Title: Overview of the system, modules, parameters and functionality
1FEDRA status and progress
Valeri Tioukov, INFN, Napoli
- Overview of the system, modules, parameters and
2The purpose of FEDRA is the emulsion data analysis
- To provide the library of methods and tools for
emulsion data processing - To simplify the possibility of finding new
effects in emulsion data - To be easily upgradeable with new functions and
modules - Possibility of the interactive analysis
3Maximum of freedom for usersdevelopers
- Full data set must be available with the
transparent access (root files) - Raw data
- Final data
- Intermediate data
- Functions and libraries should be available in
the interactive session - Batch processing driven by users cards
4Framework development cycle of the new
- Interactive analysis of the data set (root
session) - Script programming and testing of new functions
- Class and/or functions development
- Including into libraries
- Testing and release
5Emulsion scanningstorage structures
- View the basic structure with
- Header
- frames (images)
- clusters
- segments
- Run all data of one scanning session
- Run header
- View tree
- Fragment (SySal only) rectangular region
scanned together with some common settings
6Data reconstruction structures
- EdbSegP segment with some additional attributes
- EdbPattern 2-dimensional pattern of segments
- EdbVolume 3-dimensional, array of patterns
- EdbDataSet keep information for the set of data
to be reconstructed together (brick) - EdbLayer geometrical attributes of one emulsion
layer (could be associated to pattern) - EdbScanCond parameters like resolutions, etc
which depends on the emulsionSS conditions
7Essential operations
- Link Pattern to pattern linking I.e.
segment-segment association - Alignment pattern to pattern affine
transformation calculated for the case of maximum
number of associations found - tracking recognition of chains of segments
satisfied to linking criteria
8Recset front-end for batch processing
- recset -l -a -t -f ...
input_data_set_file - -ccd - to remove ccd defects
(update par/xxx.par file) - -l - link up/down
- -ang - correct up/down angles
offset and rotations - -a - plate to plate
alignment - -f - fine alignment based on
passed-throw tracks - -tn - tracking
- -nu - suppress the update of
par files
9Data-set structure
- Dataset.def structure definition file
- Runs.lst - runs list
- Default.par common parameters setting
- rawdata/ - raw runs corresponding to runs.lst
- ./par/ - individual per peace parameters
d-base - ./data/ intermediate data (per peace)
- Tracks.root - output
10Parameters overview layer
- Convention for layer ID
- 1 and 2 emulsion surfaces (patterns consists
of microtracks) - 0 - emulsion plate (patterns consist
of basetracks) - Reference system for 1 and 2 in-plate RS
- Reference system for 0 in-brick RS
- ZLAYER 1/2 0./210. 0. 0.
- SHRINK 1 .89
- AFFXY 1 1 0 0 1 0 0
- AFFTXTY 1 1 0 0 1 0 0
- ZLAYER 0 1300.
- AFFXY 0 1.000636 0.000099 0.000529
1.000098 -43.073853 -47.092899
11Parameters overview ScanCond
- Convention concerning 1,2,0 is the same as for
layers - "Prototype_OPERA_microtrack"
- SIGMAGR 1 .5 .5 3.
sigmaX sigmaY sigmaZ for one grain - SIGMA0 1 .5 .5 .010 .010
sigmaX sigmaY sigmaTX sigmaTY - DEGRAD 1 5.
angular degradation sig(tx) sig(0)(1degtx) - BINS 1 5 5 4 4
binsigma acceptance - RAMP0 1 8 12
puls(Signal 1) puls(Signal 80) at 0 rad angle - RAMP04 1 6 9
puls(Signal 1) puls(Signal 80) at .4 rad angle - CHI2MAX 1 3.5
chi2 simple - CHI2PMAX 1 3.5
chi2 with puls weighting (ramp used)
12Parameters overview ScanCond
- "Prototype_OPERA_basetrack_300micron"
- SIGMA0 0 9. 10. .006 .006
- DEGRAD 0 4.
- BINS 0 5 5 3 3
- RAMP0 0 10 10
- RAMP04 0 10 10
- CHI2MAX 0 3.5
- CHI2PMAX 0 2.5
- OFFSET 0 100. 100.
maximal offset for alignment search (dX dY)
13Parameters overviewSelections
Cuts for segments (view coord - same as in run
files) used for up/down linking XCUT - reject
inside the defined phase volume (accept the
eXternal part) ICUT - reject outside the
defined phase volume (accept the Internal part)
xmin xmax ymin ymax txmin
txmax tymin tymax Pmin Pmax ICUT 1 -500.
500. -500. 500. -.9 .9
-.2 .2 0. 17. ICUT 2 -500. 500.
-500. 500. -.9 .9
-.2 .2 0. 17. Cuts for basetrack
(coord - same as in couples tree) used for
alingment search ICUT 0 CUTCP can be used
before alignment and linking Max for N1
N1tot N2 N2tot Chi2 Chi2P CUTCP 0
1 10 1 10 3.5 3.5
14Parameters overview other
Should be defined once/dataset AFID 0
1-use fiducial marks, 0 - stage coord (stored in
the run files) CLUST 0 1- with grains
analysis (time consuming), 0 - no grains used
for raw data selection (reading from run.root)
x0 y0
z0 tx ty VOLUME0 -62000.
58000. 0. 0. 0. VOLUMEA
5000. 5000.
15Additional information
- FEDRA CVS repository
- http//ntslab01.na.infn.it/cgi-bin/cvsweb.cgi/fed
ra/ - Installation instruction
fedra/README.INSTALL - Raw data structures definition
fedra/src/doc/edb_data_structure.txt - Data-set organization and processing
fedra/src/appl/jun2003/README - Progress information
fedra/doc/fedra_release_notes.txt - Raw and processed data sample
16Useful scripts in the tarball
- Rootlogon.C - load fedra libraries
- Makepar.C - create dummy par-files for the
following update - Check_raw.C - process run-file and plot
characteristic distributions - Check_set.C - display the summary plots for
the data-set
17Additional modules not stable yet but already
- Emulsion display developed by Igor
- Ali/Op-Root display is adopted for Fedra
- Image Processing module (VTIK)
- FIR-filtering of the images
- Clasterization with output to root tree
- Grain Analysis module
- Vertical grains sequence reconstruction (useful
for hardware parameters estimation)
18Example of using EdbIP
- EdbIP ip
- ip.SetFIR( new EdbFIRF("6x6A"))
- ip.SetThr(thr)
- EdbFrame frame new EdbFrame()
- frame-gtSetID(i)
- frame-gtSetZ(z)
- EdbImage image new EdbImage(im.bmp,"BMP")
- frame-gtSetImage(image)
- TTree treeip.InitTree()
- ip.Clusterize(frame,tree)
- Tracking (ideas are welcome, Imad?)
- Vertex reconstruction (first pass could be done
in a month) - Marriage with Op-simulation?
- Code polishing
- Documentation