • p1.tellSex() p1.tellAge()
  • p2.tellSex() p2.tellAge()
  • p3.tellSex() p3.tellAge()

class Person // set variables to
private private static int maleCount private
static int femaleCount private String
name private char sex private int
age / setters getters, set to public
/ public int getAge() return age public
void setAge(int a) age a public String
getName() return name public void
setName(String n) name n public char
getSex() return sex public void setSex(char
s) sex s / set other methods as
interfaces / public static void
showSexDistribution() // implementation
here public void tellSex() //
implementation here public void tellAge()
// implementation here
I'm Male. I'm just a kid. I'm Female. I'm a
teenager. I'm Male. I'm a grown up. Majority are
  • Constructors are methods which set the initial
    state of an object
  • Constructors are called when an object is created
    using the new operator
  • A default constructor is a constructor with no
    parameters, it initializes the instance variables
    to default values
  • Restrictions on constructors
  • constructor name must be the same as the class
  • constructor cannot return a value, not even void
  • only an access modifier is allowed

Key Points
  • Abstraction is the process of formulating general
    concepts by extracting common properties of
  • A class is an abstraction of its instances.
  • A Java Class denotes a category of objects.
  • Class members refer to its fields and methods.
  • Static members are variables and methods
    belonging to a class.
  • Instance members are variables and methods
    belonging to objects.
  • Instantiating a class means creating objects of
    its own type.
  • Class modifiers include (no modifier), public,
    abstract, final and strictfp.
  • Member modifiers include (no modifier), public,
    protected, private, static, final, abstract,
    strictfp, synchronized, native, transient and

Key Points (Continued)
  • Encapsulation hides implementation details of a
  • Encapsulating a class means declaring members
    with minimum level of visibility.
  • Setters are methods whose only function is to
    alter the state of an object in a controlled
  • Getters are methods which only function is to
    return information about the state of an object.
  • Constructors are methods which set the initial
    state of an object upon creation of the object.
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