Title: AnalyticoSynthethic Classification and Facet Analysis
1Analytico-Synthethic Classification and Facet
- Devika P. Madalli
- Documentation Research and Training Centre,
- Indian Statistical Institute,
- Bangalore, INDIA
- Chief Objective
- To classify a Universe of concepts or a
- sub-set of it - such as a subject - as means
of representing uniquely the concepts and
individualize them through notation or symbols
3Types Of Classification System
4Which one? Issues to be considered
- Consider the feature of Knowledge is mostly
hierarchical - Hierarchies are achieved though successive
classification or division
5Enumerated Systems
- Enumerated systems deal with all subjects in
the same way! - For example, consider DDC
- It classifies and sub-classifies all subjects
and their parts successively and UNIFORMLY into
ten parts or categories!
6What it implies?
- All subjects have the same number of branches
- and
- All branches have the same number of concepts at
the same number of levels in the hierarchy/ies
7Knowledge Structures by Disciplines
- Knowledge structures for different domains are
8Knowledge Structures by Disciplines
Generic level
Generic level
Specific Level
Specific Level
9Knowledge structure and Classification
- Hence we cannot possibly have UNIFORM model for
mapping knowledge!
10Knowledge structure and Classification
- Some of the sections will not have that many
concepts and the others maybe over crowded!
11What is Analytico-Synthetic Classification?
- Analytico-Synthetic Classification is a faceted
classification system that - First
- Analyses subjects into facets
- And then
- Synthesizes them according into a facet formula
12Analytico Synthetic Classification
- Postulate of Fundamental Categories - Ranganathan
- There are five and only five fundamental
categories in a subject
13Five Fundamental Categories
- Personality (P)
- Matter (Matter-Property) (M)
- Energy (E)
- Space (S)
- Time (T)
- Popular Acronym
14Five Fundamental Categories
- This is probably the most distinct. The time
isolates identified maybe like - - Century, decade, year, so on
- Other types of time are
- - Day/night
- - Seasons summer,winter
- or sometimes more seminal
- - wet dry or stormy weather
15Five Fundamental Categories
- Space comes next to Time and it is easy to
identify as there are some concrete
manifestations. - What it contains
- - Surface of earth, all space inside of it and
outside of it. - Usual Geographical isolates such as continents,
countries - Oceans and seas
- Physiographical deserts, prairie, plateau,
mountain, river, lakes - Population clusters city, town, village, hamlet
16Five Fundamental Categories
- Manifestation of Action of all kinds
- Action maybe among or by all kinds of entities
such as inanimate, animate, conceptual,
intellectual and intuitive
17Five Fundamental Categories
- Material or a Property of an entity
- Example
- Table made of wood (wood Matter)
- Disease (Property of the Human body)
18Five Fundamental Categories
- Central idea of a subject
- Method of Detection Reductio Ad absurdum
- Residue method!
- Identified by main focus in subjects
- Examples
- Sciences
- Botany Plants/trees and parts
- Zoology Animal and their parts of the body
- Medicine Human body and parts
- Engineering automobiles and their parts
- Humanities
- Linguistics Language, sentence, word, phrase
- Religion Christianity, Islam, Hinduism,
Buddhism, Jainism - Social Sciences
- Education student, child (primary education),
adolescent (college), adult (university) - Law state, legal setup courts, judiciary,
20Basic Facet
- Postulate of Basic Facet
- Every compound subject has a basic facet
- Definition Compound Subject is a what is
generally understood as subject for teaching
and learning process. The compound subject would
have one basic facet that indicates its subject
along with one or more facet isolates (P, M,E ) -
21Basic Facet
- Basic Facet maybe explicit or implicit or absent
- Examples
- Fundamentals of Mathematics - Mathematics -
Explicit - C Programming Computer Sc. Implicit
- Absent Fanciful titles
- Lily (story of a dog!)
- Butterfly (biography of Indian Cine Actress!)
