Title: Pipes
2Learning Objectives
- This module will help you...
- Understand key JXTA pipe concepts
- Understand how pipes work
- Gain familiarity with the JXTA Pipe Service API
- Core mechanism for exchanging messages between
JXTA applications or services - Unidirectional
- Input pipes used to receive messages output
pipes used to send messages - Input/output pipes connected by the JXTA pipe
service - Several types of Pipe can be used
- JxtaUnicast unicast, unreliable, unsecure
- JxtaUnicastSecure unicast, reliable secure
- JxtaPropagate propagated, unreliable, unsecure
4Pipe Advertisements
- Uniquely identifies a pipe
- Creating the advertisement must be done only once
in the lifetime of a Pipe - Peers can search for pipe advertisements using
the discovery service - Can be retrieved from local cache
- Can register an object to be notified when a new
pipe advertisement is discovered - Can be stored, or generated out of band
5Pipe Service
- Defines a set of interfaces to create and access
pipes within a peergroup - JXTA messages exchanged between input and output
pipes - Application that wishes to receive messages
creates an input pipe and binds it to a specific
pipe advertisement - Application publishes the pipe advertisement
- Other applications obtain the advertisement and
create corresponding output pipe bound to the
input pipe
6(No Transcript)
- Pipe data is represented as JXTA messages
- Each message contains zero or more elements
- Each element can be named
- Both input and output pipe must agree on the
element naming
8Asynchronous Communication
- OutputPipeListener
- Called asynchronously by the JXTA platform when
pipe endpoints are resolved - InputPipeListener
- Called asynchronously by the JXTA platform
whenever a message is received
9Java API
Package net.jxta.pipe
- Interfaces
- PipeService defines the API to the JXTA Pipe
Service - InputPipe defines the interface for receiving
messages - OutputPipe defines the interface for sending
messages - Events
- OutputPipeEvent contains events received when
an output pipe is resolved - PipeMsgEvent contains events when a message is
received - Event Listeners
- PipeMsgListener the listener interface for
receiving PipeMsgEvent events - OutputPipeListener The listener interface for
receiving OutputPipe resolution events
10Pipe Service Java API
- createInputPipe(PipeAdvertisement
adv,PipeMsgListener listener) - Create an input pipe from the pipe advertisement,
and register the message listener - createOutputPipe(PipeAdvertisement adv, long
timeout) - Attempts to resolve given pipe within timeout
- createOutputPipe(PipeAdvertisement adv, PeerID
peer, long timeout) - Attempts to resolve given pipe at specified peer
within timeout - createOutputPipe(PipeAdvertisement adv, PeerID
pid , OutputPipeListener listener) - createOutputPipe(PipeAdvertisement adv,
OutputPipeListener listener) - Attempts to resolve given pipe and notifies
OutputPipeListener when resolved - removeOutputPipeListener(String pipeid,
OutputPipeListener listener) - Remove an output pipe listener
11Pipe Service Java API
Usage Notes
- Pipe service creates both input and output pipes
- Input pipes are created with a pipe advertisement
- Output pipes are created with the receiving end's
pipe advertisement - Resolution of output pipes
- Synchronously (resolved within a timeout)
- Asynchronously (listener notification)
- Pipe type is defined by the Pipe Advertisement
12Input Pipe Output Pipe Java API
- InputPipe
- void close()
- Message poll(int timeout)
- Blocks until a message is received or timeout
expires returns only one message, even if more
are available - Message waitForMessage()
- Wait indefinitely for a message
- OutputPipe
- void close()
- void send(Message msg)
- Send a message to the network
13OutputPipeListener Java API
- OutputPipeListener
- Objects that implement this interface are
notified each and every time the pipe service
completes the resolution of a given output pipe - void outputPipeEvent(OutputPipeEvent event)
- OutputPipeEvent
- An instance of OutputPipeEvent is sent to
OutputPipeListeners whenever the pipe service
resolves a new output pipe - outputPipe getOutputPipe()
- outputPipe.getAdvertisement()
14PipeMsgListener Java API
- PipeMsgListener
- Objects that implement this interface are
notified whenever a new message is received for a
given input pipe - void pipeMsgEvent(pipeMsgEvent event)
- PipeMsgEvent
- An instance of PipeMsgEvent is sent to
PipeMsgListener objects whenever a message is
available on the pipe - Message getMessage()
15Pipe Example Java
- Two part tutorial
- Sending End
- Read in a predefined pipe advertisement
- Attempt to resolve the pipe instance(s),
- Take network events into consideration
- Receiving End
- Read in a predefined pipe advertisement
- Printout messages as they arrive on the pipe
