The Reality of Spiritual Warfare - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Reality of Spiritual Warfare


War is a fact of life that can't be denied. ... spirit who lives in the world; 1 John 4:4. I chose to believe God's report concerning me. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: The Reality of Spiritual Warfare

The Reality of Spiritual Warfare Text Ephesians
610-12 Rev. Josef A. Howard, Ph.D (ABD) Gods
Spokesperson Visit our website for
a complete transcript of this sermon.
(No Transcript)
War is a fact of life that cant be denied.
Those who are engaged in military conflict have
no doubt who their enemies are, have a plan to
defeat them, and are trained to do battle. But
there is another battle being waged all around us
in the spiritual realm. Unfortunately, those
engaged in spiritual warfare most often do not
know who their enemies are, have no plan for
victory, and have little, if any, training.
Spiritual warfare is that conflict being waged
in the invisible, spiritual realm that is being
manifest in the visible, physical realm.
Paul writes Be strong with the Lords mighty
power. Put on all of Gods armor so that you will
be able to stand firm against all strategies and
tricks of the Devil. For we are not fighting
against people made of flesh and blood, but
against the evil rulers and authorities of the
unseen world, against those mighty powers of
darkness who rule this world, and against wicked
spirits in the heavenly realms. (Ephesians
610-12) Here are Six basic facts that I want to
  • There Is An Invisible World That Is Just As Real
    As The Visible World
  • Most believers tend to accept as reality only
    those things that they can see, hear, touch,
    smell, or taste. What about those things that
    are not visible to our senses. Do they exists?
  • Beyond this world of our senses is the unseen
    world where all that is of a spiritual nature
    dwells -- both good and evil -- and it is in this
    invisible world that spiritual warfare takes
    place -- it is in this unseen world that we fight
    against the principalities and powers that seek
    to do us harm.

2. We Are Involved In An Invisible War, A Cosmic
Conflict That Has Eternal Implications Ex. 1.
Daniel and his unanswered prayer Daniel
1012-13 Ex. 2. Elisha and his servant were
confronted with the army of King Aram which had
surrounded the city (2 Kings 615b-17). The
spiritual battle that we are in is no less real
than it was for Daniel, or Elisha, or any of
Gods people down through the ages. The Problem
Our eyes have been blinded (2 Cor. 44)
3. Our Foe has Power And His Goal Is To Destroy
Us And Discredit The Cause of Christ. Christians
ought not to underestimate the power of our
enemy. We make a huge mistake if we think he and
his demonic army have no power at all.Watch out
for attacks from the Devil, your great enemy. He
prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for
some victim to devour. 1 Peter 58.The
Archangel Michael fought with the Devil over the
body of Moses, and didnt level him with a
blasphemous curse, but said simply, "No you
dont. God will take care of you!" Jude 9
4. Though He has power, His Power Is Limited He
is created, therefore not omniscient or
infiniteHe can be resisted by the Christian -
James 47God places limitations on him - Job
112Balance and wisdom are crucial in our
assessment of spiritual opposition. To assign too
much or too little credit to the reality of
demonic activity is to error greatly.Song Im
going stand right under the Cross. We have to
know our enemy and what he is capable of doing.
More that that however, we need to know what
Christ is able to do and the enemys method of
5. We Need To Be Aware Of His Methods of
Operation. Put on all of Gods armor so that you
will be able to stand firm against all strategies
and tricks of the Devil. Ephesians 611The
enemy seeks to deceive us. For ex. Husband and
wife, do not deprive each other except. If you
do not forgive, your heavenly Father..
Seek first the kingdom and his
righteousness. Here is the big question How
can we know his strategies and tricks?
A. Satans Names Reveal His TacticsSatan
(adversary) Devil (slanderer) Lucifer (son of
the morning) Beelzebub (prince of demons)
Belial (without profit) Evil one Tempter
Prince of this worldAccuser of the brethren
Representations include a Serpent, a Dragon, an
Angel of Light.
B. Satan Attacks Gods Program, The Church,
By... False philosophies - Col. 28 False
religions - 1 Cor. 1019 False ministers - 2
Cor. 1114-15 False doctrine - 1 John 218
False disciples - Matt. 13 False morals - 2
Thess. 27
C. Satan Attacks Gods People By . . .Directing
governments - Dan. 1013 Deceiving men - 2 Cor.
44 Destroying life - Heb. 214 Persecuting
the saints - Rev. 210 Preventing service - 1
Thess. 218Promoting schisms - 2 Cor. 210-11
Planting doubt - Gen. 31-2 Provoking sin and
Anger - Eph. 426-27 Pride - 1 Tim. 36 Worry
- Matt. 1322 Self-reliance - 1 Chron. 211
Discouragement - 1 Pet. 56-8 Worldliness - 1
John 216 Lying - Acts 53 Immorality - 1 Cor.
6. We Do Not Fight For Victory, We Fight From
Victory. In Christs Power We Are
Invincible!Our spiritual enemy is already
defeated at the cross of Christ, yet he continues
to hurl out lies, insults, and condemnation at
the saints. "The time of judgment for the world
has come, when the prince of this world will be
cast out." John 1231(God) canceled the record
that contained the charges against us. He
disarmed the evil rulers and authorities. He
shamed them publicly by his victory over them on
the cross of Christ. Col. 214-15You have
already won your fight, bcus the Spirit who
lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives
in the world 1 John 44. I chose to believe
Gods report concerning me.
CONCLUSION What is the enemys battle strategy in
spiritual warfare and what is yours?Paul
outlined the strategy I am afraid, least as the
serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, your
minds should be led astray from the simplicity
and purity of devotion to Christ. 2 Cor
113Satans battle strategy is simple. He is
out to deceive us, to trick us into buying his
lies and temptations. Hes been at his plan for
countless years.Paul even said that Satan can
disguise himself as an angel of light 2 Cor.
1114. The question is Are you allowing him to
deceive you?
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