Remote Timing Attacks are Practical - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Remote Timing Attacks are Practical


Extracting secrets by observing time to respond to various queries ... ghi is same as g, with ith bit set to 1. If bit of q is 1 then g ghi q, otherwise g q ghi. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Remote Timing Attacks are Practical

Remote Timing Attacks are Practical
  • An Overview by
  • - Rahul Deshpande

What are Timing Attacks
  • Extracting secrets by observing time to respond
    to various queries
  • E.g.. Kocher designed a timing attack to expose
    secret keys used for RSA.

Timing Attacks
  • Usually used to attack weak computing devices
    such as Smart Cards
  • Also applicable to general software systems
  • Practical against network servers

Common Assumptions
  • Attack only applicable to hardware security
  • Attack cannot be used to against general purpose
    servers since decryption times are masked by many
    concurrent processes running on the system.

Challenging the Assumptions
  • Remote timing attack against OpenSSL developed.
  • OpenSSL an SSL library commonly used in web
    servers and other SSL applications.
  • Attack client measures the time an OpenSSL server
    takes to respond to the decryption queries.
  • Client able to extract private key stored on the

Environments in which attack is applicable
  • Network between two machines in different
    buildings with multiple routers and switches
    between them.
  • Interprocess Between two processes running on
    the same machine.
  • Virtual Machines extracting RSA private key
    from secure Virtual Machine (VM), invalidating
    isolation provided by Virtual Machine Monitor

OpenSSL Decryption
  • RSA decryption done using modular exponentiation
  • M cd mod N where N pq is the RSA modulus.
  • OpenSSL uses Chinese Remainder Theorem to perform
  • CRT computes exponentiation in two steps by
    computing m1 and m2 and then combining the two to
    get m.
  • Decryption with CRT gives up to a factor of four
  • Timing attack can expose the factors of N used in

The Chinese Remainder Theorem
  • It is possible to reconstruct integers in a
    certain range from their residues modulo a set of
    pair wise relatively prime moduli.
  • E.g. The 10 integers in Z10(0,1.9) can be
    reconstructed from their two residues modulo 2
    and 5 (relatively prime factors of 10).
  • Provides a way to manipulate large numbers mod M
    in terms of tuples of smaller numbers.
  • CRT can be formulated as
  • k
  • M ? mi
  • i1
  • Where, mi are pairwise relatively prime.
  • Any integer in Zm can be represented by a k-tuple
    whose elements are in Zmi using the following
  • A lt-gt (a1, a2,.ak)

The Chinese Remainder Theorem
  • n n1n2nk with gcd (ni nj ) 1 when i ! j
  • The system of congruencies
  • xx1(mod n1)xk(mod nk)
  • has a simultaneous solution x to all of the
    congruencies, and there exists exactly one
    solution x between 0 and n-1.

Speedup RSA with CRT
  • Any message MltN is uniquely represented by the
    tuple MPMQ , where
  • MP M(mod P) and MQ M(mod Q).
  • CP C(mod P) and CQ C(mod Q).
  • DP D(mod (P-1)) and DQ D(mod (Q-1))
  • RP QP-1(mod N) and RQ PQ-1(mod N)
  • MP CPDP(mod P) and MQ CQDQ(mod Q)
  • SP MPRP(mod N) and SQ MQRQ(mod N)
  • M SP SQ. If MgtN then calc MM-N.
  • Reference Johann Großschädl, The Chinese
    Remainder Theorem and its Application in a
    High-Speed RSA Crypto Chip

  • Simplest algorithm to compute gd mod q is square
    and multiply.
  • OpenSSL uses optimization of square and multiply
    called sliding window exponentiation

Sliding Window Exponentiation
  • Block of bits (window) of d processed at each
  • Requires precomputing a multiplication table,
    taking time proportional to 2w-1 1 for a window
    size of w.
  • For a 1024-bit modulus, OpenSSL uses a window
    size of five.
  • Attack Querying on many inputs g, attacker
    exposes information about bits of the factor q.
  • Attack on sliding windows harder than on square
    and multiply because of fewer multiplications.

