Title: Rights Young People Should Have
1Rights Young People Should Have
Age- 13 Date- June 25th 2008
- I would like to investigate the extent to
which both young people and adults feel that
young people also can and should have a say in
the world. I am a young person and have strong
views about the involvement of young people in
decisions that affect their lives. I think that
young people should be given the rights that are
given to adults. It is my belief that young
people can be treated as equal citizens in
society and I wish to explore through this
research project the perceptions and views of
some young people and some adults about this
subject. The participation of young people in
decision-making is becoming more usual in
different areas of life such as schools and the
development of services. It will be interesting
to test what the views of some groups are and
from this, make recommendations for change in
organizations or in society at national level.
The comparison of views of young people and
adults in England as described will also be
3Research Plan
- Aim
- To investigate the views of young people
(11-14) adults in England, regarding the extent
to which they should influence decisions that
affect their lives. - To find out the views of adults in England. The
topic areas include voting, public decision
making (for e.g. services) and school.
4- Ethical Consideration
- The research ensured that all participants
gave informed consent. Confidentiality
anonymity was guaranteed to guard against any
sensitivity in young people about adults knowing
their individual views. Adult participants were
also guaranteed confidentiality and anonymity.
The research was sensitive to cultural
differences and took account of this when sharing
the data.
5- Method
- I designed a questionnaire about rights and
gave this to a mixed group of adults and a group
of students from my school aged between 11 and
18. The questionnaire explored attitudes of the
two groups about young peoples rights. These
were then analyzed and the results used to
determine whether young people should be provided
the same rights as adults and if yes on what
6Places From Where I Gathered The Data
- This research was conducted in one of the
schools in Milton Keynes where many young people
answered the questionnaire, some questionnaires
were also filled up by some of the teachers. Some
of the other data provided by adults was from my
fathers and my neighbours office colleagues.
7In this question majority of people think that
childrens ideas and opinions are considered only
a little at school, but it is not like they are
never considered, rarely they are considered.
8In this question majority of people think that
childrens ideas and opinions are considered only
a little by the society, but it is not like they
are never considered, rarely they are considered.
9In this question most of the young people think
that they are not provided enough rights at
school whereas majority of adults think that they
are provided enough rights at school.
10In this question majority of young people
slightly agree to the concept of schools being
just like universities from the point of view of
freedom, and majority of adults disagree to this
11In this question majority of young people think
that they should get to decide their school
uniform whereas majority of adults think that
there should be a dress code of formal and decent
12In this question majority of young people feel
bad sometimes if they are called as a child
whereas majority of adults feel that young
children sometimes or not really feel bad if they
are called as a child.
13In this question most of the young people not
really feel offended if they are called as a
child whereas most of the adults think that
children do feel offended if they are called as a
14In this question majority of young people feel
that they are sometimes as matured as adults
whereas adults feel that young people are not as
matured as an adult.
15In this question majority of young people feel
that 15yrs is the right age for voting whereas
majority of adults feel that 18yrs or above is
the right age for voting.
16In this question most of young people feel that
17yrs is the right age for driving whereas most
of the adults feel that 18yrs or above is the
right age for voting.
17In this question majority of young people feel
that the right age for marriage should be 18yrs
or above whereas all of the adults also feel that
the right age for marriage should be 18yrs or
18Majority of the young people as well as majority
of adults feel that the rights in England are
about right.
- The conclusion I can draw from this research
is that young peoples ideas and opinions should
be considered in the society and schools, but
that these should not be equal to adults because
young people are not should not yet as mature as
an adult. Here are some suggestions that I have
drawn from my findings - there should be a dress code of formal and decent
wear in schools rather than either one particular
uniform or complete freedom to wear what they
want, this will let them express their identities
well and also be decently dressed. - Children should not be looked down on or be
underestimated as even they can have good ideas
and can know a lot. - The age for voting should be set at 16yrs as,
even though they are not completely as mature as
an adult, they know about politics and social
issues going on in society. - The age for driving should be 18yrs old because
driving is a risky thing and young people may
race ridiculously and end up in an accident. - Age for marriage should also be 18 yrs as
20Thank You
For Watching
My Presentation