Title: Rick Cables, Regional Forester
1Wildfire Issues in Wildland-Urban Interface
- Rick Cables, Regional Forester
- United States Forest Service
- Region Two
- August 5, 2008
2US Forest ServiceCaring for the Land and
Serving the People
- The mission of the USDA Forest
- Service is to sustain the health,
- diversity, and productivity of the
- Nations forests and grasslands to meet
- the needs of present and future
- generations.
3Region 2
- The Rocky Mountain Region manages 17 National
- Forests and 7 National Grasslands in Colorado,
- Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, and Wyoming.
4Fighting Wildfires
- Personnel
- Leadership
- Technology
- Equipment
5Fire Suppression Resources in Colorado
- Engines 44
- Aircraft 3 Helicopters
- Firefighters 223
- Hot Shot Crews 3
6Rocky Mountain Region FY 2008 Wildland Fire
FS Grants to State of Colorado
Hazardous Fuels Reduction
State Fire Assistance
Volunteer Fire Assistance
Adjacent lands
Non-adjacent lands
CWPP development, hazard mitigation, preparedness
Preparedness,training, equipment
516 acres treated
13,336 acres treated
605 communities assisted
450 volunteer fire depts assisted
7Forest Service State and Private Forestry Grants
to the State of Colorado
8Fuels Funding for National Forests in Colorado
9Hazardous Fuels Reduction National Forests in
10Protecting Communities and Restoring Forests
- Front Range Fuels Treatment Partnership
- Colorado Bark Beetle Cooperative
11Front Range Fuels Treatment Partnership
Hazard Risk and Values Map Arapaho-Roosevelt
and Pike-San Isabel NFs
12Mountain Pine Beetle Colorado Bark Beetle
13New Threats More than just fire
- Hazard trees threaten
- Roads
- Trails
- Power lines
- Water conveyances
14Areas Where Hazard Trees Threaten Public Safety
- Routt, White River,
- Arapaho and Roosevelt
- National Forests
- 860 miles of trails
- (20 of all trails)
- 2,740 miles of roads
- (45 of all roads)
15Additional Funding Requested
- June 6, 2008 letter to the Chief of the Forest
Service from Region 2 - I am requesting additional emergency funding
over our FY08 levels to reduce the hazard from
falling trees and fuel loadings and funding to
mitigate other threats caused by this epidemic. - Requested 214 million dollars over next 3 years
- FY09 57,379,000
- FY10 75,172,000
- FY11 81,971,000
16How Can You Help
- Examine zoning regulations for communities in the
Wildland-Urban Interface. - Continued Support for Federal Funding Requests.
- Pre-disaster mitigation grants (FEMA, SB 221).
- Prescribed Fire and Smoke Management.
17Thanks for Your Help
- Colorado General Assembly in 2008 passed many
pieces of legislation related to forest health. - This legislation is critical to allowing the
State and US Forest Service to work together to
create healthy forests.