Title: SpaceOps 2006
1SpaceOps 2006
- WHO - Working Hours Operations
- for geostationary telecom satellites.
- In order to fulfill all operational activities
linked to a geostationnary satellite and control
station maintenance, a 24/7 availability of an
operational team is required in the control
station. - Started in 2002, the Working Hours Operations
Project purpose was to perform on orbit control
operations of a geostationary telecom satellite
with optimized resources, reducing operational
costs. - Our main driver
- Decrease the operational workload (Working
Hours) and reduce the presence of operations
team in the control centre. - This presentation describes our experience in
analysis, development and implementation of a
satellite control system based on optimized
alarms processing and operations automation.
3- Operational activities analysis
4Operational activities analysis
- To optimize spacecraft control operations, we
started to analyze the whole operational activity
necessary to operate a satellite based on a high
level autonomy platform the Alcatel Alenia
Space Spacebus 4000. -
- To complete the study at spacecraft control
segment level, we defined a typical ground
control system architecture to analyse the
activities undertaken by the ground facilities
(spacecraft control centre, control station
equipment) and combined ground/satellite
- This analysis highlighted four activities which
require a specific treatment to unload station
operations and thus to reach the Working Hours
5Operational activities analysis
- ? Permanent monitoring of satellite and ground
facilities, basically performed via a set of
limits on telemetry or ground parameters. - ? Failure detection and anomaly processing as
soon as an anomaly is detected and can
unfortunately occur in non business hours. - ? Interfacing with telecom payload management
this activity can be scheduled or asynchronous
with respect to routine operation (customer
request). - ? Execution of planned operational procedures
this activity consists of executing operational
procedures already prepared and scheduled. Others
(offline) activities revolving around the
execution of the procedure, like the use of the
orbital dynamics software prior to and after a
manoeuvre, can be planned during business hours.
6- Solutions determination Implementation
- gt Permanent monitoring of satellite and ground
facilities Failure detection and anomaly
7 ? Permanent monitoring of satellite and ground
facilities ? Failure detection and anomaly
- Three kinds of alarms have been listed, based on
our on orbit control operations experiences,
lifetime support services and customers feed-back
- Transitional or temporary alarms,
- Alarms with no immediate human intervention,
- Alarms with immediate human intervention
- In addition, this analysis showed that
- in case of anomaly a lot of alarms are raised
simultaneously due to the link between
parameters, - some parameters are monitored unconditionally in
the same range whichever the satellite operating
phase, and some others have a set of limits
depending on satellite configuration (nominal or
redundant equipment is operational) or satellite
operating phase.
8 ? Permanent monitoring of satellite and ground
facilities ? Failure detection and anomaly
- The analysis of the control center and satellite
limits leads to request an advanced system of
limits processing and alarms management based on
a structured and multi-levels limits file for
telemetry parameters. -
The flowchart here after provides an example of
9 ? Permanent monitoring of satellite and ground
facilities ? Failure detection and anomaly
- Starting from the new requirements, an impact
analysis on the existing ALCATEL 9713 SCC (
Satellite Control centre) product line has been
performed, to identify the necessary
modifications in the product evolution road-map. - The monitoring functions have thus been adapted
to work with the structured multi-level limits
representation, including an editor to create,
modify and display such limits models.
10 ? Permanent monitoring of satellite and ground
facilities ? Failure detection and anomaly
- The alarm management tool was extended to offer
the additional flexibility required by Working
Hours Operations, and to interface smoothly with
a commercial tool for GSM/SMS calls management. - The system send a message which orients the
on-duty controller regarding type and nature of
the anomaly and contains at least the satellite
name, code of the parameter initiating the
reaction sequence, parameter short description,
parameter value that exceeding the action limit,
total number of alarms. - An alarms database file has been built including
set of criteria for all the necessary telemetry
parameters with the following limits and
characteristics - Minimum and maximum Caution threshold Action
threshold, - Triggering occurrence,
- Validity condition,
- Filter value,
- Action/sequence of action.
- This alarms database has been tested with the
advanced limits processing and alarms management
system of the control centre.
11- Solutions determination Implementation
- gt Permanent Interface with telecommunication
payload management
12? Permanent Interface with telecom payload
- Two kinds of operations have been identified
- Scheduled payload operations linked to mission
customers requests - Operations are generally already optimized with
respect to operators and system availability. - However operations preparation can be reduced (
for instance with procedures taking into account
the existing payload configuration). - Asynchronous operations on an operating channel
(gain adjustment) due to not scheduled mission
requests or payload reconfiguration
(contingencies, equipment anomaly/failure) - Operations optimization depends on operations
complexity, facilities used and personnel
involved. - The following approach has been performed in
order to determine optimization axes - Categorization of mission requests based on
requests history from several satellite mission
(gain adjustment, uplink carrier) - Specification of necessary functionalities to
manage the mission requests taking into account
multi-missions (multi-users) requests and
priority management with respect to satellite
platform operations - Specification of a remote telemetry tool to
provide permanent payload telemetry information
to the mission operators.
