Title: Cosmic magnetism (KSP of the SKA)?
1Cosmic magnetism (KSP of the SKA)? understand
the origin and evolution of magnetism in the
Galaxy, extragalactic objects, clusters and
inter-galactic/-cluster space. SKADS in the MPI
für Radioastronmie (Bonn)? the Galaxy and nearby
spiral galaxies
- M 51 VLAEff 6cm
- (Fletcher Beck)?
2Galactic foreground simulationX.H. Sun, W.
Reich (MPIfR Bonn),A. Waelkens, T. Enßlin (MPE
Garching) submitted to AA
- Aim is to develop a Galactic 3D-model which
will produce all-sky maps in total intensity,
linear polarization and rotation measure - Observations used to constrain the model
- All-sky intensity maps (408 MHz 1400 MHz 22.8
GHz - WMAP)? - All-sky polarization maps (1.4 GHz 22.8 GHz)?
- Rotation measures of extragalactic sources (1800
NVSS sources Han et al. in prep.)
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4Disk fields ASS (Axisymmetric Spiral)
reversals in arms
Fit of RMs in the plane
Fits of 408MHz I
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7T.G.Arshakian, R.Beck and M.Krause (MPIfR, Bonn)
R.Stepanov and P.Frick (ICMM, Perm) submitted to
Testing the magnetic field models of spiral
galaxies with the SKA SKADS science simulations
- The aim is to estimate the required number
density of polarized sources to be - detected with the SKA for reliable recognition
or reconstruction of the magnetic - field structure in nearby spiral galaxies.
- Steps
- To simulate the RM maps of a typical spiral
galaxy for - - the regular and turbulent magnetic field
models (disk and halo)? - - the thermal electron density model
- 2. To recognize or reconstruct the magnetic field
structure from the simulated RM map - and assess their reliability.
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9Recognition of regular magnetic field structures
for ASS, BSS, QSS,
Simple magnetic field structures can be reliably
recognized from a limited RM measurements (lt50).
Recognition method provides a reliable estimate
of the pitch angle (10) and field amplitude
Simulations of a minimum number density of
polarized sources (N) for different -
inclination of a galaxy - turbulence of RM
- slope of integral number counts of polarized
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11Perspectives for the SKA at 1.4 GHz
- Reconstruction of magnetic field structures is
possible from a sample of ? 1000 RM sources
galaxies at 1 Mpc with T lt 1 h, and 60 galaxies
between 1 to 10 Mpc with tens to hundred hours
with the SKA. - Recognition can be reliably performed from a
limited sample of ? 50 RM measurements 600
spiral galaxies (lt10 Mpc, ?p0.2 µJy) can be
recognized within T 15 min SKA observation
time, and 60.000 galaxies (?100 Mpc, ?p0.015
µJy) with T 100 h. - The pitch angles are reproduced with accuracy of
2o for the ASS and 1o (for the QSS). The field
amplitude about 10 for all field models. - High modes (BSS and QSS) are easier to
recognize. - The slope of number counts of polarized sources
needs to be determined at low flux levels. - The RM errors are much smaller at low
frequencies RM data can be used for detection
and recognition of weak galactic and
intergalactic magnetic fields with LOFAR, ASKAP
and SKA-AA if background sources are still
polarized at low frequencies (lt300 MHz) - NEEDS