Title: Traffic%20Grooming%20in%20Optical%20WDM%20Networks
1Traffic Grooming in Optical WDM Networks
Presented by Md.
Shamsul Wazed University of Windsor
2 3Abstract
- Requested bandwidth of a traffic stream can be
lower than the wavelength capacity - Grooming the low-speed traffic streams onto high
capacity optical channels - Objective
- Improve network throughput
- Minimizing network cost
- Most previous work on traffic grooming in the
ring network topology - Traffic grooming is an important problem for
Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) network - Recent research works with a mathematical
formulation will be discussed here
- Introduction
- Multiplexing Techniques
- Minimizing Network Resources
- Grooming Switch Architecture
- Grooming with Protection
- Mathematical (ILP) Formulation
- Conclusion
6 7Introduction
- 3 generation of networks
- Choice of optical fiber
- High bandwidth, low error rate, reliability
- 1st generation network copper wire based
- 2nd generation network mix of copper wire and
optical fiber (SONET, WDM, SDH etc) - 3rd generation network all-optical based
- Objective of Traffic Grooming
- To combine low-speed traffic streams onto
high-capacity wavelengths - Improve bandwidth utilization
- Optimize network throughput
- Minimize the network cost
- (transmitter, receiver, fiber link, OXC, ADM,
amplifier, wavelength converter etc)
9 10Multiplexing Techniques
- Different multiplexing techniques used in traffic
- Space-division multiplexing (SDM) - bundling a
set of fibers into a single cable, or using
several cables within a network link - Frequency-division multiplexing (FDM) a given
fiber to carry traffic on many distinct
wavelengths. - Time-division multiplexing (TDM) multiple
signals can share a given wavelength if they are
non-overlapping in time.
11Multiplexing Techniques
- 6 node network
- Wavelength Capacity OC-48
- 3 connection requests
- OC-12 at (0,2)
- OC-12 at (2,4)
- OC-3 at (0,4)
- 2 lightpaths1 carrying Connection 3
1 logical communication route between two nodes
established if wavelength is available
12- Minimizing Network Resources
13Minimizing Network Resources
- Network resources must be used efficiently
- Electronic ADMs can be saved and network cost
will be reduced - WDM add/drop multiplexers (WADMs) is capable to
drop or add wavelength - Depends upon designing of Network topology
14 Minimizing Network Resources
SONET/WDM ring (Ungroomed)
15Minimizing Network Resources
SONET/WDM ring (Groomed)
16- Grooming Switch Architecture
17 Grooming Switch Architecture
- Static traffic grooming can be measured by fixed
traffic matrices - WADM allows wavelength to either be dropped and
electronically processed at the node or optically
bypass - Node architecture for a WDM mesh network has the
static traffic grooming capability
18 Grooming Switch Architecture
19 20Grooming with Protection
- Connection also requires protection from network
failure - A single failure may affect a large volume of
traffic - Working path carrying traffic at normal operation
- Backup path re-routed the traffic after path
21Grooming with Protection
22- Mathematical (ILP) Formulation
23Mathematical (ILP) Formulation
- In our example, we consider
- A six-node multi-hop network
- Capacity (C) of each wavelength OC-48
- 3 types of connection request (OC-1, OC-3, and
OC-12) - 3 Traffic matrices generated randomly
- Total traffic demand OC-988
24Mathematical (ILP) Formulation
- At most one fiber link between each node pair.
- Nodes do not have wavelength conversion
capability (i.e. no wavelength converter). - The transceivers in a network node are tunable to
any wavelength on the fiber. - Each node has unlimited multiplexing /
demultiplexing capability
25Mathematical (ILP) Formulation
- Maximize the total successfully-routed low-speed
traffic, i.e.
- Allowed low-speed stream, y 1,3,12,48
- 1 if success, 0 otherwise
- , Lightpaths cannot
exceed wavelength capacity
26Mathematical (ILP) Formulation
Multi-hop Multi-hop
Throughput Lightpath
T3, W3 74.7 (OC-78) 18
T4, W3 93.8 (OC-927) 24
T5, W3 97.9 (OC-967) 28
T7, W3 97.9 (OC-967) 28
T3, W4 74.7 (OC-738) 18
T4, W4 94.4 (OC-933) 24
T5, W4 100 (OC-988) 29
where, T is number of Transceivers and W is
number of wavelength
27Mathematical (ILP) Formulation
Virtual Topology and Lightpath Utilization (T5,
W 3)
Node 0 Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node 4 Node 5
Node 0 0 2 (70) 0 (100) 1 (89) 1 (100) 1 (100)
Node 1 1 (100) 0 1 (100) 2 (100) 1 (100) 0
Node 2 1 (100) 1 (95) 0 1 (100) 2 (100) 1 (70)
Node 3 2 (100) 1 (100) 1 (100) 0 0 1 (100)
Node 4 1 (100) 1 (100) 0 0 0 1 (91)
Node 5 0 (100) 0 2 (98) 1 (100) 1 (100) 0
28 29Conclusion
- Recent research and development in traffic
grooming in WDM network reviewed - Objective multiplexing low-speed traffic
streams on to high-capacity optical channels - Optimum utilization of bandwidth, lower the
network resource cost - Node architecture, Path/Link Protection
- Illustrated an example by using ILP formulation
- Many significant results of practical importance
are forthcoming
- 1 R. S. Barr, M. S. Kingsley and R. A.
Patterson, Grooming Telecommunication Networks
Optimization Models and Methods, Technical
Report 05-EMIS-03, June 2005. - 2 K. Zhu and B. Mukherjee, Traffic Grooming in
an Optical WDM Mesh Networks, IEEE Journal
Selected Areas in Communications, Vol. 20, No. 1,
January 2002. - 3 K. Zhu and B. Mukherjee, A Review of Traffic
Grooming in WDM Optical Networks Architectures
and Challenges, Optical Networks Magazine, Vol.
4, No. 2, March/April 2003, pp 55-64. - 4 E. Modiano and P. Lin, Traffic Grooming in
WDM Networks, IEEE Communication Magazine, Vol.
39, No. 6, July 2001, pp 124-129. - 5 B. Mukherjee, C (Sam) Ou, H. Zhu, K. Zhu, N.
Singhal and S. Yao, Traffic Grooming in Mesh
Optical Networks, IEEE Optical Fiber
Communication (OFC) Conference04, March 2004. - 6 W. Yao and B. Ramamurthy, Survivable Traffic
Grooming With Path Protection at the Connection
Level in WDM Mesh Networks, Journal of Lightwave
Technology, October 2005, Vol. 23, No. 10, pp.
Questions ?
32Transmission SpeedOptical level Bit
rate OC-1 52 Mbps OC-3 156 Mbps OC-12 622
Mbps OC-48 2,488 Mbps OC-192 9,953 Mbps
OC-768 39,813 Mbps
(in near future) OC-n n 51.84 Mbps
33Optical Cross-Connect (OXC)
34Optical Add-Drop Multiplexer (ADM)
35Sample Traffic Matrix of OC-3 Connection Request
- Back to Switch Architecture
36Wavelength Converter (WC)
37Physical Topology of a Six-Node Network