16Pipe Example (1)
public class PipeExample implements Runnable,
OutputPipeListener, RendezvousListener
public static void main(String args)
PipeExample myapp new PipeExample() myapp
.startJxta() myapp.run() private
void startJxta() try // create, and Start
the default jxta NetPeerGroup netPeerGroup
PeerGroupFactory.newNetPeerGroup() catch (
PeerGroupException e ) // get the pipe
service, and discovery pipe
netPeerGroup.getPipeService() rendezvous
rendezvous.addListener( this ) discovery
System.out.println( "Reading in pipexample.adv"
) try FileInputStream is new
FileInputStream( "examplepipe.adv" )
pipeAdv (PipeAdvertisement)
MimeMediaType.XMLUTF8, is )
is.close() catch ( Exception e )
System.out.println( "failed to read/parse pipe
advertisement" ) e.printStackTrace()
System.exit( -1 )
17Pipe Example (2)
Public synchronized void run() try //
create output pipe with asynchronously
System.out.println( "Attempting to create a
OutputPipe" ) pipe.createOutputPipe( pipeAdv,
this ) // send out a second pipe resolution
after we connect to a rendezvous if (
!rendezvous.isConnectedToRendezVous() )
System.out.println( "Waiting for Rendezvous
Connection" ) try wait() //
ok we connected to a rendezvous, attempt to
resolve again pipe.createOutputPipe(
pipeAdv, this ) catch ( InterruptedExceptio
n e ) catch ( IOException e )
System.out.println( "OutputPipe creation failure"
) e.printStackTrace() System.exit( -1
) public synchronized void
rendezvousEvent( RendezvousEvent event )
if ( event.getType() event.RDVCONNECT )
18Output Pipe Listener
Public void outputPipeEvent( OutputPipeEvent
event ) System.out.println( " Got an
output pipe event" ) OutputPipe op
event.getOutputPipe() try
System.out.println( "Sending message" )
Message msg new Message() Date
date new Date(System.currentTimeMillis())
StringMessageElement sme new
date.toString() ,
null) msg.addMessageElement(null,
sme) op.send( msg ) catch (
IOException e ) System.out.println(
"failed to send message" )
e.printStackTrace() op.close()
System.out.println( "message sent" )
Public class PipeListener implements
PipeMsgListener static PeerGroup
netPeerGroup null private final static
String TAG "PipeListenerMsg" private final
static String FILENAME "examplepipe.adv"
private PipeService pipeSvc private
PipeAdvertisement pipeAdv private InputPipe
pipeIn null public static void main(String
args) PipeListener myapp new
PipeListener() myapp.startJxta()
myapp.run() public PipeListener() //
Default constructor private void startJxta()
try // create, and Start the default
jxta NetPeerGroup netPeerGroup
PeerGroupFactory.newNetPeerGroup() catch
(PeerGroupException e) pipeSvc
netPeerGroup.getPipeService() System.out.printl
n("Reading in " FILENAME) try
FileInputStream is new FileInputStream(FILENAME)
pipeAdv (PipeAdvertisement)
MimeMediaType.XMLUTF8, is) is.close()
catch (Exception e)
20Msg Listener (2)
// create input pipe, and register as a
PipeMsgListener to be // asynchronously notified
of any messages received on this input
pipe public void run() try
System.out.println("Creating input pipe")
pipeIn pipeSvc.createInputPipe(pipeAdv,
this) catch (Exception e) if (pipeIn
null) System.out.println("Error
cannot open InputPipe") System.exit(-1)
System.out.println("Waiting for msgs on input
pipe") public void pipeMsgEvent (
PipeMsgEvent event ) Message msgnull msg
event.getMessage() if (msg null)
return // get the message element named
SenderMessage MessageElement msgElement
SenderMessage) // Get message if
(msgElement.toString() null)
System.out.println("null msg received")
else Date date new Date(System.currentTimeM
illis()) System.out.println("Message received
at " date.toString()) System.out.println("Me
ssage created at " msgElement.toString())
21Pipe Service C API
Jxta_status jxta_pipe_service_timed_accept
(Jxta_pipe_service service,
Jxta_pipe_adv adv, Jxta_time
timeout, Jxta_pipe
pipe) Jxta_status jxta_pipe_service_add_accept_
listener (Jxta_pipe_service service,
Jxta_pipe_adv adv, Jxta_listener
listener) Jxta_status jxta_pipe_service_ti
med_connect (Jxta_pipe_service service,
Jxta_pipe_adv adv, Jxta_time
timeout, Jxta_vector
peers, Jxta_pipe pipe)
Jxta_status jxta_pipe_service_connect
(Jxta_pipe_service service, Jxta_pipe_adv
adv, Jxta_time timeout,
Jxta_vector peers, Jxta_listener
22Pipe Example C
static void send_message (Jxta_outputpipe op,
char userName,
char userMessage)
Jxta_message msg jxta_message_new()
Jxta_message_element el NULL Jxta_status
jxta_message_element_new_1 ((char) SENDERNAME,
strlen (userName),
NULL ) jxta_message_add_element (msg,
jxta_message_element_new_1 ((char)
(char) "text/plain",
strlen (userMessage), NULL )
jxta_message_add_element (msg, el)
jxta_outputpipe_send (op, msg) if (res !
JXTA_SUCCESS) printf ("sending failed
d\n", (int) res) JXTA_OBJECT_RELEASE
(msg) msg NULL
23End Pipes