Title: Lab 7
1Lab 7 The Hemipteroids
2Hemipteroid Characteristics
1) simple metamorphosis, paurometabolous
2) Modification of the maxillary laciniae into
stylets (mostly sucking mouthparts)
3) Absence of a large anal lobe in the hind wing
4) Wing venation somewhat reduced
5) No cerci
6) Only four Malpighian tubules
3Hemipteroid Orders
1) Hemiptera (True Bugs, Leafhoppers, Cicadas)
2) Thysanoptera (Thrips)
3) Psocoptera (Book Lice and Bark Lice)
4) Phthiraptera (Lice)
4Order Hemiptera (True Bugs, Leafhoppers,
Cicadas, Aphids)
- Paurometabolous, simple metamorphosis
- Piercing-sucking mouthparts
5(Mandibles and maxillae)
6Order Hemiptera
Suborder Heteroptera (True Bugs)
Suborder Auchenorryhncha (Cicadas and Hoppers)
Suborder Sternorrhyncha (Psyllids, Whiteflies,
Aphids, Scale)
7Suborder Heteroptera (True Bugs)
Noticeable scutellum
- Wing comprised of a hardened or thickened basal
portion and membranous apical portion
- Beak arises from the front of the head
Hardened part
membranous part
8Family Corixidae
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10Family Notonectidae
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12Family Gerridae
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14Family Miridae
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- Most are herbivores, few are predators on
lepidoptera larvae
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19Family Reduviidae
Triatoma sp.
Rhodnius sp.
- Commonly called the kissing bug, blood sucking
- Vectors for Chagas disease, protozoan parasite,
Trypanosoma cruzi
20Suborder Auchenorryhncha (Cicadas and Hoppers)
- beak arises from the back of the head
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24Family Delphacidae (Plant Hoppers)
- large flattened spur at the apex of the hind
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26Suborder Sternorrhyncha (Psyllids, Whiteflies,
Aphids, Scale)
- beak arises from between the procoxae
28Family Diaspididae (Armored Scales)
- females are soft-bodied and concealed by a waxy
scale covering
- males are winged and have well developed legs
and antennae
- life cycle involving bisexual or parthenogenetic
29List of Hemiptera families to know
30Order Thysanoptera (Thrips)
- wings may be present or absent
- wings with few to no veins, finged with hairs
- mandible and sucking mouthpart
- agricultural pest, plant feeders, mostly
flowers, few are predators of small insects, some
bite people
31Order Thysanoptera (Thrips)
- metamorphosis intermediate between simple and
- Parthenogenesis occurs in many species
1st instar
2nd instar
32Order Psocoptera (Bark Lice and Book Lice)
- Four membranous wings, present or absent
- Clypeus is large and somewhat swollen
- Feed on algae, lichen, molds, pollen, fragments
of dead insects
33Order Psocoptera (Bark Lice and Book Lice)
34Order Phthiraptera (Lice)
- Wingless ectoparasites of birds and mammals
- claw that fits against a thumb-like process at
the end of the tibia
- some have mandibulate mouthparts and others have
piercing sucking mouthparts
35Mallophaga vs Anoplura
- Anoplura (sucking lice), piercing sucking
- Mallophaga (chewing lice), mandibulate mouthparts
- Blood sucking ectoparasites of domestic animals,
two species attack humans
- Ectoparasties of domestic animals, mostly
poultry, feed on skin, hair, feathers
36Head Louse, Pediculus humanus
Pubic louse, Phthirus pubis
371) Illustrate the differences of the sucking
mouthparts of a Heteroptera, Auchenorryhncha and
2) Illustrate the major differences you would use
to distinguish Corixidae from Notonectidae.
3) Draw a wing of a Miridae and label the cuneus.
4) Draw a Pentatomid and label the scutellum.
5) Draw the ventral surface of a Reduviid bug and
label the ventral groove in the prosternum.
Explain the purpose for this groove.
6) Illustrate the difference in the hind tibia of
a Cicadellidae and Delphacidae.
7) Draw the abdomen of an aphid and label the
cornicles. What is the function of the
387) Illustrate the life stages of Thysanoptera.
8) Draw the head of a Psocoptera and label the
9) Draw a leg of a Pthiraptera and label all the
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