Title: Integrating Wraparound into
1Module 12 Using the Wraparound Process In
Alternative Education Settings Lucille Eber Ed.D
Session 3 Integrating Wraparound into
Alternative Education Settings
2Wraparound as a Component of a School-wide
Positive Behavior Support System
Are elements of wraparound consistent with
approaches used in (alternative) schools for
all kids?
- Proactive?
- Strength-based?
- Culturally relevant?
- Team-based?
- Family centered?
- Voice, ownership?
- Natural supports?
3Designing School-Wide Systems for Student Success
Source www.pbis.org
4Wraparound works best within a proactive school
- The focus is on what we want to see from
students - Data is used to define needs and strategies
- A team focuses on how to rearrange the
environment - to make positive behavior more likely to occur
5School-based Wraparoundin IL Schools
Implementing School-wide systems of PBIS
- IL schools at full implementation of school-wide
PBIS - implement wraparound for individual students with
- complex needs at
- a higher frequency
- and with greater effectiveness
than schools not yet at full implementation of
Source IL PBIS 02-03 Progress Report
6t 11.11 (335) plt .0001
t 2.30 (27) p lt .03
Source IL PBIS 02-03 Progress Report
7Critical Shifts in Thinking Practice
Implementation school-wide as well as with
individual students requires
- From To
- Focus on deficits Focus on strengths
- Focus on problems Focus on needs
8Critical Shifts in Thinking Practice
- From To
- Professional centered student/family centered
- Assignment of services Individualized
9Identifying Students in Need of Individualized
Wraparound Planning Process
- First, ensure universal (i.e for all students)
components are - proactive and consistently applied
- identify and build on strengths of all students
daily - proactively involve family/student voice and
choice - include community-supports (natural and relevant
agencies) - are culturally relevant
Criteria to Consider for identifying individuals
for wrap
- Proactive strategies being used school-wide are
not enough - Needs at home and community as well as at school
- Multiple life domains (3 or more)
- Involvement with 2 or more agencies
- Other family members need connections with
community-based supports - Other??
10Building Capacity for Using Individualized
WraparoundPlanning in Schools
- Identify and train team facilitators
- Ongoing practice refinement and skill
development - Review data around outcomes of teams and plans
- Establish full-continuum of PBIS in schools
- Build interagency and community partnerships
See Handout 3.1