Title: TQI Teaching Quality Initiatives
1TQI Teaching Quality Initiatives
- ?Tennessee Teaching Quality Initiative
- ?Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR)
- TQI Teacher Education Redesign
TACTE Fall Conference October 2, 2009
2Tennessee Teaching Quality Initiative An Action
Agenda for Change
- Began March, 2006 Meeting, MTSU
- Co-Chairs
- Hal Knight (ETSU) Bob Rider (UT-Knoxville)
- Areas of Focus for Change
- Knowledge Base
- Characteristics
- Professionalization of Teaching
- Modeling
- Mentoring
- www.tntqi.org
3Tennessee Board of RegentsTQI Teacher Education
- I. Assessment and Placement Procedures
- II. Program Elements and Design
- III. Faculty and Staff Selection and Development
- IV. Program Evaluation and Research
- V. Phase-In
TACTE Fall Conference, October 2, 2009
4Tennessee Board of RegentsTQI Teacher Education
- I. Assessment and Placement Procedures
- TBR teacher preparation programs will culminate
in formal, performance-based assessment of all
teacher residents based on Teaching Quality
Initiative teacher standards. Final
performance-based assessments will be
standardized across TBR programs and will be
reliable, valid, fair and representative.
TACTE Fall Conference, October 2, 2009
5TBR TQI Teacher Education RedesignProgram
Elements and Design
- Competency-based Modular Structure
- Professional Education components will be
offered primarily in an organized, sequential
modular structure (rather than through
traditional courses.)
TACTE Fall Conference, October 2, 2009
6TBR TQI Teacher Education RedesignProgram
Elements and Design
- Close Partnerships with Public Schools
- ? Colleges of Education will develop ongoing
partnerships with Local Education Agencies. -
- ? School-university partnerships will require
consistent, systematic collaboration and
communication between Colleges of Education and
Local Education Agencies.
TACTE Fall Conference, October 2, 2009
7TBR TQI Teacher Education Redesign
- Integration of Content Coursework and
Professional Education Component - Professional education faculty, content
faculty, and mentor teachers will collaborate to
implement and model evidence-based best practices
in content courses, pedagogy preparation, and
applied experiences.
TACTE Fall Conference, October 2, 2009
8TBR TQI Teacher Education RedesignProgram
Elements and Design
- Problem-based Learning (PBL)
- ? Modules are organized and implemented in an
active, participatory environment using a
Problem-based Learning format. - ? Problem-based Learning activities will
emphasize collaborative learning among candidates
and will relate directly to real-world teaching
and program outcomes. - ? Problem-based Learning cases will focus on
development of competencies.
TACTE Fall Conference, October 2, 2009
9TBR TQI Teacher Education Redesign
- School-based Residency
- The purpose of the full year clinical
residency is to foster dynamic, sustained
partnerships among Tennessee P-12 schools and TBR
educator preparation programs to improve teaching
and learning among all persons in the P-20 arena.
P-12 student success and school improvement are
the primary goals of the TBR/LEA partnerships.
TACTE Fall Conference, October 2, 2009
10TQI School-based Residency
- The year-long clinical residency may begin
either Fall or Spring and continue over a full
P-12 calendar.
11Clinical Residency Residency I-A (First 8 Weeks)
12Clinical ResidencyResidency I-B (Second 8 Weeks)
13Clinical ResidencyResidency II (Semester Two)
14TBR Teacher Education Redesign Secondary
Example (7-12)
15TBR Teacher Education Redesign TSU Elementary
(K-6) Example
16TBR TQI Teacher Education Redesign
- IV. Phase-In plans will culminate in full program
implementation of the TBR Teaching Quality
Initiative on each TBR campus by fall 2013. - Pilots 2008-2009 (ETSU, MTSU, TTU)
- Funded Planning and Implementation Phase
(2009-2012, 2 million)
TACTE Fall Conference, October 2, 2009
17TBR Teacher Education Redesign