Elasticity Grand Challenge - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Elasticity Grand Challenge


Elasticity Grand Challenge – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Elasticity Grand Challenge

Elasticity Grand Challenge
  • COMPRES Annual Meeting
  • June, 2004

What is the Elasticity Grand Challenge?
  • Collaborative proposal, separate from COMPRES but
    on related theme.
  • Participants UIUC, Stony Brook, Geophysical Lab,
    Delaware St., Minnesota Michigan, Colorado,
    Washington, GSECARS-APS

Activities of EGC Members
  • U Illinois Brillouin Scattering, XRD P-V using
    multiple techniques for elasticity, Brillouin
    synchrotron XRD, Nuclear Resonant Scattering
  • Stony Brook Delaware State Ultrasonics in the
    multi-anvil press, Sample synthesis
  • U Minnesota U Michigan Theory - elasticity,
    phase stability
  • Carnegie Inst. Washington GHz ultrasonics

Objectives of EGC
  • Push forward technology
  • Extend P-T range of measurements
  • New experimental facilities (e.g., Brillouin with
  • Characterize materials with multiple techniques
  • Experiment and theory
  • ?, ?, ? (Mg,Fe)2SiO4, perovskites
  • Standards for high P-T experiments
    MgO, NaCl, Au, Pt
  • Improve precision and accuracy of techniques
    through collaborative efforts

Objectives of EGC 2
  • Advance technology of high pressure experimental
  • Improve our understanding of Earths interior
  • Achieve this through collaborative efforts

EGC WorkshopMay 8, 2004, UIUC
  • Inform each other on our individual efforts to
  • Identify future directions
  • Identify fruitful collaborations

U Illinois Brillouin at the APS
  • Community Facility
  • Sound velocities and density simultaneously
  • Absolute pressure scale
  • Installation at 13BM-D at GSECARS, APS
  • Set for September 2004

Illinois Brillouin scattering on polycrystals
Silicate perovskites
  • Results on MgSiO3 and Al-MgSiO3 perovskites
    (Sinogeikin et al 2004 Jackson et al. GRL 2004)
  • Excellent agreement between single and
    polycrystal MgSiO3
  • Samples made for EGC at Stony Brook, used for
    experiments by multiple techniques.

Illinois P-V EOS of Al-MgSiO3 perovskite by
synchrotron XRD
  • Synchrotron XRD in DAC at ESRF (Daniel et al, GRL
    in press)
  • KT in excellent agreement with Brillouin of
    Jackson et al. (2004, GRL)
  • No softening due to Al
  • Multiple techniques same sample give same

Stony Brook B. Li, Weidner, Liebermann, Kung,
Liu, Woody
  • Deformation Dia (D-Dia) to control stress
  • Obtain hydrostatic or controlled stress state
  • Velocities by ultrasonics XRD X-ray Imaging
  • High P-T measurements

Stony Brook Velocity and X-ray measurements in
the D-Dia
  • NaCl MgO P-T Standards
  • X-rays Velocities ? Absolute P scale

Stony Brook Elasticity of MgSiO3-perovskite
  • Velocities to 25 GPa by ultrasonics (B. Li et
  • Agreement with Brillouin scattering studies by
    Sinogeikin et al. (2004, GRL)

Delaware State Ultrasonics in the Multi-Anvil
Press and Sample Synthesis for Collaborative Work
(G. Gwanmesia)
  • Synthesis of high-quality Pyrope50-Majorite50
    for elasticity studies by ultrasonics and
    Brillouin scattering.
  • Measured the elasticity of Py50-Mj50 to 9 GPa and
    1000K by ultrasonics with x-rays. Samples will be
    measured by Brillouin. Good agreement thus far.
  • Measured the elasticity of pyrope 1000K at 1
  • Thermal conductivity and vibrational spectrocopy
    studies on pyrope-majorite garnets (Hofmeister et
    al. Giesting et al. (2004).

