Title: Biology of Aging A
1Biology of AgingAS300-002
2What is the topic of this class?
The topic is not old people or the the diseases
of old age.
This course will cover the aging process how and
why organisms age
3What is the topic of this class?
What is aging if not the diseases of the old? Do
all organisms age the same? How do lifespans vary
among organisms? Why do animals age? Why do some
people live to 100 but others die young? Can
anything be done about aging?
4What is aging?
5What is aging?
Aging is a progressive process that converts a
healthy, fit organism into a less healthy, less
fit organism.
Aging is a biological process Aging not disease,
per se.
6What is aging?
Aging is a process of general, irreversible, and
progressive physical deterioration that occurs
over time. Genes, Aging, and Immortality.
Charlotte A. Spencer
7What aging means to an organism
Aging reduced tissue/physiological
function Aging increased susceptibility to
disease (age-related diseases) Aging decreased
resistance to stress (physical and psychological)
8Human lifespan demographics.
9Comparing lifespans among species
10Aging phenotypes
Resistance to high oxygen levels declines with age
11(No Transcript)
12Cellular Aging
- Energy generation potential of the mitochondria
declines - DNA damage accumulates
- Levels of damaged protein increases
- New protein synthesis declines
- Cells accumulate insoluble deposits
13Premature Aging (Progeria)
14Environmental effectsSun damage causes
premature aging of the skin
15Smoking-gtpremature aging
16Smoking-gtpremature aging
17Universality of aging
18Aging junk science
- Monkey glands
- Human growth hormone
- Supplements
- Oxygen chambers
- Purification
19Centenarians what have we learned from studying
20What weve learned from model organisms
Hekimi and Leonard Guarente, 2003
21What weve learned from model organisms
Genomic aging studies using model organisms have
identified 200 aging genes.
22What weve learned from model organisms
23Aging Theories
- Telomeres
- Free Radicals (molecules with unpaired electrons)
- Accumulated damage theory
- Evolutionary aging theory
- Aging is still poorly understood!
24What can be done about aging?
- Today, very little can be done!
- Healthy lifestyle
- Avoid premature aging
- Prevent diseases of aging
- Caloric restriction?
25What can be done about aging?
- Non-biological lifespan extension
- Cryonics, brain uploads.
- Biological interventions
- Replacement of depleted cell populations
- Regeneration
- Stem cell treatments
- Genetic modification
- Telomerase reactivation
- Drugs that affect the aging process
26AS300-002 Biology of Aging
Class web site http//elegans.uky.edu/300 Instr
uctor Jim Lund jiml_at_uky.edu, 7-1034 311
Morgan Building Office hours 10-11 am Fri
and after class Textbook Why We AgeWhat
Science Is Discovering about the Body's Journey
through Life by Steven N. Austad