Title: Does Great Mathematical Ability Make You a Great Cashier
1Does Great Mathematical Ability Make You a Great
- Does Great Moral Reasoning Make You an Ethical
Business Person?
2Ethical Decision-Making in Organizations
- Opportunities and Constraints in Organizations
3Moral Development
- Kohlberg and/or Gilligan
- Post-Conventional Reasoning
What Else Do We Need to Act Ethically in
4Making Decisions in Organizations (Trevino)
- Individual Moderators
- ego strength
- field dependence
- locus of control
- Situational Moderators
- Immediate Job Context
- Incentive System
- Time Pressures
- Organizational Culture
- Normative Structure
- Referent Others
- Responsibility for Consequences
5Individual Moderators -ego strength -field
dependence -locus of control
Ethical Problem or Dilemma
Stage of Moral Development
Behavior (Ethical/Unethical)
Situational Moderators Immediate Job Context
-Incentive System -Time Pressures Organizationa
l Culture -Normative Structure -Referent
Others -Responsibility for Consequences
6Making decisions in Organizations (Gioia)
- Scripts
- Cognitive Models that represent and simplify our
institutional environments - Family, business, shopping.
- We must use scripts and schemas to act in
organizations, indeed, in any social setting. - Complexity Bounded Rationality
- Dennis Gioias story
- Scripts can be managed--see Trevino
7Individual Moderators -ego strength -field
dependence -locus of control -Schemas/script
responses to situational moderators
Ethical Problem or Dilemma
Stage of moral development
Behavior (Ethical/Unethical)
Situational Moderators Immediate Job Context
-Incentive System -Time Pressures Organizationa
l Culture -Normative Structure -Referent
Others -Responsibility for Consequences
8Making decisions in Organizations (Janis)
- Groupthink
- The desire to be a team player can be a disaster
if group decisions are not critically analyzed. - General strategy Use the desire to be a team
player to oppose uncritical assent. For example,
assign someone the role of devils advocate. - How do Janiss suggestions fit with Trevinos and
Gioias explanation?
- Philosophical Ethics
- Psychology of Ethical Decision Making
10Psychology of Ethical Decision Making
- Pre-conventional Level
- Convention Level
- Post-Conventional Level
- Kohlberg Rights
- Gilligan Care
- Is that all there is?
I Dont Think So.
11Other Post-Conventional Alternatives
- Individual Development
- Epicurus and Rand
- Relationship Development
- Noddings (and Friedman)
- Group Development
- Hume and Mill
- Dignity Development
- Kant and Rawls