Title: Luke 24:1335
1Luke 2413-35 Are you also on the road to
2Justin Martyr (A.D. 100-165) First Apology
To Empror Antoninus Pius (A.D. 138-161)
3In our church the rich among us come to the aid
of the poor, and we always stick together. For
the many blessings we receive, we praise the
Creator of everything through his Son Jesus
Christ and through the Holy Spirit.
4On Sunday everyone who lives in the city or the
countryside gathers together in one place, where
the memoirs of the apostles or the writings of
the prophets are read for as long as time allows.
When the reader has finished, the leader of our
community gives a sermon in which he instructs us
and urges us to imitate these good teachings.
5Next we all stand up together and offer our
prayers. When the prayers are finished, bread and
wine mixed with water are brought to us, just as
I described above in the preceding chapters.
The leader offers his own prayers of thanksgiving
to the best of his ability, while the people
express their agreement by saying Amen.
6Then the elements over which prayers of
thanksgiving have been said are distributed to
everyone, and all partake of them. The deacons
also send portions to those who are absent that
7Those among us who are well off, if they are
willing, give an offering in whatever amount
seems appropriate to them. The leader holds the
collection money to be distributed as needed. He
provides aid to widows and orphans, to those who
are needy from sickness or some other cause, to
believers who are in prison for their faith, and
to Christians from other lands who may be staying
with us. Basically, our leader is a caretaker for
everyone in need.
8We hold our shared church service on Sunday
because it is the first day of the week. It was
on this day that God transformed the dark and
formless mattter to create our world.
9It was also on this day that our Savior Jesus
Christ rose from the dead. For he was crucified
on Friday, and he appeared on Sunday to his
apostles and disciples. The things that he taught
them I now offer to you for your serious
10Therefore O Emperor if my account of the
Christian religion makes it seem reasonable and
true, then give your respect to it. On the other
hand, if you deem it to be ridiculous, then
despise it as nonsense.
11But do not impose the death penalty on people who
have committed no crimesas if we were your
enemies. For I give you this advance warning You
will certainly not escape the coming judgment of
God if you persist in your injustice! But as for
us, our prayer is May Gods will be done.
12- It memorializes the atoning death of
- Jesus Christ.
- 2. It perpetuates the gospel of redeeming
- grace.
- 3. It celebrates and gives thanksgiving for
- Christs gift to us.
- 4. It acknowledges of His living presence
- in the act of worship.