Title: Prof' Kestutis Pukelis, dr' Aura Fokiene
1Competence based VET teacher education
prerequisite for Quality Assurance
- Prof. Kestutis Pukelis, dr. Aura Fokiene
- Vytautas Magnus University
- Centre for Quality of Studies
- 2008-02-27 Dublin
27/02/2008 Dublin
2Which concept of Quality should be basis for VET
teacher education?
Concepts of Quality depending on agreement what
is quality
- Quality as exception
- Quality as perfection
- Quality as zero defects
- Quality as fitness for purpose
- Quality as value for money
- Quality as transformation
- Quality as sucessful performance
- Quality as conformance to requirements or
standards - Quality as customer (stakeholder) satisfaction
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3 2 phases of Quality assurance
- Quality assessment gathering and analyzing
information about study subject, study programme,
institution, learner - Quality improvement organizing and managing
studies, aiming to reach the requirements of
quality standards.
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4Assurance the Quality of Studies
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6Competence based education inevitable parts
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7key concepts...
- Vocational teacher (pedagogical) qualification
is the summation of subject and didactic
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8Structure of VET teacher (pedagogical)
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9FIRST STEP - Description of the tasks and roles
of VET teachers
- preparing and developing of teaching plans and
vocational teaching programmes, preparation of
study courses according to requirements - delivering lectures and supervising students
activities in the classroom - preparation and marking of tasks and assignments
- running and supervising the practical learning of
students - preparation and organization of examinations
- preparation reports on students work and
progress and discussing them with colleague
teachers and social partners - participation in school meetings and debates on
teaching and organizational issues - organizing and facilitating extracurricular
activities of students - individual teaching, fulfilling various tasks.
- e.g. according to 2002 Lithuanian Classifier of
10SECOND STEP Formulating competencies/learning
outcomes for fulfilling the roles of VET
- Competency is the capability to perform a
certain part of activity (operation), basing on
knowledge, abilities, skills and attitudes.
Combination of certain competencies composes
qualification. Competency is defined as the
objective study result (learning outcome). - !competency is measurable!
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11Learning outcomes
- A statement of what a learner is expected to
know, understand and/or be able to demonstrate at
the end of a period of learning. - Learning outcomes (are) statements of what a
learner is expected to know, understand and/or be
able to demonstrate after a completion of a
process of learning. - Statements of what a learner can be expected to
know, understand and/or do as a result of a
learning experience. - Student learning outcomes are properly defined
in terms of knowledge, skills, and abilities that
a student has attained at the end (or as a
result) of his or her engagement in a particular
set of higher education experiences. - Learning outcomes are statements that specify
what a learner will know or be able to do as a
result of a learning activity. Outcomes are
usually expressed as knowledge, skills, or
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12Learning outcomes
- Learning outcomes (are) specific measurable
achievements. - A learning outcome is a statement of what
competencies a student is expected to possess as
a result of the learning process. - Learning outcome statements are content
standards for the provincial education system. - Learning outcomes are statements of what students
are expected to know and to do at an indicated
grade, they comprise the prescribed curriculum.
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13Learning outcomes and competencies
- Learning outcomes academic categorie
- Competencies WoW categorie.
- Both - Learning outcomes and competencies
consist of knowledge, abilities, attitudes and
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14European strategy of Higher Education
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15- Qualification a composition of knowledge,
abilities and skills (i.e. competencies),
enabling effective activity in certain
profession. Qualification means fulfilled minimal
requirements. - Competence demonstrating effective and
qualitative activity, which meets the
requirements of the world of work. Competence is
determined by the competencies of a person, level
of qualification and professional experience.
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16Relation of concepts competence, qualification,
competency and learning achievements
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17- Occupational standard description of
attributes, activity functions and the
competencies, needed for the performance of these
functions. Occupational standards are being
created by the experts of certain professions.
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18Logics of Occupational Standard of VET Teacher
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19VET teacher competencies according to five areas
of pedagogical activity
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LT example
20Qualification categories of VET teachersLT
- Junior VET teacher
- Initial education for becoming
- VET teacher (minnimum of competencies)
- In-service education for becoming
- Senior VET teacher (plus new competencies)
- VET teacher methodologist (plus new competencies)
- VET teacher expert (plus new competencies)
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22Participants of VET teacher education
- VET teachers
- Tutors (at university) observation of teaching
- Mentors (at work place) observation of
teaching, consultations in defining learning
needs - Stakeholders formulating learning outcomes,
participating in assessment processes
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23Implementation of learning outcomes into
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24VET teacher education
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25Vocational Pedagogy (Initial education)Example
of Vytautas Magnus University
- 11 study modules (in 18 months)
- Introduction to Teacher Profession
- Organization of Teaching and Learning
- Teaching/Learning Methods and Means
- Learning Guidance
- School as Organisation
- Vocational Education and Labor Market
- Curriculum Design
- Evaluation of Learning Achievements
- Evaluation of Teaching Quality
- Teaching Practice
- Thesis Work
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26VET teacher education
- Theoretical didactical studies at university
- understanding the system of pedagogical knowledge
- training of pedagogical thinking
- Practical didactical training at VET school
- gain competencies of practical pedagogical
activity - learning on-job
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27Organization of work place based VET teacher
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28Curriculum for in-service training of VT
constitutes of 3 types of modules assigned for
- acquisition of strategic vocational competencies
coherent to innovations in particular vocational
activities and for acquisition of strategic
pedagogical competencies related to innovations
in teaching curriculum - competencies assuring acquisition of higher
qualification categories described in the
Standard - meeting individual needs of VT for various
competencies. They are determined by VT
themselves and can be acquired in the market of
in-service education in Lithuania or abroad.
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29Mentor training proramme
- Content (modules)
- The role and functions of mentor in VET teacher
education - Observation and feedback to VET teacher
pedagogical activity - Conslutations of junior VET teacher
- Assisstance in acquiring competencies in carrer
design - Assisstance in acquiring (and upgrading)
didactical qualification - Communication and collaboration skills. Mentoring
ethics - Introducing the schools culture
- Assessment and evaluation competencies
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30Formulating learning outcomes, basing on
taxonomie, e.g. B. Bloom (1959)
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37Criteria of assessment of learning achievements
- must be linked to learning outcomes (same
content), - valid,
- reliable
- equal for all, participating in the same study
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38Assessment of learning achievements
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39- Thank You for Your attention...
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