Title: AHCAP North Carolina Affiliated Society
1AHCAP North Carolina Affiliated Society
The Building Blocks Creating an effective
affiliated society
2Section 1Guidelines for Society Affiliation
- Local society representative should sign the
Affiliation Agreement (sample E) - Secure the signature of a representative from the
Allied Hospital Association in your state/region.
- Not an approval process, only to advise the
Allied Hospital Association of the local
societys intent to affiliate with AHCAP - Mail the signed Agreement to AHCAP headquarters
with the following - Copy of local societys bylaws
- List of members (minimum of 25 of societys
members must be AHCAP members in order to
- Obtain Affiliation Agreement
- Identify representative from Allied Hospital
Association to sign agreement - Arrange to obtain signature of representative
4Section 2Creating an Effective Affiliated Society
- Like most good things in life, an effective
society isnt an accident. It takes hard works,
careful planning and the devotion of a group of
leaders committed to ensuring success. That
said, there are steps to take and plans to enact
which will make the outcome a bit more
5Section 2 (continued) Creating an Effective
Affiliated Society
- When/where should we meet?
- Establish a schedule and stick to it!
- Business meetings dont have to be boring
- Cover highlights, problem areas and financials
- Are Bylaws necessary?
- YES!
- Required by the AHA in order to affiliate
- Budget
- Establish financial policies early
6Section 2 (continued) Creating an Effective
Affiliated Society
- Membership Application
- Create own membership application
- Planning for Success
- Business Plan
- Operating Plan
- Defining Leadership Roles
- Effectiveness is related to quality of leadership
- Progression of chairs suggested require
president first serve as committee chair, next as
treasurer, and then president-elect
7Section 2 (continued) Creating an Effective
Affiliated Society
- Defining Leadership Roles (continued)
- President
- President-elect
- Treasurer
- Secretary
- Other Board of Directors, District Directors
- Committees
- Best way to keep a member is to get him/her
involved - Parliamentary Procedure
8Section 3Checklist for Organizing an Affiliated
- Establish a steering committee
- Contact regional board member to notify the
representative of your formation and to utilize
their assistance - Draft bylaws (sample C)
- Name the society
- Develop a membership application (sample D)
- Determine if you will charge dues
- Determine if you will allow vendor membership
- Determine meeting frequency and location
9Section 3 (continued)Checklist for Organizing an
Affiliated Society
- Establish a steering committee (continued)
- Apply for AHCAP/AHA affiliation
- Obtain affiliation agreement form from AHCAP
headquarters - 25 of society must be national (AHCAP) members
- Open a checking account
- Organize and hold a general membership meeting
- Approve the bylaws and elect officers
- Elect a chair-person to coordinate the societys
10Section 3 (continued)Checklist for Organizing an
Affiliated Society
- Recruit Members
- Determine geographic area of society
- Develop mailing list
- Steering Committee
- Draft letter of solicitation
- Draft letter for administrators to let them know
the benefits of AHCAP - Keep records of where letters sent
- Send second letter to administrators
- Divide lists of addresses and assign sections to
steering committee members for follow-up calls
- Establish Steering Committee
- Elect Chair person
- Name Society
- Draft Bylaws
12Section 4Suggested Activities for State
- Pay attention to member needs
- Deliver effective educational programs
- Create newsletterthat gets read!
13Section 5Maintaining Affiliation
- Documents to be provided to national AHCAP office
prior to November 1st of each year - Updated copy of society bylaws
- Current membership list
- Incoming President and Secretary contact
information - Documents to be provided to Affiliated Society
Chair - Affiliated society annual report by February 1st
of each year - Affiliated society update at the completion of
election for inclusion in AHCAP newsletter - Include society activities, dates of meetings,
14Next Steps Steering CommitteeCreate effective
affiliated society
- Target Date ________________
- Complete affiliation agreement process
- Obtain Affiliation Agreement
- Identify representative from Allied Hospital
Association - Make arrangements to obtain representative
signature - Finalize Bylaws
- Finalize membership application mail
solicitation letters to all state hospitals
15Next Steps Steering CommitteeCreate effective
affiliated society
- Target Date ________________
- Develop business plan/operating plan
- Define leadership roles/structure of society
- Officers
- Committees
16Next Steps Steering CommitteeCreate effective
affiliated society
- Target Date ________________
- Election of Officers
- Target Date ________________
- Officer Term Begins