Title: RFQ
1Proton Ion Source LEBT Operational
Beam Instrumentation and Controls Attach
2.5 MeV Beam Line Ready
LLRF Critical path
H- Instrumentation Test Facility Possible
September 2010?
RFQ Receive 9/8 Begin power test 9/24
People !!
Chopper Have partial prototype of pulser and
RFQ functionality
2.5 MeV Beam !! No earlier than 11/1/09
Buncher Cavities On-hand awaiting RF conditioning
People, technical challenge
Six-cavity Test with Beam !! Vector Modulator
Demonstration !! Unlikely before May 2010
H- Ion Source LEBT Source and column ready Need
mechanical adaptation to existing LEBT
Chopper Test Facility 325 MHz Bunch-by-Bunch
Chopping Demonstration !!
RT-CH Cavities 1-4,conditioned ready
Vector Modulators OK except RFQ Circulator
RT Section Solenoids and Cryostats Cold masses
and cryostat parts on hand assembly beginning
slowly awaiting BPMs
Quad Magnets On loan from Linac MI
10 MeV Beam !! Solenoidal Focusing Demonstration
!! Unlikely before end of 2010
Vector Modulator Power Supplies 12 under
Quad Magnet Power Supplies Borrow from Booster?
Or Build (6 month lead time)?
Process,Specs Approval
RT Section Solenoid Power Supplies and Quench
Protection Design/prototype in progress
Specs ,design people lead time
RT-CH Cavities 9 conditioned 5-8, 10-16 vacuum
Linac Cave Cryo Distribution Awaiting specs and
design 9 months fabrication lead time
HINS Linac Cave Design, Approval, and
Construction w/power and water infrastructure and
interlocks Not likely before March 2010
Beam Acceleration by Superconducting Spoke
Cavitie(s) Demonstration !! Unlikely before end
of 2011
SSR1 Cryomodule Fabrication Completion unlikely
before August 2011
SSR1 Section Solenoids One prototype on hand
SSR1 Cryomodule Design Not yet begun in earnest
Design people, technical challenge, lead time
HINS FLOW CHART Bob Webber 8/26/09
Design process people, technical challenge,
lead time
SSR1 Cavities Have2 one in He vessel 2 in India
due early 2010 9? more requisitioned?
SSR1 Tuners Have prototype to be used on first
cavity it test cryostat
Key Thick lines path to HINS objectives Dashed
lines alternative or discretionary paths Red
boxes and lines critical path items and
concerns Green boxes Happy places! Major
milestones or establishment of facilities Bold
blue text Traditional HINS objectives
325 MHz Test Cryostat Arrive MDB 10/1
325 MHz Superconducting Spoke Cavity Test
Facility Available 2010 for CW and pulsed testing
First 325 MHz Superconducting Spoke Cavity Pulsed
Power Test Unlikely before early 2010
Test Cryostat Cryo Dist. System Installed now
Test Cryostat System Integration Specs design
being developed
Could spoke cavity beam test be done w/o SC