22Identification Fundamental Categories
- Verbal plane creates homonyms. The homonyms
should be resolved properly placing a term in
context! - (Warning Dont start work in classification
till the meaning of words is made explicit)
23Identification Fundamental Categories
- For example History of India
- Here the term India may directly denote a
place or space concept but it is not be
treated as space. - Here it is personality isolate of the Basic
Subject History
24Identification Fundamental Categories
- Now consider History in India
- Here India is Space
25Resolution of Personality and Matter
- One isolate maybe a Personality in one subject
but matter in another
26Resolution of Personality and Matter
- For example Consider Cotton
- Cotton - under crops is a manifestation of
personality isolate in the subject agriculture - Cotton - under material is a manifestation of
matter in Textile Technology - This can be resolved only by context
- Qualifiers modify or refine the meaning of a
facet/isolate - Warning
- Many qualifiers pose as isolates but must be
recognized as qualifiers and not as a facet. -
- Examples
- - Viral Infection should be treated as a
disease caused by virus and not VIRUS as
personality - - consider 2006-Ford would be a ford car model
of 2006 and 2006 is not a time isolate - - Victorian Period is indicating a time
period in History and has nothing to do with
Queen Victoria
29Rounds and Levels of Facets
- Postulate of Rounds for Energy
- The fundamental category Energy may manifest
itself in one and same subject more than once. - The first manifestation is to be taken to end
Round 1 of occurrence/s of basic categories
Personality, Matter and Energy. - The second manifestation of Energy is taken as
to end Round 2 and so on - (Knowledge is multidimensional and with complex
30Rounds and Levels of Facets
- Postulate of Rounds for Personality and Matter
- Each of the fundamental categories Personality
and Matter may manifest once or more times in
Round 1, Round 2 and so on
31Rounds and Levels of Facets
- They are to be represented as 1P if it occurs
in Round 1 and 2P if it occurs in Round 2 - Similarly 1M, 2M
32Rounds and Levels of Facets
- Space and Time normally manifest only once and
in the last round but they may have levels
represented by S1, S2 and T1 and T2 and so on
33Levels of Facets
- Any of fundamental categories Personality or
matter may manifest itself more than once in
the same Round in a subject. - The first occurrence of the Personality or
Matter within Round1 is level 1 - and
- second occurrence of these within same Round is
level 2
34Levels of Facets
- Hence we may have
- Personality First occurence
- Round 1 Level 1 1P1
- Second Occurrence
- Round 1 Level 2 1P2
- In the next Round
- First occurence
- Round 2 Level 1 2P1
- Second Occurrence
- Round 2 Level 2 2P2
35Rounds and Levels
- Consider Example
- Prevention of Disease in stem of Rice plants by
Spraying Chemicals - Analysis
- Agriculture BF. Prevention 1E. Disease
1M1. Rice plant 1P1. Stem. 1P2. Spraying
2E. Chemicals 2M1.
36Rounds and Levels
- Consider Example
- Prevention of Disease in stem of Rice plants by
Spraying Chemicals diluted with Ferrous Sulphide - Analysis
- Agriculture BF. Prevention 1E. Disease
1M1. Rice plant 1P1. Stem. 1P2. Spraying
2E. Chemicals 2M1. Ferrous Sulphide 2M2.
37Facet Sequence Synthesis
- Postulate of First Facet
- After analysis, facets going with a basic facet
should be arranged together. The basic facet
should be given the first position among the
facets of a compound subject
38Facet Sequence
- Postulate of Concreteness
- The five fundamental categories fall into the
sequence P,M, E, S, T in the order of decreasing
39Facet Formula
- Facet Formula for a subject gives the GENERIC
FRAMEWORK for a subject -
- Colon Classification uses five indicators
- , -- implies Personality
- -- implies Matter
- -- implies Energy
- . implies Space
- implies Time
41Generalized Facet Formula with Indicators and
Rounds and Levels
- (BS) ,1P1,1P2 ...,1Pn
- 1M11M2 1Mn
- 1E
- ,2P1,2P2 ,2Pn
- 2M12M2 2Mn
- 2E
- ,rP1,rP2 ,rPn
- rM1rM2 rMn
- rE
- .S1.S2
- T1 T2
- Where r and n would have integral values
42Semantics in formal Language
- It is the facets, their arrangements, and their
indication (indicators) that takes forward the
semantics or meaning even in formal
representation of subjects - Ranganathan defines it as the ability to achieve
co-extensiveness with the thought content of
documents -
43Semantics in formal Language
- It is important to note
- By the method of facetization we have faceted
knowledge Structure (Analysis) - By method of using indicators we can express ALL
facets of subject along one line and still
maintain the multidimensionality of subjects!
44Semantics in formal Language
- Knowledge is multidimensional.
- These dimensions are represented by facets of a
subjects in various rounds and levels. -
- And these facets are again Expressed in one
dimension but using distinct FORMAL NOTATION to
indicate the different dimensions
45Application of Facet Theory
- Way forward Building Faceted Ontologies