Title: Choosing an Institutional Repository Platform
1Choosing an Institutional Repository Platform
- By
- Ezra Shiloba Gbaje
- B.Tech. Maths/Computer Science, MLS
- shiloba_at_yahoo.com
- Department of Library and Information Science
- Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria
Sharondelight Information Consults
2Choosing an IR Software
- Institutional Repositories are major players in
the Open Access movement - Purpose Not to recommend any single system
- Each Institutional Repository platform has unique
strengths. - - Creating an Institutional Repository LEADIRS
Workbook By Mary R. Barton, MIT Libraries
Margaret M. Waters
SharonDelight Information Consult
3Potential Uses
- Pre-print and e-print archives
- Online theses Dissertation
- Educational materials
- Digital libraries materials delivery
- University records management
- Alternative publishing platforms (in the future)
- - Creating an Institutional Repository LEADIRS
Workbook By Mary R. Barton, MIT Libraries
Margaret M. Waters
SharonDelight Information Consult
4Components of an Institutional Repository System
- Interface for adding content to the system
- Interface for searching/browsing/retrieving
content - Content database for storing content
- Administrative interface to support collection
management and - preservation activities
- - Creating an Institutional Repository LEADIRS
Workbook By Mary R. Barton Margaret M. Waters
SharonDelight Information Consult
5Features to look for in Choosing IR platforms
Basic Technical Building Blocks
- Windows or Unix/Linux Servers
- Web Server, such as Apache and related web
application tools - Database, such as MySQL, DB2, Oracle, Postgres,
SQL Server - Institutional Repository Software
- - Creating an Institutional Repository LEADIRS
Workbook By Mary R. Barton Margaret M. Waters
SharonDelight Information Consult
6Features to look for in Choosing IR platforms
Product Features to Consider
- File formats supported text, images, datasets,
video, audio, etc. - Metadata standards (descriptive, technical,
preservation, rights) - Interoperability OAI compliance, Z39.50, SRW,
etc. - Permanent item address or locator (e.g.,
persistent URL) - Search/browse of metadata
- Full-text search
- Workflow, submission for content approval
- User authentication and authorisation
- Back-end content contributor, editor,
administrator, metadata - editor
- Front-end end-user access to content
- Customisation API (application programming
interface) for customising - the software, extending features as needed
- - Creating an Institutional Repository LEADIRS
Workbook By Mary R. Barton Margaret M. Waters
SharonDelight Information Consult
7Features to look for in Choosing IR platforms
Software Developer/Distributor
- Free vs. commercial software (licence,
subscription fees) - Open Source vs. proprietary
- Technical support available
- - Creating an Institutional Repository LEADIRS
Workbook By Mary R. Barton Margaret M. Waters
SharonDelight Information Consult
8Features to look for in Choosing IR platforms
Technical Issues Once a Service is Running
- Service availability (24/7)
- Scalability (growth)
- Backup and recovery
- System maintenance
- Extensibility access to other university
resources, systems - Customization
- Internationalisation/multilingual support
- Data loading
- - Creating an Institutional Repository LEADIRS
Workbook By Mary R. Barton Margaret M. Waters
SharonDelight Information Consult
9Some IR Software Platform
- Dspace www.dspace.org
- Eprint- www.eprints.org/
- Fedora - www.fedora-commons.org/
- Archimede - http//www1.bibl.ulaval.ca/archimede/i
ndex.en.html - CDSware www.cdsware.cern.ch/
SharonDelight Information Consult
10SharonDelight Information Consult