Title: Introduction to Civil
1Introduction to Civil Mining Engineering
Materials Handling - Bull Dozers
- Are very versatile machines frequently used for
- Stripping top soil clearing vegetation
- Shallow excavations
- Pushing Scrapers
- Maintaining haul roads
- Opening up pilot roads
- Spreading grading
- Ripping
3Bulldozers dozers
4Bulldozers dozers
Liebherr Bulldozer
5Bulldozers dozers
Caterpillar Bulldozer
- The dozer normally operates with a straight
blade, fixed perpendicular to the line of
movement, to push material forward, or angled to
move the soil to the side. - Tractors may be fitted with a rear mounted
ripper. - Output falls off in direct proportion to the
pushing distance. - Shovels trucks should be considered for pushes
over 30 meters.
7Bulldozers dozers
8Dozer Blades
- Properly matching tractor dozer blade is a
basic requirement for maximizing production - First consider the kind of work the tractor will
be doing most of its life. Then evaluate - Material to be moved
- Tractor limitations
- Blade capacities
9Landfill Dozer Blade
24m3 capacity, 2.2m width
10Cushion Dozer Blade Pusher Blocks
8.75m3 capacity, 1.6m width, D9N
11Dozer w/- Reclamation U- Blade
30m3 capacity 2.4m wide Cat D10N
12Dozer Blades
- Blade ability to penetrate obtain a blade load
is kW/m of cutting edge - The higher kW/m the more aggressive the blade
- kW/Lm3 indicates the blades ability to push
material - The gt kW/Lm3 the gt the blades potential for
pushing at gt speed
13Tractor Limitations
- The weight and power of the machine determines
its ability to push. No tractor can exert more
push than the machine itself weighs and its
power train can develop
14Caterpillar Blade Specifications for D10R
15Bulldozer Production Estimate
- Production Lm3 Maximum production
Correction Factors - Bulldozer production curves give max uncorrected
figures are based on the following conditions - 100 efficiency60 min.hr. - level cycle
- Machine cuts for 15m then drifts blade to dump
over a high wall dump time 0 secs. - Soil density 1370 Lm3
- Coefficient of Traction 0.5 track, 0.4 wheel
16Estimated Dozing Production
17Dozing Correction Factors
18Estimated Dozing Production
Example problem Determine average hourly
production of a D10R/10SU, moving hard packed
clay an average distance of 45m down a 15 grade
using a slot dozing technique. Esimated material
weight is 1600Lm3 Operator is average, Job
efficiency is estimated at 50min./hr
19Estimated Dozing Production
Solution Uncorrected Maximum Production - 900
Lm3/hr Applicable correction factors Hard-packed
clay hard to cut material 0.8 Grade
correction factor from graph 1.3 Slot
dozing 1.2 Average operator
0.75 Job efficiency 50min.hr
0.83 Weight correction 1370/1600
0.86 Production Max. Prod. Corrctn Factors
9000. 601 Lm3/hr
20Ripping Rock
The principle of ripping hard soil and rock has
become practical only with the development of
powerfull dozers robust tracks
- The ripping effect requires
- penetration of the soil by a strong steel ripping
tool - tractor with sufficient power to advance the tool
point through the material - heavy tractor to generate sufficient traction
- strong robust tractor to take the strain
- The ripping tool is normally
- Radial arc type- simple needs little
servicing. Tends to lift the rear of the tractor
and reduce traction. - Parallel linkage type- tool enters ground
vertically, point digs in immediately, pulls
tractor down increases traction
21Ripping Techniques
- For tough work min. tractor power 300kW required
- Travel speed 1-2 km/hr
- Subject to matl. conditions use 3 teeth
- Rip as deep as possible, modern teeth OK to 1m
- Distance between passes hard matl. 1-1.5 m, light
fractured mat. 2-2.5 m. - Ripping may offer 80 saving cf. explosive use
- Rocks favourable to ripping
- Stratified rocks soil
- Rocks with fractures, faults planes of weakness
- Large grained rock of brittle texturs
- Most shales, slates mudstones
- Soft rock
22Theoretical output for rippable rock
23Estimate of Ripping Production
- A D10R with No. 10 shank
- 900 mm between passes
- 1.5 km/hr average speed
- Length of rip 95m
- Depth of rip 0.75m
- 50 min/hr
- Turn time 0.3 min.
- Time per pass - 95/1500/60 3.8min
- hence 3.8 0.3 4.1min/p
- passes /hr 50/4.1
- 12.2passes/h
- volume ripped -
- 95m0.90.75
- 64.13 BCM/cycle
- Production -
- 64.1312.2 780 BCM/hr
- This method often predicts output 10-20 above