13? Permanent Interface with telecom payload
- Implementation Optimization of operations in
the frame of payload management - Scheduled mission operations preparation
- The inputs of Operational procedures in charge
of generating the payload configuration change
with respect to the mission request and the on
board status, come directly from the payload
management software implemented on SCC, - This preparation process is now currently used
for payload operations. - Asynchronous operations
- A Mission Management interface has been
implemented between an Alcatel Alenia Space
Mission Centre and Spacecraft Control Centre in
order to transmit (bi-directional) payload
telemetry to the mission team and sequence of
command to the spacecraft based on customer
requests. - This system has been tested and qualified and is
actually used for commercial spacecraft
operations. This system is particularly adapted
to secure the information transmission in case of
complex payload and to reduce the operational
14? Permanent Interface with telecom payload
- Remote telemetry tool for payload management
- A system of remote telemetry display for
mission controller has been developed on the
basis of existing Alcatel Alenia Space Control
Centre product of monitoring and control. - This system has been validated and now used in
operational conditions allowing mission team to
follow the payload configuration during In Orbit
Tests phases.
Next is a typical payload dynamic display
15- Solutions determination Implementation
- gt Execution of planned operational procedures
16? Execution of planned operational procedures
- We have identified two axes to perform planned
procedures with regards to optimization of
operational tasks - 1) Lighten operations the controller available
on station or on duty for the dedicated
operations or on call, performs operations based
on a reduced optimized set of operational
procedures. In this case only the existing
operational procedures need to be adapted with
respect to the advanced limits processing and
alarms management system . There is no additional
specification for the control system. - 2) Operations automation operations are
scheduled and performed by on-ground automatisms.
The controllers/engineers tasks are limited to
operations preparation. This solution requests
some operational procedures adaptations and
evolutions of ground system (execution software,
scheduler) -
- Work Axis choice Taking into account the
existing telecommunication operators organization
and needs, we decided in a first step to
implement solution 1 our customers mostly prefer
to keep human resource on station 24/7 days and
benefit of operations workload reduction to
optimize their operational team size and
organization with regard to satellite fleet
However, solution 2 remains the target and we
issued specifications for control system
evolution with respect to operations automation.
17? Execution of planned operational procedures
- Adaptation automated execution of operationnal
procedures - Analysis of routine operations has shown that in
order to perform lighten operations, some
operational procedure has to be reviewed like
Eclipse monitoring to be fully compatible with
the advanced limits processing. - Transitions between operating modes generate some
temporary alarms and we have to inhibit temporary
the monitoring on these parameters prior the
eclipse entry and to reactivate it just after the
- A PROcedure eXecution software (PROX) has been
developed at Control Centre level to execute
procedures (defined with a procedure editor AAS
PGE - Procedure Generation Environment software ) - This application manages transitions and obtains
a full automation of procedure execution.
PROX is used to pilot procedure execution,
monitoring during and after execution, generate
reports and archive procedure steps results for
retrieval purpose. PROX performs automatically
the checked normally done by the controller and
send the command if the board is not at the
expected value.
18? Execution of planned operational procedures
- PROcedure eXecution software
- gt A PROX-on-Net WEB server application,
allows procedures to be consulted with an
internet browser by a remote user.
- gt PROX PROX-on-Net
- have been validated and are now used to operate
commercial satellite and to lighten operations,
even in case of critical operations phases as
Launch Early Orbit Phase and In Orbit Tests.
19 20Conclusion
- From an industrial point of view, Alcatel
Alenia Space prepares the future of spacecraft
operations with operations automation
specifications and tools are existing. Remains to
persuade satellite operators companies themselves
that the spacecraft safety is preserved in a full
automated mode. - From an operational point of view, the actual
concern of main operators companies is to reduce
the operational workload, but keeping their human
resource organization on station 24/7days. - Alcatel Alenia Space has developed and tested a
complete operational environment and control
system to perform lighten operations for
geostationary satellite. Several operational
products functionalities are now used to
monitor control Alcatel Alenia Space
geostationary satellite during their commercial
lifetime, minimizing and optimizing the
operational Working Hours and associated costs.
This operational environment is also used for our
back-up service offer provided to our customer. - This can been done with regard to Alcatel Alenia
Space internal organization promoting a very
close cooperation between space segment
components Spacebus 4000 new generation
satellite, ground control systems and operational