Title: The Greenhouse gas Emission Control Strategies GECS project
1The Greenhouse gas Emission Control Strategies
(GECS) project
- Work Package 2 WP Multi-gas emission and carbon
sinks projections, Marginal Abatement Cost
functions modelling - Cor Graveland, Lex Bouwman
- EDGAR Methane and Nitrous oxide available HFCs,
PFCs and SF6 will follow - February-September
- -IMAGE-GECS reference scenario
- -Continuation landfills/sewage
- -C sinks
3GECS Reference Scenario
- POLES --gt IMAGE 2.2
- Conversion from 38 to 17 regions
- Several problems, e.g. GDP time series
- Complete IMAGE2.2 model TIMER, TES (Land Cover,
LU-emissions, C-Cycle, Ocean, Climate) - Differences in fuel use and C-emissions TIMER vs.
4GECS - reference
- Here the GECS Scenario implemented in the IMAGE
2.2 model was presented. A number of aspects out
of the Pressure - State - Impact chain were
explained. - Here mainly was dealt with the land-use related
5Sinks modelling
- GECS reference scenario is the basis
- Land Cover (where, potential area)
- C-Cycle model (how much C/grid cell concept of
Surplus Potential Productivity (SPP)) - Averaging C sequestration
- Alternatives for storage/use
- Cost calculations
6IMAGE scheme of carbon fluxes
7Surplus Potential Productivity
8Alternative storage/use of sequestered C
9Area, per hectare and total sequestration
10Averaging C stocks after land conversion
11Cost calculations
- Forest establishment costs (initial
establishment) - Operation and maintenance costs
- Land costs
- Revenues (negative cost)
- Optional opportunity costs or land rent
12Cost calculation
How levelled Costs/Discount Method?
13Cost calculations, prel. results