Title: Energy Minimization
1Energy Minimization
Local minima
Global minima
- At a maximum or minimum i.e., the gradient is
zero. -
- At a maximum the curvature is negative, i.e., lt
0 (2nd derivative less than zero) - At a minimum the curvature is positive, i.e., gt
0 (2nd derivative more than zero)
2Energy Minimization
For a multivariate system
the gradient is the first derivative vector
curvature is determined from the 2nd partial
derivative matrix - the Hessian matrix
3The Line Search Method
- Efficiency of minimizer judged by number of
iterations required to converge and number of
function evaluations per iteration
4Steepest Descent
- The line search direction is the direction of the
gradient - The direction of each step is perpendicular to
the previous step - Leads to oscillations inefficient behavior
5Conjugate Gradient
hi1 new direction vector gi1 new gradient
- Progresses along mutually conjugate directions
- Each successive step refines the direction
towards the minimum
6Newton-Raphson Method
Expensive but rapidly converging
where A0 is the Hessian Matrix of second
Derived from the expansion of Taylor Series
At the minimum xx, E'(x)0
7Rules for Selecting Minimizer
8Conformational Sampling Potential Energy Scan
9Conformational Sampling Temperature Dependence
Local minima
Global minima
10Steps in a Molecular Dynamics Simulation
11Setting Up The Simulation
- Obtaining the structure (PDB) file
- Amber parameter and topology library files
- Massage the input file to read in Leap
- Workout the missing parameters if any
- Add solvent box
- Neutralize charge of the system with counterions
- Write the coordinate and parameter file
- Run minimization
- Heating and Equilibration dynamics
- Production dynamics
12Temperature Control
- To generate NVT, NPT ensembles
- To study the system behavior as temperature
changes - Protein unfolding
- Perform simulated annealing
- Searching conformational space
13Constant Temperature Dynamics
- Kinetic Energy
- Velocity Reassignment Maxwell-Boltzmann
Distribution - Velocity Scaling
14Constant Temperature Dynamics
- Berendsen Temperature Coupling Scheme
Rate of change of temperature is proportional to
the difference in temperature between bath and
the system ? coupling parameter whose
magnitude determines how tightly the bath and
system are coupled
Amber simulation ? 0.5- 5.0 ps
15Constant Temperature Dynamics
- Stochastic collisions method Anderson et al.
- Randomly choose a particle and reassign its
velocities from a Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution - Trajectory Collection of mini microcanonical
simulations - Extended system method Nosé et al., Hoover et
al. - Thermal reservoir is part of the system,
represented by additional degrees of freedom - A fictitious mass parameter of the extra degree
of freedom controls energy flow between the
reservoir and system, larger the value of this
parameter, slower the energy flow
16Constant Pressure Dynamics
- Isothermal-isobaric ensemble
- Pressure is related to virial product of
position and the derivative of PE - Pressure is maintained by volume fluctuations of
the simulation cell - Volume fluctuations is related to isothermal
compressibility, ?
17Constant Pressure Dynamics
- Weak Coupling method Berendsen
- Extended Pressure-Coupling method Anderson et
al. - Introduce an extra degree of freedom (piston)
corresponding to the volume of the box
18Constant Pressure Dynamics
- Box side 20 Å (volume 8000 Å3) at 300 K
- For an ideal gas ? 1 atm-1, fluctuation 18100
Å3 - for water ? 44.75x10-6 atm-1, fluctuation 121