Montgomery Reduction
  • A reduction modulo q done via multiprecision
    division and then returning the remainder is
  • Montgomery proposed method for implementing
    reduction modulo q using series of operations
    efficient in hardware and software.
  • Montgomery reduction transforms a reduction
    modulo q into a reduction modulo some power of
    two denoted by R
  • Reduction modulo power of 2 faster since easily
    implemented in hardware.
  • All variables must be put into Montgomery form.

Montgomery Reduction
  • At the end of reduction, checked if output cR is
    greater than q.
  • If cRgtq, q subtracted from output to keep cR in
    the range o,q). This extra step is called Extra
  • Extra Reduction causes timing difference for
    different inputs.
  • Detecting timing differences from extra reduction
    tells how close g is to a multiple of one of the

Multiplication Routines
  • RSA operations make use of a multi-precision
    integer multiplication routine.
  • OpenSSL implements two multiplication routines
    Karatsuba and Normal.
  • Karatsuba used when multiplying two numbers with
    equal number of words. Takes time O(n1.58).
  • Normal Multiplication used when multiplying two
    numbers with unequal word sizes n and m. Takes
    time O(nm).

Multiplication Routines
  • Normal Multiplication takes quadratic time for
    numbers of approximately same size.
  • Multiplication of two unequal size words takes
    longer than multiplication of equal size words.
  • This fact used in timing attack on OpenSSL.
  • Underlying word multiplication algorithm
    dominates the total time for a decryption.
  • In OpenSSL, it takes 30-40 of total running

Comparison of Timing Differences
  • Two algorithmic data dependencies in OpenSSL that
    cause time variance in RSA decryption
  • 1. Number of extra reductions in Montgomery
  • 2. Choice of multiplication routine.
  • Effects of these optimizations counteract each
  • Karatsuba decryption of gltq faster than ggtq and
    vice versa for Montgomery Reduction.

A Timing Attack on OpenSSL
  • Exposes the factorization of the RSA modulus.
  • Approximations built which get progressively
    closer as the attack proceeds.
  • Can be viewed as a binary search for q.
  • After recovering half-most bits of q,
    Coppersmiths algorithm used to retrieve complete
  • Value of decryption not needed, only the time
    required for decryption needed.

Timing Attack on OpenSSL
  • g is an integer that has the same top i-1 bits as
    q and remaining bits of g are 0.
  • ghi is same as g, with ith bit set to 1. If bit
    of q is 1 then glt ghiltq, otherwise gltqlt ghi.
  • Measure the time to decrypt both ug and ughi,
    represented as t1 and t2.
  • Calculate the timing difference td t1-t2.
  • If bit i of q is 0, then td is large
  • If bit i of q is 1, then td is small

Real World Scenarios
  • Timing attack applies to SSL applications such
    as stunnel, Apache web server with mod_SSL, and
    trusted computing projects such as Microsofts
  • RSA applications using a hardware crypto
    accelerator not vulnerable.
  • Attacks apply to only software based RSA

Example of an Attack on SSL server
  • In a standard full SSL handshake, SSL server
    performs RSA decryption using its private key.
  • CLIENT-KEY-EXCHANGE message composed by
    encrypting PKCS 1 padded random bytes with
    servers public key.
  • In the attack, client substitutes properly
    formatted CLIENT-KEY-EXCHANGE with the guess g.
  • Server generates ALERT message.
  • Client computes time difference and repeats for
    various values.

  • Show that factorization of the RSA modulus N is
  • Test effects of increasing decryption requests
  • Compare effectiveness based upon different keys
  • Compare effectiveness based upon machine
    architecture and common compile-time
  • Compare effectiveness based upon source-based
  • Compare inter-process vs. local network attacks
  • Compare effectiveness against two common SSL
    applications Apache web server with mod_SSL and

Experiment Setup
  • Attack performed against OpenSSL 0.9.7 which does
    not blind RSA operations by default.
  • Simple TCP server implemented that read an ASCII
  • Converted string to OpenSSLs internal
    multi-precision representation
  • The RSA decryption performed
  • Decryption time writing the ciphertext over the
    socket to receiving the reply.

