Title: Nuclear Physics at Jefferson Lab
1Nuclear Physics at Jefferson Lab
2Matter is made of atoms which, in turn, consist
of nuclei surrounded by electrons. Nuclei
contain 3 quarks. The quarks and electrons
are fundamental cannot be subdivided.
3The science at Jefferson Lab aims to
understand in detail the structure of matter by
probing the quarks in nuclei. To perform
this study we use an atom smasher and
detectors. Together, these form a kind of
Picture of 3 quarks in a proton.
4How can we obtain experimental
information about nuclei ?
5Step 1 Produce an electron beam
Electrons are pushed to higher energy by
microwaves (electromagnetic waves)
6Step 2 Smash the electrons into a target.
Its the quarks in the target that we are
Electron Beam
7Step 3 Detect the scattered debris in
Spectrometer 1
Spectrometer 2
Electron Beam
8Spectrometers at Jefferson Lab
These machines are microscopes for looking at
10Spectrometers Measure
Magnets measure momentum Detectors
identifies particles Direction of pointing
outgoing angle
Detector System
11Step 4 Detect the Particles
Particle Detectors determine what kind of
particles exist in the scattered debris.
12Artists view of detector stack
Consists of several kinds of detectors. The
technology is always improving and sometimes has
spinoffs (e.g. medical imaging)
13Step 5 The Physics
A measurement results in publishable new
information which can be compared to other
measurements and to theories. Results may
end up in textbooks someday.
14Specific example of research
Weve known for 30 years that there are 3 quarks
in a proton. uud (2 up, 1
down) What else is there ? e.g. anti-quarks ?
15How can you tell ?
1. Electric Force 2. Magnetic Force
1. Up quark
in proton
2. Down quark
3. Other ?
Need another force
- Use the weak nuclear force
- (couples to electrons to protons )
16How to isolate the weak interaction
Do 2 experiments that are mirror images Weak
interaction looks different. EM interaction
looks same.
17The weak interaction changes with mirror
imagingwhich allows to isolate it.
Incident electron
Positive spin
Mirror Image
A proton in target
Negative spin
So, we have to flip spin of electrons
18Experiment Flip spin and count
scattered electrons in each spin state
Detector 2 (count electrons)
Detector 1 (count electrons)
Proton target
- Less than 1 of the proton
- (or neutron) has exotic stuff
- quark - antiquark pairs.
20How to make electrons that spin
Pockel Cell flips spin
GaAs Crystal
e beam
- Must be careful when flipping spin
- Cant change anything else (e.g. position)
- Need position control to 1 nm !!
- Requred technological breakthroughs