Title: Keeping Organized
1Keeping Organized
- How to set up and use your school work folder
- Helps in organization
- Find school work easily
- Keeping all your work for your classes in one
place - Put your personal work in its place
- Makes backing up school work easier
- ASB Protocol Everyone does this
3Open My Documents and make a new folder
Are there other ways to make a folder?
Are there other ways to name files?
4Create folders in the school work folder
Open your Schoolwork folder and make folders
for all your classes.
5Get more information from your work Show Details
What information in details view could help you
when looking for files?
6Making Details for All folders
You have made your folders show in details. Now
go to Tools Menu and choose Folder Options.
- Click on the View Tab.
- Click on Apply to All folders
- When the window pops up choose Yes
- Click on Ok
8Make a Personal Folder
- Go to My Documents
- Create a folder called Personal-username
- This will be for non-school related things
9Making a Desktop Shortcut
- A shortcut is a very small file that will
shortcut you to programs, applications, files
and folders. - You should use them for things you access often.
- They can be on your desktop
10Make a Shortcut to School folder on the Desktop
- Open My Documents.
- Right Click on your schoolwork folder.
- Choose Send To
- Desktop (create shortcut)
Are there other ways to make shortcuts?
11Desktop Management
- No Files or Folders on Desktop
- Only icons or shortcuts for things used daily
- School Work Network Folder Shortcuts
- Mouse Pointer are standard
- Color, Fonts and Background are easy to read
- Task bar showing
- Recycled Bin emptied regularly
12Why you should not save files on your desktop?
- NOT a good way to organize files (just like your
desk top at home) - Large amounts of data on the desktop will slow
your computer down - Possibility of deleting files without knowing
- Backing up is more difficult
13File Naming Protocol
- The majority of the files students put in their
school folder (in their hard drive) should have
the following naming protocol - Classfilenameusername
- Example LA9FamilyEssayhunterc
- Files names should be brief and without spaces.
- Files are filed in appropriate places (no stray