Title: Access to EU Funds Alexander Foidl
1Access to EU FundsAlexander Foidl
Phare Business Support Programme III of the
European Union UEAPME - SME FIT II
This project is funded by the European Union
under the Phare Business Support Programme and
implemented by UEAPME and its partners. The
content of this document does not necessarily
reflect the opinion of the European Commission.
2Frequent Misunderstandings
- My company is exporting to Croatia...
- I have made an invention with European
impact... - My firm wants to set up a Joint Venture in
3EU Funding in General
- Nearly all funding within programmes few
opportunities to create own projects - Majority of funds managed at decentralised level
- Competitive selection
- In general not for profit
- Strict rules and procedures apply
- European Added Value needed
43 Basic Types of EU Funding
- Structural Funds
- Only for EU Member States
- Thematic/Action/Community Programmes
- For EU Member States and Canidate Countries
- External Aid Programmes
- For Candidate Countries and Non-Member States
52 Basic Types of Implementation
- Grants Calls for Proposals
- Own ideas
- Co-Financing necessary
- Selection criteria contribution to EU goals
- Publication DG websites, Official Journal C
- Tenders / Public Procurement Calls for Tenders
- Specific Requirements for Supplies/Services/Works
- No Co-Financing needed
- Selection criteria Price vs. Quality
- Publication Tenders Electronic Daily,
6Structural Funds
- Implementation decentralised in Member States
(co-financing needed) - National Calls for Proposals or on-going
submission and national or international Tenders - Beneficiaries typically enterprises, public
bodies - Projects do not need to be transnational
7Thematic Programmes (1)
- Implementation centralised by Directorate General
(DG) or Agency of the European Commission - EU-wide calls for proposals
- Beneficiaries typically public institutions,
universities, research institutes, associations,
NGOs, chambers (as INTERMEDIARIES) - Projects need to be transnational
8Thematic Programmes (2) - Research
- Seventh Framework Programme for Research and
Technological Development (FP7) - Budget 2007-2013 50.5 bn Euro
- 4 Supported Activities
- Cooperation (ICT, Aeronautics etc.)
- Ideas (SME research)
- People
- Capacities
9Thematic Programmes (3) - Competitiveness
- Competitiveness and Innovation Framework
Programme (CIP) - Budget 2007-2013 3.6 bn Euro
- 3 operational programmes
- Entrepreneurship and Innovation Programme (EIP)
- Access to Finance for SMEs
- Business and Innovation Service Centers
- Entrepreneurship
- Ecoinnovation
- Support for Policymaking
- ICT Policy Support Programme (ICT PSP)
- Intelligent Energy Europe Programme (IEE)
10Thematic Programmes (4) Other Examples
- SMEs and Internationalisation
- Gateway and Excecutive Training Programme (Japan,
Korea) - Asia Invest /AL-Invest
- Education Leonardo da Vinci
- Transport Marco Polo II
- Environment LIFE
- ICT eContent
- Media MEDIA 2007
11External Aid Programmes (1)
- Implementation decentralised in Beneficiary
countries with supervision of the EU Delegation - EU-wide Calls for Tender for Supplies, Works and
Service Contracts or Twinning - Beneficiaries typically public institutions of
Candidate Countries or Third Countries - Projects not transnational
12External Aid Programmes (2) Examples
- IPA Instrument for Pre-Accession
- Budget 2007-2013 11.5 bn
- Countries Candidate Countries, potential
Candidate Countries - 5 Components
- Institution Building
- Territorial Cooperation
- Regional Development
- Human Ressources
- Agriculture
- ENPI European Neighbourhood Partnership
13How to find Partners
- Enterprise Europe Network
- Programme project database, CORDIS partner
service - National Contact Points for programmes
- European Associations, Chamber platforms
- TED award notice Successful Tenderers and
short-listed candidates - Sector Seminars in Brussels
- Permanent Representation to the EU in Brussels
14How to be successful (1)
- Gather information early and act early
- Build up permanent partnerships
- Keep standard documents, CVs etc. up-to-date and
on file - Pay attention to all formal requirements,
deadlines etc. - Study work programme/tender dossier and award
criteria very carefully
15How to be successful (2)
- Stress the European dimension and the EU policy
development - Be innovative and sustainable
- Be consistent in your proposal and budget
- Proof-reading by outsidersis useful
- Put yourself into the position of an evaluator
make it easy for him/her!
16Information Sources (1)
- Structural Funds Managing Authorities
- http//ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/atlas2007/fich
e_index_en.htm - EU Grants
- http//ec.europa.eu/grants/index_en.htm
- Europen Portal for SMEs EU Funding (DG
Enterprise) - http//ec.europa.eu/enterprise/sme/funding_en.htm
- Calls for Proposals (Thematic Programmes) or the
Directorate Generals (DGs) of the European
Commission - http//ec.europa.eu/dgs_en.htm
- Official Journal C Series
- http//eur-lex.europa.eu/en/index.htm
17Information Sources (2)
- http//cordis.europa.eu/en/home.html
- EU Tenders Official Journal Supplement - TED
- http//ted.europa.eu/
- External Aid Tenders and Grants (including
Pre-Accession Programmes) - http//ec.europa.eu/europeaid/cgi/frame12.pl
- Microsoft EU Grants Advisor
- http//www.microsoft.com/emea/euga/
18Thank you!
Phare Business Support Programme III of the
European Union UEAPME - SME FIT II
- Alexander Foidl
- Austrian Federal Economic Chamber
- E alexander.foidl_at_wko.at
- W http//eufoerderguide.wko.at