Title: IRMIS PV Crawler
1IRMIS PV Crawler
- Auto-populating the IRMIS PV Schema
2IRMIS PV Crawler
- Requirements
- Perl 5 with DBI and DBDmysql modules
- MySQL 4.x (4.1 preferred)
- EPICS msi tool (for now)
- Reasonably consistent ioc boot process
- Some ability to write/edit perl code
- To create BootScan module
- To handle site-specific boot peculiarities
3IRMIS PV Crawler
Ioc_boot, ioc_resource
bootparams st.cmd dbd db
IOC boot file system(s)
4IRMIS PV Crawler
- What pv_crawler does (every 5 minutes)
- Identify iocs to be scanned and their last known
boot date (ie. APSBootScan.pm or SNSBootScan.pm) - foreach ioc
- Check for new boot date
- If so, insert new ioc_boot record in db and
proceed - If not, skip to next ioc
- Parse st.cmd (collecting all info on dbd and db
files) - Check for any dbd or db file time mods
- If so, insert all pv and field data in db for ioc
5IRMIS PV Crawler
- Sample output from test run
bacchussaundersgt pv_crawler.pl --go
--boot-scanAPSBootScan --test --debug-leveldebug
I20050304105259pv crawler beginning usage msi
-V -Ipath ... -Msub ... -Ssubfile template
Specifying path will replace the default '.'
stdin is used if template is not
given D20050304105259PVCrawlerDBLayer begin
ioc_find D20050304105259iocs to be boot
scanned iocpar01 I20050304105259Processing ioc
iocpar01, boot date 20050118153007 I200503041052
59Parsing /usr/local/iocapps/R3.13.10/ioc/par/3/i
ocBoot/iocpar01/st.cmd D20050304105259script
mod time 20050114070431 D20050304105259sl lt
cdCommands D20050304105259script mod time
20050223113545 D20050304105259sl startup
cpar01" lt------cut--------gt D20050304105259sl
dbLoadDatabase("dbd/par01App.dbd") D2005030410525
9parse_function_call D20050304105259function
dbLoadDatabase with args ("dbd/par01App.dbd") D20
050304105259opening /net/helios/iocapps/R3.13.10/
ioc/par/3/dbd/par01App.dbd D20050304105259sl
dbLoadRecords "par01App/commonDb/par01status.db" D
20050304105259parse_function_call D200503041052
59function dbLoadRecords with args
"par01App/commonDb/par01status.db" D2005030410525
9calling parse_db with /net/helios/iocapps/R3.13.
10/ioc/par/3/par01App/commonDb/par 01status.db lt--
----cut--------gt D20050304105259check_for_file_m
ods() no record found in db, so return
1 I20050304105259IOC Resources changed 1,
Parse error 0 I20050304105259Write data to
DB I20050304105259pv crawler done
6IRMIS PV Crawler
- What info do we store over time for a given IOC?
- Boot history
- Each new ioc boot is recorded with date,
regardless of whether any configuration has
changed - If there is an identifiable problem with the
boot, or inability to parse its configuration,
an associated error is recorded - File system resources (only if changed from last
crawl) - Path to each dbd and db file that make up
configuration, along with file modified date and
any text substitutions applied - Record type definitions (dbd) (only if changed
from last crawl) - The set of fields defined for each record type at
that time - Record definitions (db) (only if changed from
last crawl) - Record name, fields and their default/overriden
7IRMIS PV Crawler
rdbCore PV Schema
8IRMIS PV Crawler
- Experience to date
- Running continuously for weeks now
- No involvement of ioc developers time
- All but 3 of 265 IOCs crawled successfully
(including soft iocs) - Continual crawler parser improvement required,
but has settled down to trivial cases now. - Crawler log raised useful issues for about 16
IOCs - Iocs registered as active in ioc table, but were
not - Some file system resources unreachable due to
perms - Identified iocs booting out of home directory
- Identified references to non-existent st.cmd,
dbd, db files - Fields defined in db files that dont exist in
record type - Identified iocs outside of general boot
guidelines - Duplicate record definitions