Title: Elements of Sales Success
1Elements of Sales Success
- Sales Process as the Foundation for an
- Effective Sales Organization
2Startups struggle to achieve takeoff before they
are out of runway
3This is the main challenge faced by boards,
investors, and managers
4Sales performance problems often present major
obstacles to takeoff
5A well organized sales operation can smooth these
6You can and should - build a consistent,
repeatable sales process
7Remove the biggest barrier to achieving
exceptional sales
Build an event-driven sales process from initial
contact to final contract
Develop metrics and tools to aggressively manage
the process
8Remove the biggest barrier to achieving
exceptional sales
9Lack of Understanding about what has your
prospects hair on fire, and whose hair is burning
10The productcentric approach
11The prospectcentric approach
Determine how your product helps solve this
Discover a problem thats critical for your
target prospect
Quantify how your solution helps your prospect
make money
Develop questions that illuminate the problem
Close a lot of business
Build a unique presentation and demo
12Gaining agreement is the key
13Now you dont look like every other company and
14Build an event-driven sales process from initial
contact to final contract
15Group the actions into buckets
16Everyone will know what qualified means
17You will have a short-hand way to measure your
18You can immediately see where the problems in
your funnel are
19Your salesforce will be consistent and productive
20Develop metrics and the tools to aggressively
manage the process
21Discover, measure, and track your key sales
22Develop a sales compensation plan that supports
your sales process and goals
23Implement and customize a company - wide CRM
24Manage your salesforce in real time
25Can small companies accelerate success using
sales processes?
26Unorganized sales efforts are a major obstacle to
27Build a consistent, repeatable sales process
28Accelerate your path to success with predictable,
repeatable sales
29A collection of events is not necessarily a
30(No Transcript)