Title: LP Standard Form
1LP Standard Form
2LP Standard Form
- A linear program is in standard form if the
following are all true - Objective expressed as a maximization.
- All constraints expressed as equalities.
- Constraint right-hand side constants are
non-negative. - All variables are restricted to be non-negative.
not equality
not equality
-ve rhs
x3,x4 may be negative
3Converting Inequalities into Equalities
s1 is called a slack variable, which measures
the amount of unused resource. Note that s1
5 - x1 - 2x2 - x3 x4.
To convert a constraint to an equality, add a
non-negative slack variable to the lhs.
4Converting -ve rhs constraints
- Consider the inequality -2x1 - 4x2 x3 x4 -1
Consider the inequality -2x1 - 4x2 x3 x4
-1 Step 1. Convert the negative RHS constant
2x1 4x2 - x3 - x4 1
Consider the inequality -2x1 - 4x2 x3 x4
-1 Step 1. Convert the negative RHS constant
2x1 4x2 - x3 - x4 1 Step 2.
Convert inequality to an equality
2x1 4x2 - x3 - x4 s2 1
s2 0
Consider the inequality -2x1 - 4x2 x3 x4
-1 Step 1. Convert the negative RHS constant
2x1 4x2 - x3 - x4 1 Step 2.
Convert inequality to an equality
2x1 4x2 - x3 - x4 s2 1
s2 0 The new variable s2 is called
a surplus variable
To convert a constraint to an equality,
subtract a non-negative surplus variable from the
5More Transformations
Has the same optimum solution(s) as
Maximize -3W 2P Subject to constraints
6The Last Transformations (for now)
Transforming variables that can take on negative
values maximize 3x1 4x2 5x3 subject
to 2x1 - 5x2 2x3 7
... other constraints x1 0, x2 is
unrestricted in sign, x3 0
- Transforming x1 replace x1 by y1 -x1.
maximize -3y1 4x2 5x3 subject to
-2y1 - 5x2 2x3 7 ...
other modified constraints
y1 0, x2 is unrestricted in sign, x3 0
One can recover x1 from y1.
7Transforming variables that can take on negative
maximize -3y1 4x2 5x3
-2y1 - 5x2 2x3 7 y1 0,
x2 is unrestricted in sign, x3 0
Note y1 1, x2 -1, x3 2 is feasible.
Transforming x2 replace x2 by x2 x2 - x2-
x2 0, x2- 0
maximize -3y1 4x2 - 4x2- 5x3
-2y1 - 5x2 5x2- 2x3 7
y1 0, x2 0, x2- 0, x3 0
One can recover x2 from x2and x2-.
Note y1 1, x2 0, x2- 1, x3 2 is
8For Practice
- Exercise transform the following into standard
form - Minimize x1 3x2
- Subject to 2x1 5x2 12
- x1 x2 1
- x1 0
Maximize -x1 - 3(x2 - x2- ) Subject to
2x1 5(x2 - x2- ) s1 12
x1 x2 - x2- - s2 1
x1 0, x2 0, x2- 0, s1 0, s2 0
9LP Standard Form
- Suppose an LP with m constraints and n variables1
has been converted into standard form. The form
of such an LP is
1includes the original decision variables other
variables added to bring problem to standard form
10LP Standard Form
If we define the (cost or profit) coefficient
cT (c1, c2, ... , cn )
and the constraint coefficient matrix A and
requirement vector b
then we can (compactly) write our standard form
LP as
maximize z cTx subject to Ax b
x 0
where b 0.
11Solution of Linear Equations
- If the m equations Axb in the n variables x are
independent then mn and - mn ? solution is unique (Is it feasible?)
- mltn ? n-m degrees of freedom and an infinity of
solutions to Axb - ?
- assign any values to any (n-m) variables and
solve Axb for other m variables - Basic solutions solutions obtained by setting
n-m variables (called non-basic) to zero and
solving Axb for the remaining m variables
(called basic)
There are nCm n!/m!(n-m)! basic solutions to
Axb. For n20 and m12 there are 126,000 basic
Basic solutions that are feasible are called
basic feasible solutions
Basic feasible solutions are in 1-to-1
correspondence with the extreme points of the
feasible region
12The Simplex Method
- The Simplex Method examines the basic feasible
solutions in its pursuit for the optimal
solution. - On each iteration it moves from one BFS to an
adjacent BFS with a non-inferior objective value - Two BFSs (alternatively, two extreme points) are
adjacent if they share all but one basic
variables - ?
- Each Simplex iteration results in exchanging the
roles of one basic variable and one non-basic