Title: GERB status
1GERB status
2GERB data
- Nominal GERB region 60N-60S, 60E-60W
- Scanned in shortwave (0.3 to 4?m) and total bands
(0.3 to gt200?m) in just over 51/2 minutes - Flux products for region provided as 3 scan
averages (1642), or 15 minute averages. - GERB-2 on geostationary MSG-1 began commissioning
beginning 2003 at 10?W. Satellite declared
operational Feb 2004, moved to 3.5?W. First
release of GERB data last month - GERB-1 launched on MSG-2 Dec 2006 and currently
being commissioned
Total channel
Shortwave channel
315 minute GERB fluxes
1200 14/04/06
- GERB on MSG has been operating for 3.5 y
- This is nominal design lifetime, but satisfactory
science data is still being acquired. Since Feb
2005 occasional mirror mis-pointing events occur,
periods where these are more frequent and less
frequent are apparent but no trend is
identifiable since Feb 2005 - Current plans will keep MSG-1 GERB as the
operational instrument for the moment, probably
until after the equinox and possibly until the
end of the year (decision depends on EUMETSAT and
- Turned on Jan 2006
- After a few days of pre-eclipse calibration tests
GERB on MSG-2 was place in SAFE (non-rotating)
mode for the first spring eclipse period,
calibration commissioning operations resumed at
the end April - All commissioning operations are complete
- MSG-2 will be relocated at 0 deg from 5th-17th
July - Overlap operations are planned for August and
possibly longer but given that GERB-3 wont be
operational before 2012 there is pressure to
conserve GERB-1 operating lifetime
6Eclipse ops
- A new software patch which offers improved (not
100) safety benefits during eclipse operations
has been installed and tested on both GERBs - MSG-1 GERB operated through the spring 2006
eclipse without incident (although the new patch
did operate to safely place the instrument in an
AUTO-SUNBLOCK configuration on several
occasions in response to mirror pointing
irregularities - A decision on which GERB instrument to operate
during the Autumn 2006 eclipse period is pending
7GERB data
- GERB level 2 (V003) ARG products were released as
Edition 1 data from the ggsps at end May of this
year - NANRG and BARG products should follow shortly
- Current Edition record runs from 25 March 2006 to
present less 40 days - Reprocessing of old data will begin when
reprocessing machine is set up - Priority periods (March 2006, June-July 2004
Dec 2004-Jan 2005, Feb 2004 have been
identified), however a full reprocessing starting
Feb 2004 may be more feasible (TBD), may take 3
months / year
Target accuracy 0.1 GERB pixel Requires precise
knowledge of where in the MSG spin (100rpm) data
is acquired.
Accuracy of spin timing information from MSG much
poorer than specified, plus delay in obtaining
spin structure axis misalignment information from
EUMETSAT interim solution is to match GERB to
SEVIRI observations.
Performance most pixels matched to 0.5 pixel
90 to 0.33 pixel 75 matched to 0.25 pixel.
Stability of optical model derived from retrieved
1 of cases
4 of cases
5 of cases
15 of cases
25 of cases
10 of cases
20 of cases
20 of cases
Long term develop hybrid analytical/empirical
model for motion of spacecraft and satellite
rotation. Not all aspects of geolocation
behaviour currently understood
9Inter-comparison of GERB and CERES radiances
Valuable collaboration between GERB and CERES,
and thanks to CERES team for helping GERB
project Special scanning pattern enables CERES
to view same surface pixel along same line of
sight Particularly important for highly
anisotropic SW radiances
Best fitGERB1.02xCERES3.5Wm-2sr-1
Best fitGERB1.004xCERES-1.8Wm-2sr-1
10GERB data accuracy
11GERB data intercomparison
12Radiance comparison scene dependency
13LW Flux comparison
Limb darkening differences
LW FLUX ratio
Know problems exist with the LW anisotropy
factors for semitransparent cloudDifferences
seen in the limb darkening of the CERES and GERB
fluxes Average GERB/CERES SW flux ratio 0.99
14SW Flux comparison
Aerosol / cloud detection effects
Cloud detection and disk edge (resolution) effects
VZA 70? limit
Clear sky
All sky
SW FLUX ratio
Anisotropy factors are found to be 1 higher than
CERES for same scene Average GERB/CERES SW flux
ratio 1.07
15Processing improvements in the pipeline
- Geolocation method (by matching) not ideal
solution and cant meet spec for some products
improvement and further information on spacecraft
behaviour still required - Spectral response Ongoing analysis of the
GERB-CERES differences, including further
measurements on flight spare detector to provide
further input to detector spectral response and
pixel-to-pixel variability - LW and SW radiance to flux conversion Improving
accuracy of fluxes is an ongoing research
activity, specialised treatment of SW fluxes in
the presence of aerosol and LW fluxes for thin
cloud being developed. Clear sky diurnal
asymmetry problem being improved.