Title: Waffle Runoff
1- Point of a talk
- You are asking the audience to pay attention,
why? - Details?
- Data?
- NO. It ideas and punch lines
3- Checklist
- Clear Communication
- Time
- PowerPoint
- Mechanics
- Organization
4- Clear Communication
- - State/justify question
- - Take home message
- - Talk outline
- - mileposts
- - Aim talk at the audience
52. Time - Long sucks. Short is ok! - Explain
slides e.g., axes - One slide per minute rule -
Speak slowly - nervousness, enthusiasm
63. Slides (PowerPoint) - Large font 32 point
min. - One point per slide - 5-6 lines of text
per slide - Minimize text - High contrast
73. Slides (PowerPoint) - Large font (36) - One
point per slide - 5-6 lines of text per slide -
Minimize text - High contrast
83. Slides continued
- Borders - Slides specific to talk -
Pictures - Red/green - Animation
94. Mechanics - do NOT read (notes?) - slides
are cues for the audience and you - forget
something? - begin with lights on - pictures do
make points
10(No Transcript)
114. Mechanics - Practice to refine, NOT to
memorize - speak to the back of the room
- face and talk to audience - annoying
12- 4. Mechanics
- jargon and acronyms
- humour
- - do NOT apologize
- (let us decide whether or
- not to forgive you!)
- - do not expect perfect conditions
134. Mechanics - title slide -
145. Organization - a brief intro - minimal
methods - describe axes - conclusion, a
summary not a surprise
15And for heavens sake have FUN!