Title: FFI Data Entry
1FFI Data Entry
2FFI Data Entry
FFI Hierarchy
Data Entry
Species Management
Fuel Constant Sets
3FFI Hierarchy
Managed in Database Administration
Administration unit
Managed in FFI
Sample Event
4Data Entry Keystrokes
Tab moves curser sequentially between
fields Enter moves cursor to first cell of
next row Arrow keys use to move around in data
grid ShiftEnter adds a new row and keeps
cursor in the current column Delete Key delete
an entire row by clicking on the gray area at the
left of the row and hitting the Delete key
5Data Entry - Error checking
Data type if you enter the wrong data type you
cannot move out of the selected cell or data
entry screen. Missing/out of range data if you
try to save with empty required fields or data
out of range an error screen will pop up and the
offending fields will have an exclamation point
next to them.
6Data Entry - Error checking
Limit to List Fields that have a padlock on
the dropdown button can be populated only with
items available on the dropdown. Dropdowns
without a padlock will present a dropdown list
but you can enter other classes, codes, etc. in
the field, in addition to what is available on
the list.
7Species Management
FFI uses the USDA, National Resource Conservation
Service (NRCS) PLANTS list. List includes more
than 82,000 records.
FFI Species lists are carried at the
Administration Unit level.
Local species lists can be imported/exported into
other Administration Units.
8Species Management
You can add User Species (your own species) and
items such as Shrub or Grass
You can setup Unknown species then, when
collected samples are identified, you can assign
an correct species name to the Unknown in Species
The species that will be entered in FFI must be
loaded in to the FFI Local Species list before
data entry
9Species Management - List Hierarchy
Master List NRCS Plants database. Comes with
FFI. Local List This is a subset of species
users select from the Master List that will be
available on the species dropdowns. Carried with
Admin. Unit Pick List A subset of the Local
List that can be optionally available on the
species dropdowns. For example, a Pick List
that includes only tree species can be
selected on the Trees protocol data entry form
so that just tree species are available in the
species field dropdown lists.
10Fuel Constant Sets
Fuel constants are used when calculating the
biomass of shrub and herb fuels collected on the
Surface Fuels Vegetation protocol, and duff,
litter, lichen, woody debris collected with the
other Surface Fuels protocols.
The user has the option of using their own Fuel
Constant Sets or the default fuel constants for
calculating biomass in the FFI Reports and
11Fuel Constant Sets
Fuel Constant Sets are carried with the Database.
Fuel Constant Sets can be entered in English
units only.
Fuel Constant Sets cannot be imported/exported.
Fuel Constant Sets are not transferred to the PDA.
12If you have questions when you are working with
User guides are available in Web, HTML and PDF
versions on the FRAMES Website
Post a message to our FFI Google Discussion group.
Send Duncan an email or give him a call
13Delivery and Support
FFI on FRAMES General information, training
announcements, software, manuals,
etc. http//frames.nbii.gov/ffi
Google Discussion Group http//groups.google.com/g
For general technical support contact Duncan
Lutes (406) 329-4761 dlutes_at_fs.fed.us