Title: Reporting results: APA style
1Reporting results APA style
- Psych 231 Research Methods in Psychology
2Why present your research?
- To get the work out there
- To offer readers an interpretation your data (and
perhaps persuade them to believe your theory) - To allow testing/falsifaction of your theory
- To spur further research
- To allow replication
3Misconceptions about Scientific writing
- Writing the paper is the routine part of the
research process - Forces you to commit to your evidence and
conclusions - Just the facts
- The facts are just part of the argument that the
author is making - What you say is more important than how you say
it - Good writing leads to higher chance of
accomplishing your goals
4Why a structured format?
- To ease communication of what was done
- Forces a minimal amount of information
- Provides a logical framework (for argument)
- Provides consistent format within a discipline
- People know what to expect
- Where to find the information in the article
- Allows readers to cross-reference your sources
5Writing resources
- The ultimate resource for APA style is the APA
Publication manual
- Also websites to help too.
- Chapter 15 of your textbook is good too.
6Writing resources
- A great book for Psychological writing
Sternberg, R. J. (2003). The psychologists
companion A guide to scientific writing for
students and researchers. Cambridge University
Press, NY.
7Writing style
- Psychological writing tends to differ from other
academic writings - Not a creative writing exercise
- Presenting an argument based on data and logical
reasoning - Try to avoid using direct quotes, restate things
in your own words. - Avoid digression
- Footnotes are rare, theyre used to
elaborate/clarify a point. Try to do so in the
text. - If long digressions, use the appendix
8Major goal Clarity
- Write for the reader
- Think about your audience, what do they already
know, what dont they know - Avoid overstatements
- Be conservative in your claims
- Emphasize the positive
- Focus on how the data supports a theory not just
on how it refutes another theory
9Major goal Clarity
- Avoid
- Jargon when possible
- Slang and colloquialisms
- Sexist and biased language
- Try to be concise
- Dont use a whole paragraph when two sentences
will do - Longer papers dont mean better papers
- Eliminate unnecessary redundancy
- Use simple words (sentences) rather than
complicated words (sentences)
10Major goal Clarity
- Use concrete words and examples
- Use a consistent format (APA style)
- It helps your reader understand your arguments
and the sources theyre built on. - It also helps you keep track of your sources as
you build arguments
11APA style Parts of a research report
Adolescent Depression
Adolescent Depression and Attachment Ima
G. Student and Soyam Eye Purdue
12Title Page
Adolescent Depression 1
Depression and Attachment Ima G. Student and
Soyam Eye Purdue University
- Title should be maximally
- informative while short
- (10 to 12 words recommended)
13Title Page
Adolescent Depression 1
Depression and Attachment Ima G. Student and
Soyam Eye Purdue University
Order of Authorship sometimes carries meaning
14Title Page
Adolescent Depression 1
Depression and Attachment Ima G. Student and
Soyam Eye Purdue University
Affiliation where the bulk of the research was
15Title Page
Adolescent Depression 1
Depression and Attachment Ima G. Student and
Soyam Eye Purdue University
Running head will go on each page of published
article, no more than 50 characters
16Title Page
Adolescent Depression 1
Depression and Attachment Ima G. Student and
Soyam Eye Purdue University
Short title goes in header (with page number)
on each page of the manuscript
- Short summary of entire paper
- 100 to 120 words
- The problem/issue
- The method
- The results
- The major conclusions
- Recommendation write this after youve finished
the rest of the paper
Background Literature Review
Statement of purpose Specific hypotheses (at
least at conceptual level)
- Methods - Results
Discussion Conclusions Implications
Introduction Background Literature
Review Statement of purpose Specific hypotheses
(at least at conceptual level)
- Methods (in enough detail that the reader can
replicate the study)
- Participants
- How many, where they were selected from, any
special selection requirements, details about
those who didnt complete the experiment
- Methods (in enough detail that the reader can
replicate the study)
- Design (optional)
- Suggested if you have a complex experimental
design, often combined with Materials section
- Methods (in enough detail that the reader can
replicate the study)
- Apparatus/Materials
- Procedure
- What did each participant do? Other details,
including the operational levels of your IV(s)
and DV(s), counterbalancing, etc.
- Results (state the results but dont interpret
them here) - Verbal statement of results
- Tables and figures
- These get referred to in the text, but actually
get put into their own sections at the end of the
manuscript - Statistical Outcomes
- Means, standard deviations, t-tests, ANOVAs,
correlations, etc.
- Discussion (interpret the results)
- Relationship between purpose and results
- Theoretical (or methodological) contribution
- Implications
- Future directions (optional)
28The rest
Adolescent Depression 29
References Barnett, P. A.,
Gotlib, I. H. (1988). Psychosocial
functioning and depression Distinguishing among
antecedents, concomitants, and
consequences. Psychological Bulletin,
104. Beck, A. T. (1978). Beck Depression
Inventory. San Antonio, TX
Psychological Corporation. Benoit, D.,
Vidovic, D., Roman, J. (1991, April).
Transmission of attachment across three
generations. Paper presented at the
Biennial Meeting of the Society for
Research in Child Development. Benoit, D.,
Zeanah, C. H., Barton, M. L. (1989).
Maternal attachment disturbances in failure to
thrive. Infant Mental Health Journal,
3, 185-202. Benoit, D., Zeanah, C. H.,
Boucher, C., Minde, K. (1989). Sleep
disorders in early childhood Association
with insecure maternal attachment. Journal of
the American Academy of Child and
Adolescent Psychiatry, 31, 86-93.
- References
- Authors name
- Year
- Title of work
- Publication information
- Journal
- Issue
- Pages
When something odd comes up, dont guess. Look
it up!
29The rest
- Authors Notes
- Footnotes
- Tables
- Figure Captions
- Figures
30Figures and tables
- These are used to supplement the text.
- To make a point clearer for the reader.
- Typically used for
- The design
- Examples of stimuli
- Patterns of results
31Checklist - things to watch for
- Clarity
- Acknowledge the work of others (avoid plagiarism)
- Active vs. passive voice
- Active Monroe and Wahlheim (2003) hypothesized
that speakers use to much passive voice - Passive It was hypothesized by Monroe and
Wahlheim (2003) that speakers use to much passive
32Checklist - things to watch for
- Avoid biased language
- APA guidelines
- Accurate descriptions of individuals (e.g., Asian
vs. Korean) - Be sensitive to labels (e.g., Oriental)
- Appropriate use of headings
- Correct citing and references
- Good grammar
- APA style checklist
33Next time
- Read chapters 45.
- Bring your APA Publication Manual to lab (if
youve got one) - Dont forget your first journal summary is due
this week in lab