Gigahertz-Ultrasonic Interferometry in the
Diamond-Anvil Cell for single-crystal elasticity
measurements at high P-T
Steve Jacobsen, Russell Hemley, Ho-kwang Mao
(Geophysical Laboratory, Carnegie Institution of
Washington) Hans J. Reichmann (GFZ-Potsdam) Anas
tasia Kantor (Ph.D. student) (Bayerisches
Geoinstitut, Bayreuth) Hartmut Spetzler, Joseph
R. Smyth (CIRES and Dept. Geological Sci.,
University of Colorado)
Accomplishments made possible through the
Elasticity Grand Challenge
In 2004, the GHz-team added shear-wave
capabilities to the diamond-anvil cell
A P-to-S conversion inside this single-crystal
YAG buffer rod (left) generates shear waves at
0.5-2.0 GHz for transmission into the DAC
(right). These purely-polarized S-waves have
1-10 mm wavelengths for single-crystal elasticity
experiments. (Jacobsen et al. 2004, PNAS 101,
The GHz-ultrasonic technique is being used to
determine the elastic tensor of opaque minerals
and high-pressure phases
We are working towards interfacing GHz-frequency
ultrasonics to the next generation of
gas-loading, large-volume, gem-anvil cells (e.g.
CVD diamond) for ultrasonics at gt10 GPa
pressures and high temperature.
GHz-ultrasonic interferometer with in-situ Raman
spectrometer now under construction at the
Geophysical Laboratory for high P-T elasticity
Application of GHz-ultrasonics to opaque
Jacobsen et al. (2004) PNAS 101
Reichmann and Jacobsen (2004) Am Min 89, in press
Kantor et al. (2004) submitted
Ultrasonic interferometry in the DAC has been
used to identify pressure-induced soft modes
(c44) in all these oxides, well ahead of known
structural and magnetic phase transitions.
Application of GHz-ultrasonics to high-pressure
Single-crystal velocities in hydrous ringwoodite
40 mm thick
180 mm
Jacobsen et al. (2004) PEPI 143-144 Smyth and
Jacobsen, submitted
The aim is to quantify the effects of hydration
(i.e. defects) on the elastic properties of
nominally anhydrous mantle minerals like olivine,
wadsleyite, and ringwoodite. It appears that
hydration of Fo90-ringwoodite to 1 wt H2O has a
similar effect as raising the temperature by
about 600 ºC for P-waves and 1000 ºC for S-waves
Synthesis of gem-quality mantle phases is central
to the Elasticity Grand Challenge
In collaboration with our COMPRES partners at
Bayerisches Geoinstitut, large single crystals of
various mantle phases for elasticity experiments
have been synthesized using new flux methods
1 mm
Jacobsen et al. (2004) Am Min 89, in press
Jacobsen et al. (2004) PNAS 101, 5867-5871
silicate perovskite
5000-ton large-volume press in Bayreuth
0.5 mm
Dobson and Jacobsen (2004) Am Min 89, 807-811
Jacobsen et al. (2004) PEPI Vol 143-144, 47-56
Michigan Theoretical Calculations of Mineral
Properties (L. Stixrude, W. Panero)
  • First principles calculations
  • Thermodynamics, crystal chemistry, and elasticity
    of hydrogen incorporation in stishovite
  • SiAlH substitution predicts several weight
    percent H2O in stishovite at shallow lower mantle
  • Predict symmetric H- bonding in the end member
    (ALOOH) at upper mantle conditions.
  • Hydrogen softens stishovite, but at deep lower
    mantle conditions hydrogen incorporation may
    stiffen the structure. (Panero and Stixrude,
    EPSL, 221, 2004).

U Minnesota Theoretical Studies of Stability and
Elasticity (R. Wentzcovitch, T Tsuchiya J
Tsuchiya, K Umemoto)
  • MgSiO3 with the Ilmenite, perovskite (Pbnm), and
    Post-perovskite structure
  • Akimotoite-perovskite transition in MgSiO3
  • CaSiO3 - perovskite
  • CaO
  • FeSi and core-mantle reactions

MgSiO3 Perovskite
----- Most abundant constituent ( 70 ) in the
Earths lower mantle ----- Orthorhombic distorted
perovskite structure (Pbnm, Z4) ----- Its
stability is important for understanding deep
mantle (D layer)
Drastic change in X-ray diffraction pattern
around 125 GPa and 2500 K
Pbnm Perovskite
(M. Murakami and K. Hirose, private communication)
Ab initio exploration of post-perovskite phase in
- Reasonable polyhedra type and connectivity
under ultra high pressure -
Crystal structure of post-perovskite
Lattice system Bace-centered orthorhombic Space
group Cmcm Formula unit Z 4 (4) Lattice
parameters Å a 2.462 (4.286) 120 GPa b
8.053 (4.575) c 6.108 (6.286) Volume
120 GPa Å3 121.1 (123.3) ( )perovskite
A structure has lower energy than Pbnm perovskite
under high pressure!
Pt 98 GPa
Structural relation between Pv and Post-pv
Deformation of perovskite under shear strain e6
Thermodynamic properties
( )Pv
High-PT phase diagram
Core-mantle boundary
D layer
Research Emphasis for coming year.
  • Increasing P-T range of elasticity measurements
    in all hi-P devices
  • Better control of stress state.
  • Coordinated experimental-theoretical effort on
    standard materials (MgO, NaCl, Au, Pt, YAG)
  • Characterization of hi-P phases by multiple
    techniques complex perovskites (Fe-Al-Mg)SiO3,
    transition-zone phases, hydrous phases

Activities of EGC Members
  • U Illinois Brillouin Scattering, XRD P-V using
    multiple techniques for elasticity, Brillouin
    synchrotron XRD
  • Stony Brook Delaware State Ultrasonics in the
    multi-anvil press, Sample synthesis
  • U Minnesota U Michigan Theory - elasticity,
    phase stability
  • Carnegie Inst. Washington GHz ultrasonics

Open Discussion Priorities for the Future
  • Technical Developments Which technologies are
    ripe for development?
  • Samples for characterization by multiple
  • Is this an important thing to do? (this is not a
    trick question..)
  • Olivine polymorphs Si-perovskites? Others?

Open Discussion Priorities for the Future
  • Which standard materials are most important to
    work on?
  • What are the most important collaborations for
    advancing technology and understanding Earth
  • How can we coordinate efforts to improve the
    accuracy precision of measurements?
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