Title: Maximum
1Fuel Type, Enrichment, Geometry
Fuel Type, Geometry
Thermal- Hydraulics
Neutronics (reactor physics)
Lecture 2 Design methodology
Power distribution
Maximum Power
Fuel Performance
Maximum Burnup
2Reactor Physics (Hydride fuel)
- Input
- - wt U in fuel (45) core size (Rcore, L)
Energy output Constraint - - Negative reactivity feedback (H in fuel)
- Output
- - H/U235 in core (i.e., hydrogen-to-enrichment
Apellet fuel pellet cross section
Aflow coolant subchannel area
3LWR thermal-hydraulic characteristics
core thermal power, M W
L height of fuel in rods Nrod number of fuel
rods in a fuel assembly NFA number of fuel
assemblies (in BWRs, bundles) in core
flow rate of coolant (water or steam) per
subchannel, kg/s (a subchannel includes one fuel
rod and associated coolant)
4Linear heat rate (LHR)
LHR (kW/m) q Dpellet fuel pellet
diameter, mm (J/fiss)
volumetric heat rate, kW/m3 3.2x10-11eNU?fiss?
?fiss 5x10-22 cm2 NU U atom density
6x1023?U/238 ?U U mass density in fuel
material, g/cm3 e U-235 enrichment ?
thermal neutron flux, cm-2s-1
q 3.2x10-11?U?e
Example ? 2x1013 cm-2s-1 Dpellet 1.0
cm UO2 ?U 9.3 g/cm3 e 0.035 q
20.6 kW/m Hydride ?U 3.7 g/cm3 e 0.14
q 20.6 kW/m
5Burnup (BU, MWd/kgU)
initial mass of U per unit fuel
length, kgU/cm
E q x td x 10-5 thermal energy per unit fuel
length, MWd/cm
td irradiation time, days
Ex td 365 d q 50 kW/m Dpellet 0.7 cm
?U (g/cm3) 9.6 (UO2) 3.8
(hydride) BU (UO2) 12 MWd/kgU BU
(hydride) 30 MWd/kgU (thermal energy
produced is the same for both fuels)
6Peaking factors
Peaking factors are the maxima of the spatial
distributions of the LHR in the core. They are
obtained from the flux distribution
- PWR Since there is no duct around the FA, the
core is effectively filled with fuel rods and
associated coolant
rod-avg LHR at rcore
Radial peaking factor
Axial peaking factor
7BWR Peaking factors
1. Core average ? fuel-assembly average
assembly-average peaking factor ?FA(0)
? r/Rcore
8BWR Peaking factors (cont)
2. bundle-average ? bundle axial peak
local LHR of bundle qFA(z)
?(0) bundle peaking factor
-1/2 lt z/L lt 1/2
9PWR fuel-rod layout
- Channel unit cell containing 1 fuel element and
associated water (also called subchannel)
Aflow P2 pD2/4
- Wetted/heated perimeter
- ? pD
P pitch
- Equivalent (hydraulic) diameter De 4Aflow/?
- e efficiency of filling core with fuel rods lt 1
because - Control rods occupy part of fuel assembly
- Cannot fill circle (core) with squares (fuel
assemblies) -
10BWR fuel-rod layout
- All fuel rods in the duct constitute the unit of
NFA fuel assemblies(FAs) in core Nrod rods
per FA
? Awater rods/Afuel
?h enthalpy rise over core, J/kg made the
same for each FA by orificing the inlet plates
11LWR Reference Cores
12Reference Fuel Elements (rods)
See NUREG-1754 Figs 2.7 2.8
D 2(?C ?g)
At startup, cold
13Reference-core thermal-hydraulic parameters