Title: Interactive Hierarchical Space Carving
1Interactive Hierarchical Space Carving with
Projector-based Calibrations
Martin Granger-Piché, Emric Epstein, Pierre
Poulin grangem epsteine poulin _at_
Interactive System Pipeline
normal feedback loop
move camera or move object or zoom camera on
silhouette carving on dynamic image list
visualization of current 3D model
- image
- acquisition
- cleanup
- calibration
continuous intervention
system initialization
color carving on static and dynamic image
increase subdivision on entire model or selected
Abstract We present an interactive
reconstruction system based on space carving. The
user controls the camera and object positions and
their impact on the reconstruction is immediately
displayed. The flow of images is used first for
silhouette carving, and then representative
images are stored in a hemispherical structure
for balanced color carving. Projected color
points on the measured background or on the
object (acquired by structured light) allow for
automatic and adapted calibration of the camera.
The octree-based object repre-sentation is
central to our space carving algorithm voxels
are efficiently carved out at their largest size,
images are treated at their appropriate level,
and 3D regions are subdivided only when
on user request
occasional intervention
threshold modification for color comparison
generation of structured light calibration points
save current 3D model
Standard Space Carving
Projector-based Calibrations
Octree-based Space Carving
Our Technique
- Contributions
- 1. Interactive system
- tools to give control to the user
- visual feedback loop
- real-time simultaneous image acquisition,
segmentation, - calibration, and reconstruction display
- 2. Projector-based calibrations
- automatic camera calibration with projected
color points - zoomed camera calibration with projected points
on the - object, which are obtained with structured
light - automatic stand tracking
- 3. Octree-based space carving
- compactness subdivision of only external
boundary voxels - efficiency largest voxels are carved before
subdivided - hardware visible voxels detection
- appropriate octree level for each image
- 4. Image processing
- RGB ellipsoid fast and robust color detection
- automatic background segmentation
Selected valid points to allow zoomed in camera
All structured light points