Generalizing Preference Elicitation In Combinatorial Auctions - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Generalizing Preference Elicitation In Combinatorial Auctions


... 'agent i, please spend t time units tightening the (upper or lower) bound on b' ... Note that the bound-approx algorithm can get charged for up to cost 2 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Generalizing Preference Elicitation In Combinatorial Auctions

Generalizing Preference Elicitation In
Combinatorial Auctions
  • Benoît Hudson
  • Tuomas Sandholm
  • Carnegie Mellon University

Combinatorial Auctions
  • We are selling k items to n agents.
  • In series economically inefficient.
  • Use a Generalized Vickrey Auction
  • Economically efficient (under reasonable
  • NP-hard, inapproximable
  • Exponential communication, inapproximable

  • Simulations
  • Draw agents valuation functions from a random
  • Distribution repeatedly pick a random value for
    a random unvalued bundle, observing free disposal
  • Pick each agent's function independently
  • Each point on plots is average of 50 runs.
  • Every plot has the same sets of instances.

Rank queries
  • Proposed by Conen Sandholm01
  • Have each agent rank their preferences (total
    ordering over the bundles)
  • This forms a lattice
  • Go down the lattice in best-first order

Rank lattice Experiments
While the elicitation ratio with 2 agents falls
to 25, the ratio quickly goes to 1 as the number
of agents grows (4 or 5 agents). This is because
on average, agents will tend to get
lower-valued bundles as competition increases.
Elicitation Framework
  • Goal minimize number of bids
  • Approach
  • Auctioneer elicits information about values of
    bundles of goods from agents
  • C set of all possible allocations
  • while C gt 1
  • Decide what to elicit based on what it knows.
  • Elicits one bid, stores the answer.
  • Prunes allocations now known to be suboptimal.

Storing the bids for fast inference
  • Interval constraint networks, 1 per agent
  • Nodes store upper/lower bounds on value of
  • Edge (b,b) means vi(b) ? vi(b)
  • At start create all nodes, add edges for free
  • Could make other assumptions (like
    sub-modularity, etc.)

  • Need to determine whether information gathered so
    far proves v(c) ? v(c')
  • First compute the difference in value to each
  • di(c,c') is at least LBi(ci) - UBi(ci')
  • but if there is a path in the constraint network
    from ci to ci', then di(c,c') is non-negative.
  • Then sum up over all agents, and check
    that d(c,c') ? 0

Pruning quickly
  • Pruning is the biggest computational costs in the
    algorithms must be done quickly.
  • Reason for high cost need to search for paths in
    the constraint network.
  • time linear in size of network, thus exponential
    in number of items

Pruning quickly
  • Can prove if UB(c) lt UB(c') then c does not
    dominate c' and similarly with lower bounds.
    see paper
  • Hence
  • Dominates(c, c') if UB(c) lt UB(c') return
    false if LB(c) lt LB(c') return false if
    d(c,c') lt 0 return false return true

Bound-approximation queries
  • Larson,Sandholm01 model bounded-rational
    agents as having on-line algorithms
  • Get better bounds UBi(b) and LBi(b) with more
    time spent deliberating
  • Query agent i, please spend t time units
    tightening the (upper or lower) bound on b
  • How to choose i, b, t, U or L ?

Bound-approx query policy
  • For simplicity, fix t 0.2 units (1 unit gives
  • Can choose randomly.
  • More complicated policy does slightly better
  • Choose query that will change the bounds on
    allocatable bundles the most
  • Dont know exactly how much bounds will change
  • Assume all legal answers equiprobable, sample to
    get expectation

Bound-approx query results
As the number of items grows, the elicitation
ratio falls. Note that the bound-approx
algorithm can get charged for up to cost 2 for
bundle, if it tightens both the lower and upper
Bound-approximation a note
  • We calculated the change but what is change from
    ? ?
  • Can prove that we always need an upper bound on
    value of grand bundle.
  • See below
  • Policy actually is first, ask everyone for a UB
    on the grand bundle. Then elicit as described.
  • After that, we neednt worry about ?.

Value and Order Queries
  • Value queries the elicitor asks for the precise
    value of a bundle.
  • clearly expensive
  • Order queries the elicitor asks for the agent
    which of two bundles it prefers
  • in many cases, extremely easy to answer
  • if the values are highly divergent (a car vs. an
  • if the items are very similar (2 computers,
    identical except that one has a slightly larger
    hard drive)

Value and Order Queries
  • Order queries alone cannot find the globally
    optimal solution (only Pareto-optimal ones)
  • Idea interleave value and order queries.
  • Value policy pick a random agent-bundle pair of
    unknown value from a candidate allocation.
  • Order policy pick a random agent-bundle-bundle
    triplet of unknown relation.
  • For experiments order queries cost .1, value
    queries cost 1. Compare to asking all value

ValueOrder results
About 10 fewer value queries total cost equal
to value only policy. Need (1) better order
query choice (2) better interleaving
The Grand Bundle Is Always Revealed
  • To optimally clear an auction, the elicitor must
    elicit the grand bundle, unless one of the agents
    wins it.
  • Proof the elicitor must place an upper bound on
    the value of the grand bundle to each agent i,
    otherwise allocating all the items to i could be
    worth an infinite amount.
  • Furthermore If using value or bound-approx
    queries, the elicitor provably cannot do better
    by avoiding asking about the grand bundle.

Vickrey payments
  • Above we solved winner determination.
  • In a Vickrey auction, need to compute payments as
  • In practice, very little extra is needed.
  • No more at two agents (theoretical bound 4 extra
    queries in practice, 0 extra queries)
  • About 20 more with 3-5 agents.

Reverse auctions
  • Forward auction auctioneer selling items to
  • each item sold at most once
  • Reverse auction auctioneer buying items from
  • each item bought at least once
  • Reverse is easier to approximate (still NP-hard,
    exponential communication)

Reverse Auctions
Experiments on reverse auctions. The upper lines
are for the bound-approx algorithm, the
lower lines for the mixed policy. As the number
of agents grows, the elicitation ratio
falls, unlike in forward auctions.
  • Elicitation can reduce amount of valuation
    function that needs to be revealed
  • Save on communication
  • Save on bidder-side computation
  • Reduce revelation of private information
  • Scale in items and maintain benefit in agents
  • reverse auctions improve with more agents

Future work
  • Theoretical results on these policies.
  • Better policies, query types.
  • Making a near-optimal policy
  • Better data structures algorithms
  • Current space and time exp in items, poly in
  • Link with demand queries
  • Auctioneer proposes prices, sees what agents
    would buy.
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