Title: Economic Valuation and Protected Areas.
1Economic Valuation and Protected Areas.
Venetia Hargreaves-Allen Imperial College
London Conservation Strategy Fund
2Economic Valuation and Protected Areas.
- Outline.
- Types of economic studies
- Principles of economic valuation
- Uses of economic valuation
- Research in Belize
3Types of economic study.
- Economic valuation
- beyond financial analysis
- value of net values
- Economic impact analysis
- value income employment impacts,
- Market value based
- Cost benefit analysis
- For future policies, projects and investments
4Key concepts in economic valuation.
- Consumer surplus
- Producer surplus
- Multipliers
- Economic incentives
- Willingness to pay or accept
- Total economic value
- Direct use indirect use non use values.
Increasingly difficult to measure
5Benefits of Protected Areas.
- Use Values
- Marketable products
- Recreation/tourism
- Ecosystem services
- Research
- Education
- Option Values
- Non-Use Values
- Bequest
- Existence value
- Spiritual
- Cultural / historical
- Intrinsic value
6Valuation methods.
- Market or shadow prices
- Effect on production
- Replacement cost
- Damages avoided
- Revealed Preference.
- Travel cost method
- Hedonic pricing (houses)
- Stated Preference.
- Contingent valuation
- Choice modelling
7How can you use valuation?
- Help raise revenues and sustainable financing
- Raise stakeholder, policy maker donor awareness
- Justify additional investment
- Identify more / equitable sources of funding
- Inform damage assessments
8How can you use valuation?
- Economic studies can enhance management
- Baseline indicators to judge policy impacts or
management goals - Understanding incentives faced by illegal
resource users - Understand trade-offs implicit in decisions
- Information for cost-benefit analysis
- Full cost accounting
9Affecting management
- Influencing legislation
- Designing interventions (taxes, regulations,
incentives) - Maximise benefits through targeted management
based on whole range of values - Identify marginalised stakeholders to target
- Appropriate price setting / controlling visitor
10My research interests.
- Benefits AND costs generated by marine reserves
- How these are distributed
- How this will affect management goals
- How to encourage resource conserving behaviour
- How to maximise long term benefits
11My research plans.
- Economic analysis of a marine reserve as a case
study - 1) Economic value of Gladden spit
- 2) Economic impact of Gladden spit
- Global study
- 3) Management questionnaire
12Marine Managed Area Science.
- Ecological and economic studies
- 4 case study countries
- 10 projects in Belize
- People involved
- Outputs workshop, film
- Methods and protocols will be shared
- Link with WRI economic valuation
13Economic valuation at Gladden Spit.
- Two major objectives
- Calculate the current economic value of goods and
services derived from a marine reserve. - Exploring the effects of potential scenarios on
future economic values.
14Values to be measured at Gladden Spit
- Five major areas gross and net values.
- Tourist values
- Tour operator producer surplus
- Fisher producer surplus
- Community values
- Coastal protection values
15Economic impact of Gladden spit.
- value of income and employment benefits
- fishing, tourism, research and management
- Identify winners and losers
- Examine user incentives
16Global MPA management survey.
- On-line survey to examine global patterns
- Economic costs generated by the MPA
- Economic benefits generated by the MPA
- Fiscal initiatives / measures employed
- Indicators of MPA success
- Factors associated with MPA success
- Contact details please help!
- Conservation International and Conservation
Strategy Fund - Friends of Nature
- Fisheries department
- UK government
- My supervisors
- Contact me vhargreavesallen_at_gmail.com.