Experiment 1- Number of Ciphertexts
  • Parameters that determine the number of queries
    needed to expose a single bit of RSA factor
  • Neighborhood size for every bit of q, measure
    the decryption time for a neighborhood of values
    g, g1, g2 gn, denoted by n.
  • Sample Size For each value gi, sample
    decryption time multiple time and compute mean
    decryption time. Number of times gi is queried
    on denoted by s.
  • Total number of queries needed to compute Tg

  • Zero-one gap gap between when a bit of q is 0
    and 1.
  • Larger the gap, stronger the indicator that bit
    is 0, smaller the chance of error.
  • Increasing the neighborhood size increases
    zero-one gap when bit is 0, but is steady when
    bit is 1.
  • Total number of queries to recover a factor
    (2ns)log2(N/4) where N RSA public modulus.

Experiment 2- Different Keys
  • Several 1024-bit keys attacked, to determine the
    ease of breaking different moduli.
  • Zero-one gap positive for first 32 bits due to
    Montgomery reductions.
  • Normally, resulting zero-one gap shifts occur
    around the multiple of machine word size.
  • Attacker must be aware that zero-one gap may flip
    signs when guessing bits that are around
    multiples of machine word size.
  • If hard-to-guess bits encountered, neighborhood
    size can be increased to increase the zero-one

Experiment 3- Architecture and Compile-Time
  • Computer Architecture and compile-time
    optimizations affect the zero-one gap.
  • Effect of Architecture Programs with similar
    retirement counts may have different execution
  • This is due to different run-time factors such as
    branch predictions, pipeline throughput, and the
    L1 and L2 cache behavior.
  • Compile-time optimizations change the number of
    instructions and how efficiently instructions are
    executed on the hardware.

  • Effects of compile-time optimizations tested by
    compiling OpenSSL in three different ways
  • Optimized
  • No Pentium flag
  • Unoptimized
  • Each different compile-time optimizations changes
    the zero-one gap.

Experiment 4 Source-Based Optimizations
  • Patches can change the code profile of RSA
    libraries resulting in timing vulnerability.
  • After a CRT decryption, OpenSSl re-encrypts the
    result to verify if it is identical to original
  • OpenSSL calculates both Montgomery parameters on
    every decryption.
  • A patch allows OpenSSL to cache both the values
    between decryptions with the same key.
  • This shifts the zero-one gap since resulting code
    has different execution profile.
  • Patches may be used to increase the zero-one gap
    making the code vulnerable to timing attacks.

Experiment 5 Interprocess vs. Local Network
  • Noise from network eliminated by repeated
    sampling, giving similar zero-one gap to
  • Networks with less than1ms of variance are
  • Attacker can take advantage of higher CPU speeds
    for increasing accuracy of timing measurements.

Experiment 6 Attacking SSL Applications on the
Local Network
  • Apachemod_SSL is a commonly used secure web
  • Stunnel allows TCP/IP connections to be tunneled
    through SSL.
  • Servers connected by a single switch are
    vulnerable to the attack. Attacker has access to
    a machine near the OpenSSL-based server.
  • Timing attacks also work in larger networks where
    client and webserver are separated by multiple
    routers and switches on the network backbone.
  • Run-time differences result in different zero-one
  • Experiment highlights difficulty in determining
    minimum number of queries for a successful

  • Three Possible Defenses
  • RSA Blinding
  • Calculates
  • x is then decrypted as normal, followed by
    division by r.
  • Since r is random, x is random and timing the
    decryption does not reveal information about the
  • Performance penalty of 2-10.

  • 2. Try and make all RSA decryptions not
    dependent upon the input ciphertext.
  • Harder to create and maintain the code when
    decryption time is not dependant upon ciphertext.
  • 3. Require all RSA computations to be
    quantized i.e. always take multiples of some
    predefined time quantum.
  • Preferred method is Blinding.
  • Drawbacks is that it requires a good source of
    randomness to prevent attacks on blinding factor
    leading to a small performance degradation

  • Experiments show that timing attacks are
    effective when carried out between machines
    separated by multiple routers.
  • Timing attacks also effective on two processes on
    the same computer.
  • Several Crypto libraries, including OpenSSL, now
    implement blinding by default to prevent timing
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