Title: Creating and editing LHRs from WRS
1Creating and editing LHRs from WRS
- If its OK with your cataloger
- and your OCLC login has authorization for
2Why edit Local Holdings Records in WRS?
- To correct textual or formatting errors in the
LHR - To set up Auto-deflection for a specific title
3The Local Holdings Record from the WRS request
This ILL workform has too much info in the
4Updating an existing Local Holdings Record
5In the ILL request, click on LHR Update
6The LHR opens in Connexion
- Make edits on summary line.
- Replace Record
7Borrowing librarys view
8Creating an LHR to auto-deflect for a book
- A little more complicated,
- but so useful
9The LHR summary display in WRS
11In the ILL request, click on LHR Update
12Connexion opens to the Bib record
Select Create Local Holdings
131. Change text in summary field to reflect its
non-circulating status
2. Delete 853 863 fields
3. Then click to expand 008 field
14Setting Auto-Deflection !!!
4. Set Byte 20 and/or 21. Byte 20 for will not
lend. Byte 21 for will not reproduce.
5. Click apply.
156. Add record in Action Menu
16Summary text displays to borrowing libraries.
Auto-deflection eliminates future requests.
17PANIC an error message
Encoding Level in the Leader, byte 17
To fix, expand the leader field
18Fix anything with question marks???
19Changed ???Unknown valueto Unknown value
20Add record and success
21For auto-deflection by format, see the Policies
Directory Quick Reference Card
- http//www.oclc.org/support/documentation/resource