Title: Thinking
1Chapter 8
2In this chapter
- Techniques for creating new ideas
- Thinking critically
- Qualities of a critical thinker
- Asking questions
- Using the computer to help you think
3In this chapter
- Evaluating Internet resources
- Problem solving
- Solving math and science problems
- Find a bigger problem
4Quote for discussion
- making mental connections is our most crucial
learning tool the essence of human intelligence
is to forge links to go beyond the given to see
pattern, relationships, context. - MARILYN FERGUSON
5Critical thinking process
- Sorting out conflicting claims
- Weighing the evidence
- Letting go of personal biases
- Uncovering assumptions
- Arriving at reasonable views
6Finding Aha!
The burst of creative energy
7Thinking critically about information on the
- Assess overall quality
- Look at the authors credibility
- Differentiate ideas and information
- Look for documentation
- Set an example
8Divide and conquer your goals
- Set and evaluate long term goals
- Break long term goals into mid-term goals
- Manage mid-term goals by creating several
short-term goals
9Techniques for creative thinking
- Conduct a brainstorm
- Focus and let go
- Cultivate creative serendipity
- Keep idea files
- Collect and play with data
10Techniques for creative thinking
- Create while you sleep
- Refine ideas and follow through
- Trust the process
11Asking questions
12The value of higher education
- Master the liberal arts
- Gain a broad vision
- Learn career skills
- Discover your values
- Discover your interests
- Hang out with the great
- Join the conversation
13College You can pay for it
Company Assistance
Military Funds
Social Security
Personal Savings
College Work Study
14Qualities of critical thinkers
Open-minded Analytical Systematic
Self-confident Inquisitive Mature
15Becoming a critical thinker
- Be willing to say I dont know
- Define your terms
- Practice tolerance
16Becoming a critical thinker
- Understand before criticizing
- Watch for hot spots
- Consider the source
17Becoming a critical thinker
- Seek out alternative views
- Ask questions
- Look for at least three answers
- Be willing to change your mind
18Becoming a critical thinker
- Lay out your cards
- Examine the problem
- Write about it
- Construct a reasonable view
19Uncovering assumptions
Look for the assumptions or implied assertions
Write out these assertions
See if you can find any exceptions to them
20Six common mistakes in logic
- Jump to conclusions
- Attack the person
- Appeal to an authority
- Point to a false cause
- Think in all-or-nothing terms
- Base arguments on emotion
21Find a bigger problem ...
22or a smaller one
23Solving problems--
24Solving problems-- Define the problem
- Start with what the problem is
- Describe what you want in detail
- Do not limit your solutions
25Solving problems--
Try the four ps
26Solving problems-- Generate possibilities
- Brainstorm possible solutions
- Leave it alone for a day or two
- Write down your thinking
27Solving problems--
Try the four ps
28Solving Problems-- Create a plan
- Write down your plan
- Use Intention Statement guidelines
29Solving problems--
Try the four ps
30Solving problems-- Perform your plan
- Do what you have planned
- Experience success!
- Creating new ideas
- Thinking critically
- Asking questions
- Evaluating Internet resources
- Problem solving
- Find a bigger problem
32Be a survivor . . .