Title: The Glorious God and His Glorious Church
1Little Known People Onesiphorus 2
Timothy 116-18
2 16 The Lord grant mercy to the household of
Onesiphorus, for he often refreshed me, and was
not ashamed of my chain 17 but when he arrived
in Rome, he sought me out very zealously and
found me. 18 The Lord grant to him that he may
find mercy from the Lord in that Day--and you
know very well how many ways he ministered to me
at Ephesus. 2 Tim. 116-18
3God Sees Insignificant People
4- God Sees Insignificant People
- Antipas
5- God Sees Insignificant People
- Antipas
- Phebe
6- God Sees Insignificant People
- Antipas
- Phebe
- Mnason
7- God Sees Insignificant People
- Antipas
- Phebe
- Mnason
- Rufus
8- God Sees Insignificant People
- Antipas Rev. 213
- Phebe Rom. 161
- Mnason Acts 2116
- Rufus Rom. 1613
9- God Sees Insignificant People
- Antipas
- Phebe
- Mnason
- Rufus
- Onesiphorus
10Paul's 2nd Imprisonment in Rome
11- Paul's 2nd Imprisonment in Rome
- Contrast of his first days in Rome
12- Paul's 2nd Imprisonment in Rome
- Contrast of his first days in Rome
- All in Asia now turned against Paul
13- Paul's 2nd Imprisonment in Rome
- Contrast of his first days in Rome
- All in Asia now turned against Paul
- Hermogenes and Phygellus
14- Paul's 2nd Imprisonment in Rome
- Contrast of his first days in Rome
- All in Asia now turned against Paul
- Hermogenes and Phygellus
- At his first defense no one stood with him
15- Paul's 2nd Imprisonment in Rome
- Contrast of his first days in Rome
- All in Asia now turned against Paul
- Hermogenes and Phygellus
- At his first defense no one stood with him
- Demas forsook him, loving this world
16- Paul's 2nd Imprisonment in Rome
- Contrast of his first days in Rome
- All in Asia now turned against Paul
- Hermogenes and Phygellus
- At his first defense no one stood with him
- Demas forsook him, loving this world
- Only Luke was with him, bring Mark
17- Paul's 2nd Imprisonment in Rome
- Contrast of his first days in Rome
- All in Asia now turned against Paul
- Hermogenes and Phygellus
- At his first defense no one stood with him
- Demas forsook him, loving this world
- Only Luke was with him, bring Mark
- Winter approached, bring my cloak
18- Paul's 2nd Imprisonment in Rome
- Contrast of his first days in Rome
- All in Asia now turned against Paul
- Hermogenes and Phygellus
- At his first defense no one stood with him
- Demas forsook him, loving this world
- Only Luke was with him, bring Mark
- Winter approached, bring my cloak
- Tradition about his cell
19Onesiphorus, Paul's True Friend
20- Onesiphorus, Paul's True Friend
- His name means profitable
21- Onesiphorus, Paul's True Friend
- His name means profitable
- He was a servant, often in Ephesus
22- Onesiphorus, Paul's True Friend
- His name means profitable
- He was a servant, often in Ephesus
- When he first arrived in Rome, found Paul
23- Onesiphorus, Paul's True Friend
- His name means profitable
- He was a servant, often in Ephesus
- When he first arrived in Rome, found Paul
- He was not ashamed of Paul's chains
24- Onesiphorus, Paul's True Friend
- His name means profitable
- He was a servant, often in Ephesus
- When he first arrived in Rome, found Paul
- He was not ashamed of Paul's chains
- Sought Paul out, very zealously
25- Onesiphorus, Paul's True Friend
- His name means profitable
- He was a servant, often in Ephesus
- When he first arrived in Rome, found Paul
- He was not ashamed of Paul's chains
- Sought Paul out, very zealously
- He often refreshed Paul
26- Onesiphorus, Paul's True Friend
- His name means profitable
- He was a servant, often in Ephesus
- When he first arrived in Rome, found Paul
- He was not ashamed of Paul's chains
- Sought Paul out, very zealously
- He often refreshed Paul
- The same in Ephesus and Rome
27- Onesiphorus, Paul's True Friend
- His name means profitable
- He was a servant, often in Ephesus
- When he first arrived in Rome, found Paul
- He was not ashamed of Paul's chains
- Sought Paul out, very zealously
- He often refreshed Paul
- The same in Ephesus and Rome
- The road to greatness in the kingdom!
28- The Road to Heaven
- Believe John 316
- Repent Acts 1730
- Confess Christ Rom. 109
- Baptized into Christ Gal. 327
- Added to His Family, Body, Church, Kingdom
- Faithful unto Death Rev. 210