Title: Birgit Gericke LASA Brandenburg GmbH
1Birgit GerickeLASA Brandenburg GmbH
- Idele Seminar May 12 13, 2005
229.414 square km
2.574.521 inhabitants
269.599 unemployed
Unemployment rate 20,1
3Brandenburg Economy
- Approx. 68.000 companies
- up to 4 employees 43.300
- up to 9 employees 11.797
- over 100 employees 111
- Average wage of employees 1.710
- Loss of jobs in March 2005
- Building trade - 6.600
- Education/training - 5.500
- Productive industries - 1.500
- Major problems
- lack of jobs, demographic development, migration
of youths
4Founded December 12, 1991 Subject services in
connection to employment promotion Associate
Land Brandenburg 100Finances Income from
public assignments Administration and
distribution of public funds Project funding
(limited periods)
LASA Brandenburg State Agency for Structure and
Labour Brandenburg Ltd.
Wetzlarer Str. 54 14482 Potsdam www.lasa-brandenbu
Internal Revision/ Quality Management
Public relations
Legal department
Analysis Information Communication
Programme Management
Further training/ Lifelong Learning
6Consultation aiming at
7Operational Programme Brandenburg
8European Structural Funds in BrandenburgDistribut
ion 2000-2006
ERDF 1.718,4
ESF 730,6
EAGGF 727,3
TS 48,9
total 3.225,2
9OP Brandenburg 2000-2006ESF - Distribution of
Focus on Human Ressource Development and Equal
10 Structure of an Interlock project
- What Building an agricultural path in the
Elbe-Elster district - 2. Where Between Reichenhain -
Geißlitzbrücke - Maiblumengehege on the border to
Saxony - 3. Project duration 4 months
- Project content/ Effects for the region
- Aiming at improvement of infrastructure.
- Improved access to agricultural acreage.
- Shorter access to recreational and tourist
attractions in the area for population and
visitors. - 5. Employment effects generated by the project
- 5.1 Employees in participating
companies 16 - 5.2 Employees through Job Creation Measures
(ABM) 10 - Funding allocation job creation
- 6. Finanzierung
- 6.1. Funds Ministry for Agriculture
(agricultural paths) 269.562.- - 6.2. Job creation Federal Labour Agency
50.646.- - 6.3 Co-financing ABM (training) - Ministry for
Labour 10.526.-
11(No Transcript)
12ESF - F Local capital for social
purposesBrandenburg Lokale Initiativen für
neue Beschäftigung
- Regiona/local approach
- Regional advisory boards deciding together with
regional offices on the funding of local
initiatives. On the board representatives of
territorial authorities. - Funding based on local needs (average 10.000 ).
- Possibilities of funding investments.
- National approach
- Funding for target groups
- Flexible support structures (eight regional
offices) - Wide range of possibilities for locale
initiatives - demanding for interpretation and
The regional offices support, accompany and
network the local initiatives, hand out the
funding directly and see to the financial
13Thank you!
Idele Seminar May 12 13, 2005