Title: Menominee County Town
1Menominee County / Town Year 2030 Comprehensive
2TRANSPORTATION How do you want the County To
look in 2030?
Menominee County
2008 NAIP Imagery
3- Well-maintained and efficient road network?
- Intra/Inter County Bus Service
- Bicycle friendly?
- Pedestrian Facilities Safety?
- Recreational Trails?
- All of the Above or Combination of Above?
TRANSPORTATION How do you want the County To
look in 2030?
Menominee County
2008 NAIP Imagery
4TRANSPORTATION How do you want the County To
look in 2030?
Menominee County
2008 NAIP Imagery
5Public Recreation Opportunities? (Hiking? ATVs?)
Auto Tour Route?
Prepare a Safe Routes To School Plan
STH 55
Intersection Improvements
South Branch
Hwy 47 Corridor 2013 Resurfacing
Bicycle Pedestrian Improvements
Bicycle Pedestrian Improvements
STH 47
Hwy 47 Corridor Freight Improvements?
Middle Village
Future Recreation Trail
TRANSPORTATION - Plan Concepts -
Legend Lake
Intra/Inter County Bus Service
Draft 5/19/09
To Wausau Municipal Airport
Prepare a Safe Routes To School Plan
Menominee County
Hwy 47 / Casino Study
Hwy 47 2010 Resurface
2008 NAIP Imagery
To Austin Straubel Airport
To Shawano Municipal Airport
6Put the Plan into Action!
- Vision Maintain and improve the mobility of the
Countys residents. - Goal Ensure that County and Town Roads are
maintained. - Strategy Regularly inspect and monitor the
condition of all County/Town roads. - Recommendation Utilize PASERWARE and the
WisDOTs ____ to maintain a current database of
road conditions. - Goal Provide increased opportunities for
bicycling and walking within the Keshena, Legend
Lake, Middle Village, and Neopit areas. - Strategy Work with WisDOT, Shawano County, and
the Menominee Tribe on any future State Highway
improvement project to incorporate bicycle and
pedestrian facilities. - Recommendation Place a priority on the
long-term installation of facilities between
Keshena and Middle Village.